Starwood’s first quarter promotion — January 15 through April 15, — will give you 2,000 bonus points for every four eligible nights (up to 8,000 points max after staying 16 nights during the promotion period) and then an additional 10,000 bonus points after completing 20 nights. That’s a top prize of 18,000 bonus points after 20 nights.

Registration is required and will open sometime in early January. You can sign up to get a text message reminder.
Ultimately a bit of a snoozer for a winter promo. Every fourth night you get 500 bonus points per night retroactively. It’s not even 500 bonus points per night if you don’t hit those 4th night plateaus. For heavy stayers nights 17 through 20 are well-rewarded with 10,000 bonus points though.
(HT: Notiflyer)
Thanks for sharing I think 🙂
Wow I am overwhelmed by their new years
Just think I can spend 20 nights in their vastly and frequently overpriced hotels to almost get a free night in one of their better hotels with my bonus points.I will be staying in at least 3 alternative guest programs during thatime frame.As the SPG diehards who have to stay SPG pay their way for a free night for a mere 2000 to 4000 plus dollars to earn their free night.
Yawn SPG makes Hilton look like generous gods these days
So sad
Wow, not much to look forward to from SPG for Q1…
If you can combine it with the Le Meridien promo until the end of Feb it’s OK.
I sure hope the other chain’s will offer something better for Q1 next year.
Yeah that 20 night hurdle for the 10,000 point balloon bump is high… I’m going for Platinum next year again but with the two Amex SPG cards that means I’ve got to get to 40 nights over the whole year. 20 nights in a 3-month period with little notice (its already a bit late to make reservations early in the year some of the places I stay–I booked my stays through the end of February some time ago) is tough.
I will admit it got me going on my SPG stays that I’ve been putting off, waiting for my company’s travel department to negotiate the rate for next year. I don’t think I can get past 14 nights or so. Too many of the hotels I looked at are booked up already. I’ll get to Platinum before the years out, no worries, but there’s no way I can get much out of this promo.
For 14 nights at $169/nt or almost $2400 I’ll get a bonus of 3 x 4 nights or 6,000 points. A one night stay at this hotel runs about 7,000 points, so almost a single free extra night at a decent business hotel. Nice but agree with @GWonder above, not really that impressive.
Thanks Glenn
Off topic for certain
SPG lost me in so many ways
The stingy promotions just reinforced those reasons
I stopped staying with them with any frequency.
I spend tens of thousands elsewhere that once was mostlty theirs
SPG has fallen far from its pinnacle
The hotels are overpriced for redemption
It was a pleasure when many of the good hotels were cat 3 and 4.But that hi seasonal nonsense for cat 5 and up?
I prefer redeeming in Hyatt Hilton and Priority Club one flat rate year round and I feel the awards are somehow more honest value overall and always consistent in redemption costs regardless of the property.
Especially with the generous rebates on Priority Club and Hilton redemptions with their co branded Credit cards
just whipping SPG into pulp fiction with the discounts on redemptions
If one likes SPG hotels over most other brands then I guess its all good.I also left Starwood Hotels from too many perfumed scented lobbies that stink and the platform beds that replaced the classic wonderful W bed
Of course they still have their select group of Standout properties none the less if one is willing to pay 40% more frequently then something is worth
That Hilton sale that Gary shared with us shows just what a rip off so many SPG hotels never see sales like that.They are always like a giant Ponzi scheme
and non refundable
I have a real love hate relationship with Starwood I doubt it will ever live up to my own perception of a great company to do business with.Though IMO it once was a fantastic company.Its a rainy day group of brands to me at best
Are cash and points stays or free award nights eligible? It says pay an eligible Rate so I suspect not. Clarification appreciated, thank you.
@Andrew – nope, award redemptions are generally not eligible for such promotions
well. i am staying at spg anyway. so i 500 free points is great.
lets see, there will be more great promos end of the year 2013.
Gary, do 2 rooms reserved for 1 night count as 1 night or 2 nights?
Useful for those whose stays are paid for by someone else, like an employer.