The $6 Million Justin Timberlake Snub At New Las Vegas Fontainbleau Resort [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Your take on the Israel Palestinian conflict is sadly biased and very poorly framed. No need to discuss that on this blog given your clear misunderstanding.

  2. The quickest and easiest way for BA to upgrade its website would be to buy the software from United and rebrand it.

  3. Why is this story on a travel blog?

    What does this story have to do with a travel blog: Adjusted for population, the death toll in Israel from the October 7th attack was equivalent to more than ten 9/11s. While difficult to watch, the Israeli response is more muted than the U.S. response 22 years ago.

    Its your blog, yes, but you’re destroying it

  4. I wonder if BA’s IT investments will be shared across EI and IB. Lord know they could use them, too.

  5. @Henry why is blocking access to LAX on my blog..? And what’s the context of the protest?

    You complain rather than offer any substantive disagreement with the assessment, which is telling.

  6. @Bob Grieves – “biased” = conflicts with how you mood affiliate, “clear misunderstanding” = cannot articulate anything inaccurate in what I’ve written.

  7. If any of those idiotic protestors block my acces to LAX, I will gladly run the bastards over. Your numbers of dead Israelis in relation to our dead of 9/11 should clearly wake people up as to what kind of animals Hamas and their affiliates are. If anyone thinks it is not appropriate for your blog or any others to discuss this, they can just go back to burying their head in the sand and keep their opinions to themselves.

  8. This blog would be so much better without the unnecessary and often hard-to-stomach political commentary.

  9. 100% in support of Gary’s position on the conflict. And I also quite liked his replies to comments by (uninformed) readers who personify all emotion, no facts, pro-Hamas sentiments.

  10. ” the Israeli response is more muted than the U.S. response 22 years ago:”
    The US response was a massive disaster. Odds are, the Isreali response will be viewed the same (maybe more “muted” due to the tiny size Gaza).

  11. @Gary – I agree with some of the previous comments that maybe easing away from politics might be a better way. I’ll go captain obvious here but if you’re wondering why all you have to do is read what people who either agree with or disagree with are saying in your comments.

  12. @Gary I don’t know what Bob was referring to, but you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about: “ the Israeli response is more muted than the U.S. response 22 years ago.”

    The US invasion of Afghanistan (the takeover across the first 2-3 months) cost maybe 2k lives according to the Cost of War/Brown University. And just a few US military lives.

    Israel has likely killed tens of thousands of civilians in the same timeframe.

    Why create a forced and false equivalency to justify the actions of Israel? You’re trying to leverage people’s perceptions of 15 years of US war in AFG rather than the initial invasion. Do better.

  13. @James Gibson – if you want to cite post-9/11 carnage using data from the Cost Of War project, then do so honestly. For instance:

    “As of March 2023, more than 70,000 Afghan and Pakistani civilians are estimated to have died as a direct result of the war.”

    “There have been between 280,771-315,190 Iraqi civilians killed by direct violence since the U.S. invasion.”

  14. For 50 years, the Likud party also used the slogan: “Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty”. Which really isn’t the right thing to say either!

    Israel’s problem is not only Hamas, but also Netanyahu, who has totally failed in protecting Israel. Netanyahu was more concerned with changing the court system than paying attention to military warnings.

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