Shamed in Business Class: Woman Refuses to Swap Seat with Child, Endures Flight Attendant’s Scorn

A woman sitting in business class was approached by a flight attendant before departure. The passenger says that the flight attendant asked her if she’d switch seats with a six year old in economy.

  • The mother was in business class
  • A ‘booking glitch’ caused her child to be booked in coach
  • And they needed to sit together

The woman who was asked to be moved said no. They got into a debate about which passenger would appreciate the experience more – the 21 year old who had never flown up front before, or the… six year old. That, of course, was beside the point.

  • A ‘booking error’ should have been handled at the gate, not on board by a flight attendant
  • The mother could downgrade – trade her business class seat with the coach passenger seated by her child. She didn’t want to give up her premium cabin seat, but expected a stranger to give up hers!
  • The woman was sitting in the cabin with her boyfriend, who bought the seat.
  • And the airline wasn’t even offering compensation for the downgrade

Naturally she declined the request. Her boyfriend dropped I ‘don’t you know who I am’ since he bought the tickets, is a Platinum member of the airline’s frequent flyer program, and “book[s] all of his company’s business trip flights with the airline.”

The woman shares that “throughout the flight, I could feel the flight attendant glaring at me every time she passed by.”

Now, the airline isn’t disclosed other than to say that they had taken two twelve-hour flights and that the airline’s premium cabin is “very high rated.” That sounds like a Mideast airline (probabilistically). It’s certainly not a U.S. airline. If it was a South Asian one I’d guess that the flight attendant was trying to get a friend upgraded into the young woman’s seat, and that the passenger seemed like someone who could be bullied into a downgrade. I’d be shocked to see that happen on Qatar or Emirates.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Without identification of airline, route, date/ time, etc, why even post this? It could be totally apocryphal! What’s the point of this?

  2. Doesn’t it always boil down to the same thing? “I want to sit next to whoever, could you downgrade?” “But you could downgrade and sit next to them.” “What idiot would downgrade?”

  3. This is someone karma farming on Reddit – getting fake internet points. The story is entirely made up and I am surprised you couldn’t tell that and went as far as to make it into a post. This eats at your credibility.

  4. I read the post and it’s totally made up. Full of inconsistencies and total crap. Yes, she’s TA for subjecting Reddit to a phony tale designed to collect clicks.

    Funny how the bulkhead seat guy swallowed this hook, line and sinker! 😀

  5. The mother has a lot of nerve to ask the other lady to downgrade. The correct option was to have her switch with the person seated next to the daughter in Economy. Most people would take that trade.
    The flight attendant should be demoted.

  6. No booking glitch, the parents didn’t want to pay for the upgrade. This is the second time I heard, first one was in China.

  7. @Bob it is 100% made up and someone who travels as much as Gary knows it is made up. The comments on the post say it is fake. The follow up comments by the author make it even more clear it is made up. The only reason this crap gets posted here is for rage click engagement.

  8. Why do we care what the flight attendant think ?
    She bought the business class ticket, it is hers

  9. That FA has a brain the size of a pea. It’s beyond me why a pax would care if an FA ‘approved of them’ or not. This story may be a bit of a fairy tale.

  10. No flight attendant will ever try to force a PAX to downgrade to economy just to accommodate a PAX booked in economy to get an upgrade seat for whatever reason. The story is just not true.

  11. If it were me, the ONLY way I would switch is if they refunded me the WHOLE cost of the seat and gave me a free business class ticket for next time! I would get that in writing, so they couldn’t screw me over! Not MY mistake!

  12. “Gotta love all of these people who ‘know’ the story is fake. ”

    I know! Them and their common sense.

  13. It very likely didn’t happen. But if it did, the flight attendant was out of line.

  14. And there was nobody else in business class to ask?
    Anyways, the mother should have sacrificed her comfort for her child.
    Bad mama!

  15. Fake or not, it always doesn’t surprise me that the requesting pax doesn’t start laying out the Benjamin’s.
    She’s in BC so can probably afford to spread the love.
    Man, people suck too much these days…..

  16. Gary: Please don’t post anonymous tales from Reddit, like this one, on your blog. Many of them are suspected to be fictional.

  17. This tale stinks. It’s painfully obviously a fake. I’m a bit disappointed that you wrote about it.

  18. Why do you have a slap at the crews on South Asian airlines? Do you have information to share about their performance?

  19. It’s not fake, it’s a reality that happened to me flying from Hawaii to Las Vegas with Hawaiian airlines.
    A family of 5 parent and 3 young children’s, they supposed to sit in economy class as the tickets they purchased. But the airlines messed up the booking and try to put them in FIRST CLASS. I had 2 tickets for first class with my husband, they call my last name at the gate via loudspeaker, and asking me to give up my first class seats to switch with them, because the boys wanted to sit in first class by the windows, that’s so wrong, that they think they entitled to have me switch with them in economy class.
    At the end maybe someone give the seat to them, and that trip is a trip from hell. The boy was screaming, kicking my husband seat, running back and forth the isle during the 5 hours sleep, non stop. Parents didn’t do nothing or discipline the kids.
    I swear I never fly Hawaiian airlines for this incident and allowed them in first class disturbing the whole first class cabin.
    Poor judgment on them

  20. Comment about South Asian airlines is so totally racist! Author should be fired!

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