A woman stood up in the aisle for her whole seven hour flight, according to another passenger on board who shared the incident online. The passenger was up whenever the seat belt sign was off. This was even her preferred position for watching a movie.
@envisionaries #onthisday ♬ original sound – ❧☙
Standing in the aisle, rather than back by a galley and lavatories, meant she was impeding traffic flow in the cabin, getting in the way of other passengers headed to lavatories and flight attendants performing service.
I certainly understand wanting to stand up during a long flight in coach. Modern ‘slimline’ seats take up less space in part by being less padded. I find some implementations, like United and even Southwest, to be hard enough that I’ll get a back ache on flights over 3 hours long. And we all know about deep vein thrombosis (‘economy class syndrome’)!
Ultimately I don’t think this is as bad as sticking your foot into someone else’s seating area, and she’s making the most of tight space on the aircraft. So while it’s an unusual choice, it’s only impeding flight attendants that’s problematic if she’s consistently in the way. But since she remains seated when the seat belt sign is illuminated this could certainly have been worse!
Nonetheless, for your own safety it’s better to remain belted when you don’t need to be up due to the risk of clear air turbulence. We’ve certainly seen plenty of flights with passengers and belongings unexpectedly strewn around a cabin.
Aftermath of major turbulence on AC19 today
byu/HefetzHashud inaircanada
(HT: Live and Let’s Fly)
I would guess she had back issues and this was the only way she may have been comfortable for that length of time.
I am sure the sit in the seat you bought (rented) crowd will chime in that she bought a seat, not an aisle, so she should be forced to sit in a seat the same as almost everyone (sarcasm).
A pest to everyone in her vicinity. I bet she was doing performative stretches and irritating pilates moves too.
“GTF away from my seat woman!”
What airline? What flight? Are we just reposting crappy tiktok videos now and calling it news? Amazing journalism!
Well I wish I had a world-viewed website focused on these things, because if I had, I’d have tried to contact that pax to find out why she chose to do that.
Unfortunately I do not. If only there were such a website.
Gary? Buehler? Gary?
I would put money on sciatica being the reason behind this. If you’ve ever had it, you know just how excruciating it can be to remain seated even for short periods of time. I agree that this would have been annoying, but she may have had little choice but to travel for good reasons we don’t know.
I remember one flight from Japan to the USA, an older gentleman, with a back brace never could sit still during the 12+ hour flight. He chose to sit in economy class, but he was surely suffering to save money.
Maybe he didn’t have money for business class. Most people in the world can’t afford to spend $5000+ for 6-20 hours of transport. Even among those who can afford $500 for 6-20 hours of transport, a large proportion of them probably can’t afford to pay ten times that amount. So they make the best of a poor situation. And by the way, even in business class there are some passengers who could be better off for standing up for more hours in the plane than sitting down.
Someone stood up on an airplane.
News at 11
Was the middle seat passenger smelly or offensive in some other way and she just did not want to be rude, impolite, or cause a scene? This video is barely worth the bytes it consumes without further insight regarding the situation. Perhaps she in advance mentioned to the crew she had a back problem and apologized she had to be up. Maybe it was staged by the video-grapher to get hits for the ladies clothes or get likes for who filmed her pronoun privilege as some reverse backsiders attempt to call it/us. Apparently though she was in the way a lot which does not make here entirely a team human player and that is not good etiquette either.
Americans have lost their minds.
Agreed, likely back issues caused this and I completely understand
Drugs, ofc.
I went to the 2004 Super Bowl at Reliant, and purchased 50 yard line seats. Among the glitterati in that section was Pauley Shore (big at the time) and a dude in sunglasses who stood for the entire game and ….faced the crowd, not once watching the game. The dude rocked back and forth and was a bigger show than either Janet Jackson’s wardrobe failure at halftime or the fake official you only saw if you were at the game.