This Frontier Airlines Passenger’s Giant MAGA Hat Wasn’t The Issue—But Panda Express At Dawn Turned Heads

Dallas-based right wing YouTube personality Alex Stein walked through the E concourse of Dallas – Fort Worth airport wearing a clown-sized Make America Great Again hat and filming his interactions with other passengers, before boarding his Frontier Airlines flight to Las Vegas with the hat on. It appears dark outside, this is an early departure, too early for this.

Most of the interactions he shows us in the clip were positive. It’s not clear how much selective editing is happening here. Not everyone likes it, but everyone was polite, and no conflicts escalated. I’m rather partial to the woman on board that he asked, “What, you don’t like Trump?” She simply replies, “nice quiet flight.” Amen.

He’s carrying something from Panda Express before six o’clock in the morning. Even though they aren’t serving Chinese food that early, I don’t think he’s doing his part to Make America Great through his culinary choices. I’d add that in the past people have gotten kicked off of planes for MAGA hats, but it seems that on Frontier it’s more accepted?

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Isn’t taking Panda Express food on an early morning flight against the Geneva Conventions or something?

  2. I don’t do hats, but I do own a couple “funny” Trump T-Shirts which I wear. My recent one this year, is a photo of Trump holding a box of Kleenex. (For the Post-Election Liberal tears off course)

    I’ve only had positive reactions while wearing it. I’m sure people didn’t like it, but those thoughts were kept to themselves.

  3. @Manger “I’m sure people didn’t like it, but those thoughts were kept to themselves.”

    No, people didn’t notice or didn’t care. Trying (and failing) to “own the libs” is a fool’s errand and a sad choice.

  4. Stein is funny with his city counsel stunts and trolling of that dude Britney Griner, but he’s often very obnoxious.

  5. Dinner time!! I value freedom of expression, and regularly tolerate MAGA paraphernalia every day out in the real world. I do not bark at them. There is a paradox of tolerance, though, where MAGA, like other four-letter acronyms from history, advocates for ‘mass deportations’ and ultimately ‘exterminating’ groups of so-called ‘illegals’. So, the parallel here would be, would MAGA tolerate me wearing an ‘eat the rich’ t-shirt. Doubtful. Also, while free expression should be allowed, so long as it is not an eminent call to violence, there are still consequences to wearing things that insight rage from others. Like, do you really want to get punched in the face—no thanks. I eagerly await your ‘good-faith’ counterpoints… ye typical foes! I thirst for your ad hominem attacks!

  6. …”mass deportations”? IF you came into this country in a legal manner…I have NO PROBLEMS. You sneak into the country… I HAVE A PROBLEM! There are people who remember the attack on Pearl Harbor. Did we learn anything thing from that? Yep. Did this country do some things for Japanese legal citizens of this country that were WRONG? Yes…and that was WRONG. Now comes September 11, 2001. It was the most horrific act of violence on this country since December 7, 1941.The Twin Towers bombing several years prior should have been a wake up call. But, it wasn’t and…well…! So here are the open borders letting gawd knows who into the country. Un-vetted migrants who are leeching from the citizens and the legal immigrants who pay their taxes and EXPECT the government to protect us from harm. So, these people coming across the border are NOT “so-called illegals”. They ARE in our country ILLEGALLY…PERIOD!

  7. I looked up Panda Express. Wikipedia said “Panda Express is an American fast food restaurant chain that specializes in American Chinese cuisine.” As American as bagels and pizza from New York City.

  8. @Win Whitmire

    Thank you. I needed a good laugh. Just remember, next time you drive 36 in a 35 mph zone, you, sir, are ‘illegal’ too. Now, should the punishment be a mere warning, a financial penalty, an arrest, a deportation, or an execution? Will there be due process, or is this one of those extra-judicial killings of unarmed… Your ‘team’ gets to decide soon. Based on your ALL CAPS response, I suspect you’d prefer an aggressive enforcement of whatever new or old rules you wish to impose, human dignity and posterity be damned. Your word “Leeching,” and words like ‘vermin’ are purposely dehumanizing. Makes it easier to commit atrocities. Why not go full-Rwanda and say ‘cockroaches’ while you are at it. Just beware of such overreach. History is not kind, depending on the ultimate victors. If only there were ways to grift off this hate… oh, wait.

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