I’ll occasionally take to Twitter to vent frustrations during my travels. And I tend towards the sarcastic.
But I don’t do this.

The girl then freaks out.

In the movie Airplane! a passenger calls out to his friend, “Hi Jack!” and is immediately taken down as a security threat. And that was pre-9/11.
One commenter notes that you know you’ve screwed up “when you make American Airlines look good by comparison.”
I mean, I get that Sarah was probably in the process of planning a oneworld explorer award and all… but a hashtag would probably work better.
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Love the Airplane deleted clip! I have to see what else did not make the cut. Can’t believe that didn’t make it but the horse in bed did…
– American Airlines, how may I help you?
– Hello, my name is Ibrahim and I’m from Afganistan
– Please do not hang up while we’re reporting you to the FBI
What a moron. Anyone dumb enough to pull something like this deserves all the crap they’re going to get.
Kind of a stupid response though, as from a tweet AA cannot possibly get her “IP Address” (Twitter itself can). I feel like “IP Address” is now a term thrown around by people who don’t know what they’re talking about to sound tough.
You can’t fix stupid.
Twitter would surrender the IP addresses of any messages from that user if asked by the FBI, whom American would have referred this threat. which they also have their information from when they registered with Twitter…They will do this with no issue, per the Patriot Act, which is still in effect. No warrant required. Just sayin…..
Ouch. I wonder what’s next
Oh mine, this really crack me up. Thanks Gary to make my day and hopefully poor Sarah will be all right. But I still hate AA very much to eliminate Explorer award. Gary can you please tell AA upper management that members are very angry and will throw shoes to them if they keep doing things so nasty!
She just needs a good lawyer. She did not explicitly make a threat, although she is pretty darn close.
@Ben – Exactly. They could have just as well claimed to have recorded her magnetic footprint.
what a shock it will be when they track that ‘ip address’ of @QueenDemetriax_ ‘Sarah’ to a mobile account in Dallas- just DUI Dougie Parker throwin some back, takin a drive and havin some fun after an awesome powerful week…
Looks like “home-girl” got her ass put in jail over it: http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Dutch-Girl-Arrested-for-American-Airlines-Terror-Tweet-255187111.html?_osource=SocialFlowFB_DFWBrand
@abby – yeah, now if only her threat involved something about the unannounced changes, then AA would get some very unwelcome worldwide attention about a threat due to changes. While not good that she did this at all (really freakin’ stupid actually), should have at least made it worth the jail time ha.
She was actually arrested… and she is 14.
In Dutch: http://www.nu.nl/binnenland/3751706/nederlandse-14-aangehouden-dreigtweet.html
In English: http://www.cnbc.com/id/101581502
As an Afghan, I’m offended by this moron. Glad she got what she deserved! I hear they have a juvenile section at Bagram hehe.
@Ozaer, oh please….stop with the “As an _____” comments. Can’t anyone just be offended and without having to tell the everyone of their own special status?