[Roundup] After Baggage Carousel Breaks, Austin Passenger Retrieves Everyone’s Luggage

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • This happened, and it wasn’t Hertz Budget accuses woman of not returning a car – that she returned – and charged $5000 to her debit card.

  • After conspiring with Southwest and American Airlines to do a deal with Congress to reduce the number of gates at Love Field from 32 to 20, and using eminent domain to take and destroy the old Legend Airlines terminal, the City of Dallas is looking at the benefits of expanding airport gates again. They should do this but it would take moving legislation through Congress and would face opposition from neighborhood groups and both Southwest (which would face more competition at the airport) and American (which would face more competition at DFW for local traffic since Love Field is more convenient to downtown).

  • Quite a few American Airlines flight attendants are mad that they don’t get separate Covid leave if they test positive they can take sick leave but they’ll get attendance points. They’re unhappy that (1) pilots have a better than they do [pilots matter more to an airline and have far more leverage] and (2) other airlines are more generous. Odd though that the American flight attendants’ union is pointing out Delta’s non-union flight attendants get a better deal. What’s the value add of the APFA, exactly?

  • Expedia shareholders are unhappy with board member Chelsea Clinton She was re-eleced to the board but:

    Clinton, who has been an Expedia board member since 2017 and also serves as a director on Expedia chairman Barry Diller’s IAC, drew more votes withheld (89,360,639) than votes for (88,100,168) her reelection. Clinton, the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has been vice chair of the Clinton Foundation since 2013.

  • TikTok praises passenger that stepped up as baggage carousel breaks at Austin airport

    a viral TikTok showed how a passenger stepped up after one of the baggage carousels broke down. DAMmusicshow posted a video of a man grabbing the luggage stuck inside the baggage claim area. He even hopped onto the carousel and climbed to grab more.

    Watch on TikTok

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. That baggage “volunteer” did a good deed! He will be punished! Ugh, he could’ve been hurt! Think of the liability! The horror!

  2. Interesting irony about the Delta FA’s getting a better deal than union members with American when it’s the very existence of the union with AA and others that causes Delta to preempt them and forestall a unionization movement by offering better pay and benefits. If the unions died off, the threat would vanish and Delta would treat the FA’s much worse.

  3. A debit card is like leaving direct access to your savings and checking accounts for anyone to withdraw at their convenience
    Never would I ever have one
    Foolish completely no protections for consumers

  4. Never ever pay anything with a debit card unless you want to have your bank accounts over drawn. There is no reason to ever use a debit card there for is no credit protection no ability to do a charge back Best thing to do after renting a car international and domestic is tell your card company you lost your card and get a new one with a new number. So this can not happen

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