The Strangest American Airlines Meal, “These Two Ingredients Don’t Belong Together” [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • American Airlines is serving Chinese scallion pancakes with hoisin sauce and… mozzarella?
    • Chinese scallion pancakes with mozzarella
    • Cheese and hoisin sauce

    I get wanting to offer dishes that meet tastes prevalent in both local markets, but usually you do that with different dishes not by randomly combining ingredients into the same dish. This dish was around back in 2018 on departures from Shanghai.

    I’ve had American Airlines meals with three salads on the same tray, and I’m still convinced this is the strangest choice the airline offers.

  • How on earth did I miss this a few weeks back? Oh my.

  • JetBlue retired its first plane.

  • Two women had an argued on board Southwest Airlines after one of them was said to be rude to a flight attendant. She was kicked off the flight – but claimed not to mind because she “can afford a second flight” while claiming the other passenger cannot – to which that passenger replied, “M’am, this is Southwest.” The implication being that if either could afford a second flight, they wouldn’t be on board Southwest in the first place.. Heh.

    @sofiarubio480 The plane turned back around to drop her off to the police 😭 #fyp #delayedflight #karen #police #burbank #cali #california #southwestairlines #airport #FYP ♬ original sound – Sofía

  • It’s a good thing this flight attendant isn’t a Hebrew speaker.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I mean in fairness, it’s not like Southwest is the least expensive airline to fly anymore, or even close to it. It’s often more expensive than the legacies.

    Regardless of being able to buy another ticket, you might still take it if it’s operating a non-stop that other airlines don’t offer.

  2. Clearly you didn’t read that it is Chinese Scallion Pancake LASAGNA. It’s lasagna, of course it has mozzarella! What Chinese grandmother doesn’t make lasagna without mozzarella?

  3. My wife is Chinese and we always have a good supply of scallion pancakes in the freezer, perfect for a weeknd breakfast. I sometimes sprinkle or grate fresh parmesan cheese on top when I grill it and it actually goes together well and makes for a cheesy crispy treat. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it

  4. Avoiding cheese (for those of who don’t care for it, or can’t eat it) can be a challenge when pre-selecting a complimentary meal is not possible.

    I recall an international trip in coach on United, where both the meat and vegetarian option was suspended in gobs of gooey yeasty cheese

    I ate the side salad and the cookie.

  5. Gary turn off the darn pop ups so I can read this. Hate this blogs pop ups that goof up the scrolling

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