Possible Largest Airport Brawl Ever Erupts At Atlanta’s Spirit Airlines Gates—Police Arrive After Everyone Flees

A brawl broke out Friday near Spirit Airlines gates in Atlanta. This wasn’t just a fight, it was a collective terminal velocity of fists. Dozens of travelers engaged in a melee, throwing punches and kicks in the crowded gate area. Parents can be seen frantically pulling their children away from the violence as the terminal filled with screams and commotion.

This incident, eligible perhaps for Guinness Book inclusion as largest recorded brawl at Atlanta’s airport, wasn’t sparked for any identifiable reason. It continued until everyone had fled the scene before law enforcement could arrive. Atlanta police reported that by the time officers reached the terminal, there were no suspects or victims present to provide information.

What’s striking though is how long it took for police to arrive. There are more cameras inside airports than almost anywhere else, and more law enforcement agencies at major international airports as well. That includes DEA, FBI, TSA, CBP, and local police – to name just a few. But then it was near a Spirit Airlines gate so maybe just didn’t stand out as that unusual? (“Spirit Airlines: We have kick-ass prices to your destination.”)

Airport officials have confirmed an ongoing investigation into the incident but hasn’t acknowledged or apologized for the slow response that may hinder consequences despite video evidence.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. This airline can’t go bankrupt fast enough. Let their “clientele” drive everywhere from now on- savages.

  2. Hmm, my first comment was removed, so I will try again. What is up with this “culture”. Are the majority violent and uncontrollable or is it the same ones we see everywhere? Obviously patting them on the head and telling them it is OK and not your fault is not working.


  3. Maybe one should carry a cane with them at the airport. They can board first and defend their self with it.

  4. This demographic has no business being anywhere near an airport..Let them stick to Greyhound for their travel needs. That’s what they’re best suited for.
    I’m sure the APD was in no big hurry to respond bc they knew what kind of folks would be there … can’t say I blame them

  5. It’s amazing how much hate and racism came out in the comments. Well, consider who the posters probably voted for as they wanted permission to say such things….I do hope they take a good look in the mirror someday. Anyway, these look like junior high school kids, and if you’ve ever been around members of that demographic (and it really doesn’t matter what their ethnicity is) you will know what an emotional mess they often are. I think a bigger question is where are in the adults in all this? It is unlikely that they were traveling on their own.

    (Heh, “Fled the scene.” That isn’t going to help them get where they were going. And how are their group organizers going to explain that?)

  6. A brawl on Spirit at ATL airport. You don’t say? So much for the belief Spirit can put the bottom of the barrel ULCC image and perception behind them.

  7. @drrichard – Congrats, I was waiting to see who would use racism and hate first.

    These black youth’s behavior is not acceptable. It is not racist to point out the race. Maybe this was just a Black History Month demonstration for those in the area.

    Pandering is what led to this. These adults need to be treated just as anyone would be.

  8. Were the passengers at the Atlanta Spirit Airlines departure gate fighting to prepare for their regular Friday night brawl at their chosen Spirit Airlines gate in Miami, Orlando, or Tampa?

  9. @ Michael Mainello — So you are a racist, but just wanted to let someone else be racist first. How kind of you.

  10. Airport authorities should require Spirit to pay for a LEO detail at all it’s gates and counters.

  11. Exhibit #537 on why you should never fly Spirit. Hitchhiking to your destination is a better option.

  12. Hahahahahhaha and to think Isom and Raja gutted AA’s product so they could chase this demographic! LMAOOOOO

  13. If TSA were eliminated, Gary would be reporting on the largest airport shootout in history. Certainly, TSA has its failings but it’s better than nothing at all . . . and I don’t mind paying for it via a user fee imposed on my ticket price.

  14. Don’t admit to Spirit that you witnessed this brawl. Or they will charge you $9.99 extra as entertainment charge.

  15. *THAT*’s what we’re calling a brawl? There’s a handful of people tugging at each other. At least one guy who seemed in the thick of it just walks away mid-‘fight’. Didn’t see even one punch thrown!

  16. @Gene, @Mike P – Denial is not a river in Egypt. Don’t confuse bliss with ignorance either.

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