On December 7 the captain of a Southwest Airlines flight from Oakland to Kansas City announced a congratulations to all the passengers onboard for cleaning the plane out of booze.
Many of the passengers were Oakland Raiders fans, traveling to their team’s game against the Kansas City Chiefs. Sportwriter Jimmy Durkin was on the flight and tweeted,
Twitter was then concerned that it was Raiders players doing the drinking, as though players were taking a Southwest Airlines scheduled commercial flight (uh, no).
While most 3 hour 20 minute flights don’t run out of alcohol, I’ve been on board an American Airlines charter flight that ran out of booze before takeoff during a departure delay. They raided the alcohol from surrounding aircraft and the station manager sent someone to a liquor store at the end of the tarmac (I was impressed he could expedite it through security). We ran an charity auction for the limited supply of onboard champagne during the delay.
The most impressive thing here though is passengers drinking all the alcohol without serious incident and inebriated passengers even managed to use the lavatory through the flight without incident.
(HT: Alan H.)
Fortunately for the Cowboys, Southwest Airlines will be the only Dallas-based organization to be decimated by the Raiders this winter.
obviously there were no KC fans on that flight ……