Scam Alert: American Airlines Passenger Extorted by Check-in Agent [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • American Airlines check-in agent in Managua scammed passenger

    In my flight from MGA – MIA, the check in agent told us our infant in arms had to have their own full price ticket and I would have to pay for it in cash.

    I was told if I didn’t pay it, he would close the flight and i would have to spend the night in Managua . At the end, he told me the taxes were also not paid, even though they were (my child made it to MGA and he was on my ticket), I would have to pay another $100. I have both receipts and CS has also confirmed that it was previously paid. When i told him the req#, he said he didn’t care and told me I had to pay it before the flight door closed. I did to get my family home.

    It’s like this:

    I see this in the Philippines with gate agents…”There is a US $50 carry on fee for your bag.” “I’m sorry, what?” “Your carry on from the USA to Manila is free, but not the return trip, it’s a common mistake.” “I only have a $20.” “Well, ok you seem like a nice guy, so I’ll discount you.” [Takes $20]

    Cash is a clear giveaway if you didn’t know this was wrong. Always insist on a receipt, and get the agent’s name.

  • American Airlines leads the industry in lost luggage.

  • Passenger bringing their authentic self to the airport.

  • Reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink.

    The seats on the ferry from St. Kitts to St. Eustatius.
    byu/adams361 indelta

  • United adding Newark – Cyprus next year?

  • Naples airport is just two miles from central Naples, far more convenient than flying into Fort Myers.

    The airport doesn’t currently have commercial service, but used to see American Eagle flights from Miami (ceased before 9/11); US Airways Express service to Tampa (which ended in 2003); and Delta Connection flights to Atlanta in the mid-aughts among others. The end of 30-seat turboprop flying for major airlines made the airport challenging even with revenue guarantees from the city. JSX is adding service from Westchester and Morristown, NJ.

    Locals want to move the airport so no one will use it. (HT: Enilria)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Solution to all “cash” requests – Start filming them on your phone. Watch problem go away. Send video to corporate anyway. Save a future passenger the problem.

  2. Regrettably, we find ourselves increasingly entrenched in a world where dishonesty, fraud, and theft are rampant, driven by the pursuit of personal gain. Observing our leaders and the affluent engaging in such behaviors, many feel justified in following suit.

    Beyond blatant scams involving airline employees, these unethical practices manifest in subtle ways—hidden charges added to restaurant bills, the expectation of exorbitant tips for services that traditionally required none, shrinkflation in the products we buy, and extreme inflation on most products and services without justification.

    It is disheartening to acknowledge, but we may be witnessing the early stages of the decline of Western society. This troubling trend appears to be just the beginning.

  3. My mother had a story she’d repeat on occasion to make the “made your bed” point. My parents had a couple that were their closest friends. The couple told them one day they were moving from our area (south suburbs of Chicago) to the ORD area. Why? That was the time of MDW becoming less important and ORD being “the” Chicago airport. For many years after that the couple regularly complained about the noise and traffic ORD created. The Naples airport has been around for more than 80 years. How many nearby residents have lived at that same location prior to 1943?

    The OP on the MGA scam never did say how he paid the scammed money, though I assume it would have to be cash. My first response would be “sure, but I don’t have cash, but have this CC.”

  4. “Sorry, you didn’t reconfirm your reservation for the return … it’s been canceled.” Happened twice in Africa, once in Puerto Vallarta. No use arguing, hand over some money.

  5. @Mark M,

    This isn’t the decline of Western society. Notice it’s happening abroad, where it always happened. Does it happen here? On occasion, just as it always has. Film it. Report it.

  6. Expect anything in the Philippines. Several years ago, going through Manila, I transferred from one Philippine Air to another when a “so-called agent” tried to stop me, stating he needed to weigh my carry-on bag. I kept walking, and he tried to grab my bag. I’m 6’4″; I turned around and told him it would be very unhealthy for him to touch my *%#% bag! He hollered he was going to get security! There happened to be a police officer just off to my side. I glanced over, expecting him to grab me, and he quickly turned in the other direction!
    As for flying on Philippine Air, I would rather swim.

  7. I don’t carry cash. Just point your camera at them and give them your credit card. “You can charge the excess fees on this.”

  8. Because of incidents like this in many other industries, one might note that a lot are going “cashless”. Many restaurants in the US, along with flag carriers, will only accept credit cards at all of their stations and onboard. While the credit card fee takes a bit out of the money, that fee is considerably less than the losses caused by swindlers. The downside is for those who have poor credit and can’t get a credit card. All the more reason to never get yourself into a situation where your “costs exceed your take-home pay”. Well, the exception is for the college student who gets a worthless degree and then complains that they can’t afford the loan payments. President Paw Paw will bail them out.

  9. @ Win – And President Satan will get us all killed. Which do you suppose is worse?

    But, never fear, it looks like the conspiracy theorists were correct for a change. We will soon get a new Denocrat (hopefully name Obama) to kick the moron’s a**. I’m sure he will enjoy NY prison.

  10. to be clear, according to US DOT data, AA and UA have the same rate of lost baggage for the first 3 months of 2024, the most recent data available. and both are at the bottom of the list for US airlines.

    AA loses more luggage because it carries more passengers and baggage.
    And AS, AA and UA are all worse than US industry average for the first 3 months; the rest of the industry is below average in rates of mishandling.

  11. @Gene, So, in a post that includes a link about AA lost luggage, Tim Dunn adds some info about lost luggage with AA and others. This follows a post by you that is off point. So, in regards to your last two posts: “Why this comment? Really needed?”

  12. @ Dave W — Tim’s comment might as well have blathered on about Delta’s premium Delta’s baggage handling.

  13. I have always found it interesting that people who buy homes in the vicinity of an airport suddenly complain loudly and often that the airplanes are noisy. Yet did they not notice airplanes landing and taking off when they were looking for that home? I was thoroughly amused in the 90’s when I worked at Midway Airport in Chicago. Nearly every Saturday morning the local residents picketed around the airport complaining of the noise. Since that airport had been been in operation since the 1920’s, I figured the ones who moved there prior to the airport being built most likely could no longer hear the planes. Those who were more recent residents had no excuse since someone did not just drop an airport in their neighborhood while they slept. However, they still complain to this day.

  14. Gene, if AA loses a higher QUANTITY of luggage but a lower PERCENT of total luggage, then it’s extremely relevant to point that out. The comment about QUANTITY would be absolutely misleading.

    I hate when people use misleading statistics to manipulate opinion. It’s deceptive. It’s no different than the other practices by the so-called swindlers.

    The % of successful luggage delivery is what would matter to a passenger. i.e On which airline does a passenger have the best chance of getting their luggage delivered.

  15. To “Gene”: Please explain to me what my comment regarding the taxpayers paying for the president’s buying votes by paying off loans for worthless degrees isn’t true. As a Veteran, I’m concerned about the treatment of our Veterans under the current administration. The president claims that he’s done more for Veterans than anyone. “I’ve been all over the world with you.” Yeah, where? “I’ve been in and out of battles.” Yeah, which ones. Oh, how about that disastrous pull out of Afghanistan that left soldiers dead, left Americans behind along with billions worth of military equipment. How about standing at the foot of a C-17 as the caskets were being unloaded and looking at your watch as though, “Geeze, when will this be over?”. “President Satan” (as you call him) isn’t a Veteran either, nor Mr. Obama nor Mr. Clinton. When did “President Satan” try to divert money intended for the Veterans Administration to helping illegal immigrants? I’m pinching my nose to vote for either but one must admit that Xi, Putin, Un, and the ayatollahs do not want “President Satan” in power because he will put a tighter lid on them. “President Satan” didn’t give Iran the frozen assets back “for humanitarian use only” did he? Look where that got us! One only has to look at the wallet at the end of the month and see that four years ago we didn’t have run away inflation. Four years ago, the border was way more secure than it is now. Another 9/11/01 is not a question of “if” but “when”. Yeah, “President Satan” is no saint…that’s for sure. But I have to look past the fact that he’s a buffoon and see that what he stands for as America IS the greatest country in the world. Read the Constitution. It’s not an easy read but it is worthwhile reading.

  16. Most agents aren’t airline employees at airports like that unless it’s a hub or major destination for the airline. Likely some third-party fee agent so it’s not surprising.

  17. @Win

    Well, by planning to vote for Trump, you’ve shown yourself to be far more gullible and likely to fall prey to scam artists than the passenger in Managua

  18. @ Win — President Satan was the most disrespectful, disgraceful, disgusting President towards veterans in US hitsory. He called them suckers and losers, remember?

    You say that the current President has treated veterans poorly. Are you joking? Ever heard of the PACT Act? And, you do realize the VA Choice has started by Obama in 2014 and ended by Satan in 2019? And, are you aware that the agreement to withdraw from Afghanistan was put in place by Satan? Stop listening to all the lies and start reading the facts.

    If you care about veterans, why on earth would you support the pathological liar monster DJT?

  19. This is a disturbing situation and highlights the importance of being vigilant during travel. Incidents like this are a stark reminder of the potential pitfalls in the travel process. Thankfully, with travel agencies like UpTheSkies, you can avoid such issues. They provide dedicated, personalized service, ensuring every aspect of your travel is handled professionally and securely, giving you peace of mind and a hassle-free experience.

  20. @Win. The obsession with having to insert a political statement into every single aspect of normal life is a disease. See a therapist.

  21. I for one have never run into these types of situations at airports during old times travels,but if at any time it does come up,you can expect that the situation will not go in the favour of any Shady airline agents because I would choose to turn their Disgracefull actions back on them and expose them to the world and once that happens,then they would truelly be Screwed

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