The Trader Joe’s Room Service Scandal: Luxury or Scam? [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Luxury room service?

    How much luxury room service did she expect from a hotel with a communal refrigerator?

  2. Reminds me of the local “Muffin Lady” at our farmers market who got busted just repackaging and selling Costco muffins at a 200% premium.

  3. Kiribati: Can’t blame them for the town names. Until 1962 we and the British used the island as a nuclear testing site, without evacuating the local population. The place names could have been given by the Americans and British test personnel. Cute response from their government.

  4. I hope SIA comes out with a new Business Class seat. Most ppl complain about the footwell. Not me – I hate the whole flip down seat thing. I want to be able to control the angle I’m at. I don’t know why ppl rave about SIA so much. I don’t even like SIA food. Shocker: I would rather fly AA long haul with the bAAsic food and bAAsic service to have a better seat and critically better WiFi. We used to fly SIA once or twice a year but now we fly EVA instead when we go to Asia.

  5. Joseph

    I’m with you there. We flew the 18 hr non stop SIA with the curved foot well recently and never been so miserable on a plane.

  6. Those TJ frozen pastas are great. I’ve had far worse room service. Not to mention that they are better than anything I’ve had in Polaris.

  7. I mean it’s not Lean Cuisine from the 1990s.

    TJ’s is known for tasty frozen food. It looks like the hotel made at least a token effort to add a garnish.

    Chain restaurant food (Chili’s, Applebee’s, Red Lobster and the like) are majority frozen and reheated. It’s just not sold under the Trader Joe’s label.

  8. What hotel, luxury or Motel 6, has a communal refrigerator?

    Perhaps these are offered for sale in the lobby’s pantry or market.

    If you order room service, you deserve the price charged, especially when you could have don’t it yourself. It takes labor to serve it to you.

  9. Obviously this Elle person is ignorant of the cost of doing business. The food was delicious and it was priced about right. As for a communal refrigerator at a nice hotel? Major gaffe. But she had her 15 minutes of fame, and that’s all that matters.

    As for the Air Serbia jet damage, how does one ‘hit objects behind the runway’ with an airplane? Not sure how one puts a jet in reverse.

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