A viral TikTok trend has emerged called “airport theory” that advises arriving at the airport just 15 minutes prior to departure – the claim is that you can still make it through security and board before the doors close.
Of course most airlines will give away your seat if someone is standing by for it 15 minutes prior to departure, and close the doors 10 minutes out. So 15 minutes is a bit of an exaggeration. But the general sentiment is right, but the advice – especially for people likely to receive it on TikTok – is not.
@itslexismith testing airport theory at LAX
However, not all attempts are successful—there are clear instances where travelers missed their flights. Reportedly the TikTok trend has led to a dramatic spike in online searches for missed flights.
@jenny_kurtzz i would not recommend ✈️ #airporttheory #airport #flying #fyp #lifehack #tipsandtricks ♬ son original – tswiftmusic
I frequently say that there’s no reason for many people to show up at the airport 2.5 hours prior to a domestic flight. Airlines and airports give very conservative guidance because (1) they don’t want to be blamed by outlier cases where someone shows up closer to departure and misses their flight, and (2) they benefit from people who are there earlier, ready to travel, and spending money at the retail shops while they wait.
However, the amount of time you should arrive prior to departure depends on:
- Checked bags. That adds time to your airport journey. How much time depends on whether you’re flying coach or in a premium cabin, whether you have status with the airline, and whether there are other options like curbside check-in that you could pay for in a pinch.
- Priority security. If you have PreCheck or CLEAR or both – and these are going to be available to you – there’s less risk that security will take inordinately long to get through. The biggest risk factor in getting through the airport is the security line. There may be almost no line at all, or it may be an hour long, and while there are ways to make educated guesses about which to expect the truth is that it simply varies. Having options to use different queues helps reduce (but not eliminate) this risk.
- Whether you have special needs and that’s not just a need for wheelchair service. It includes the need for frequent bathroom stops, or the need to shop for snacks and other items to prepare for a trip. If you must stop to buy a toy to keep a child occupied during the flight, that’s a special need too. So is having time to run a toddler around and let them get out excess energy before they’re forced to stay still for the flight.
- Which airport you’re flying from since some major airports are easy to get through while others like Miami, Austin, Denver, and Atlanta can be a disaster.
- How bad it would be to miss the flight? There are some meetings that you absolutely must get to, and some personal engagements too. You don’t want to miss your annual board meeting or your wedding! But maybe if you missed the flight to see the in-laws for Thanksgiving that’s actually ok? You made the effort and were hosed by the airline – and dodge the bullet of excruciating conversation over turkey!
If you absolutely must be somewhere, travel early and with backup options to get where you’re going in time.
However, for many trips, take ordinary care. If you have PreCheck and CLEAR and you aren’t checking bags, walking into Washington’s National airport while your plane begins boarding is actually usually ok! You might not get overhead bin space but you’ll probably have no difficulty making your flight – as long as you don’t need to stop at Starbucks or for a long potty break along the way (they have lavatories on planes).
If I want to be leisurely about it, I’ll leave home around 90 minutes before my flight. That way I’m comfortably walking into the airport an hour out, which is great even if I’m checking bags (at elite bag check, or pay for curbside – American outsourced its curbside check-in and there’s now a per bag fee which of course trades off with tips for staff). Austin airport’s security situation has gotten quite bad, with only a single checkpoint offering TSA Pre. Nonetheless, that’s plenty of time to clear security in the worst case and make it to the gate prior to boarding commencement. But I could easily shave that down 20 minutes, and my worst case scenario becomes having to gate check my bag.
It all comes down to knowing how long the different pieces of the journey are likely to take, how much buffer your planning gives you, and just how bad it would be if you suffer a two standard deviation event along the way.
Have I sprinted Home Alone style through the airport while getting a “last call for Kate” over the intercom? Sure. Was I just getting in line at Tsa? Yes. But, I can 100% guarantee I wasn’t doing it for shits and giggles. IF you make it, and I mean by the grace of God. You’re the sweatiest, most insane looking person on the plane. Not to mention the walk of shame to your seat or trying to find somewhere to stuff all your shit while everyone stares at you. Airport rules, like chugging beer at 8 am are scared and should be treated as such!
Only a moron would post a politicized comment on this article…
I was gonna say if you take advice from TikTok , you’re probably special needs, but that would be a disservice to actual special needs people.
If I left my house 90 mins before my flight I’d have a heart attack. I don’t see any good reason not to be early. I can work, read email or even a book wile waiting
I will continue to show up 2 hours early, I will continue to check my bags (even though after June Imma have to pay for it), I will continue to use TSA precheck, and I will continue to have a stress free travel experience. Hell, now with SWA getting rid of what made them special, I might try first class!
First of all you new age kids are idiots but thanks cause that’s me getting your seat on stand by itdiots. 2. clears is a waste of money! Anything can happen on the way and when you get to the airport where I’ve actually seen tsa get shut down for a period of time causing delays why put yourself through this. Southwest, United, American will leave with out you and will not put you on the next flight if you decided to be rude. They will absolutely give your seat away. I’ve taken plenty who think this ok. But thinking that’s it’s ok to get there just on time will cost you money in the long run stop thinking your so smart. When you start flicking with the faa they are not nice people .
I mean 15 minutes is crazy but depending on the airport you don’t have to get there 2 hours early if you’re going out of Burbank or Santa Barbara or something like that there’s no way it’s going to take you two hours to get to your gate, seeing as though there’s like two terminals and they’re like maybe 100 yards long I don’t even think they’re that long
*Laughs in ATL* Good luck with doing that here! It better be just you, the simplest backpack, and some decent slip on sneakers. There is CLEARLY no time to check in bags (if you were crazy enough to bring any), pray the TSA line only eats up 80% of your time, your flight better be on T concourse (the one immediately after TSA) or it’s the train for you. Pray AGAIN that you didn’t miss that or you’re using those decent sneakers to RUN! But hey, I load planes and I’ve noticed an uptick in Standby and Buddy tags lately. It’s gotten a bit harder post Covid with how many ppl have been traveling. NOW? Whenever we see zero pax on our end and the number goes back up to 3, we know those are standbys/buddy(s) getting on. Which is fantastic! Really appreciate it yall! Keep doing the good Lords’ work! ✨️✨️♥️
How dumb are people just “testing the theory”… no wonder this country is in the hole right now! People, get a book and some common sense!
You go Kate!
Beauty of my home Airport there is token in the United service so Delta is the only game in town. I leave for the airport about 40 minutes before the flight and I’m through security about 35 minutes before the flight no check bags.
This is terrible advice. No big deal if you miss your flight? You’re out the money you paid for it, there are no refunds for missed flights. If you run into issues and the airline doesn’t prevent you from boarding, you’re delaying the other passengers. Arrive early, take responsibility.
I usually aim for 45 to 60 minutes before the flight for domestic. I’ve gotten better about actually hitting those times, rather than constantly being late, but even back then, I can count on one finger the number of times I’ve missed a flight. It’s all about knowing your airport.
It’s also about time, stress management, and financial situation. If you don’t value your time, are unable to deal with small amounts of stress and/or cannot afford to pay the fees for missing, then waiting 2-3 hours in the airport seems like a better option. Otherwise, that waiting is just wasting. As I get older, I’m much more sensitive to people and places wasting my time.
Walking in to the airport “as your flight begins boarding” is dumb. Not just because they can give away your seat, but also because (I know most folks don’t realize this, and I imagine not a single TikTok content producer does) flights can leave early.
Yes, they can, and I’ve had it happen to me. Obviously the airlines prefer this not to happen, because they will then be on the hook to make arrangements for anybody who gets left behind, but the decision whether and when to leave is ultimately exclusively the Captain’s, and if he decides to leave early (because of wind or weather) then that plane WILL be leaving early, regardless of what TikTok or your prior experience or your feelings say.
And you certainly don’t need “90 minutes” either. I never do more than an hour, even for the biggest airports. I also don’t really try for less than 20 minutes, as saving that little time isn’t worth the risk of being delayed potentially a whole day.
It’s a revolt against the blindly accepted status. Revolt against why waste our time. Why the whole chain of supposedly responsible people are not responsible enough to have incentives to make safe travelling efficient and effective. Break the blocks, simplify the chains.
What an idiot. Tiktok people should be punished for making this kind of article. Most people have. Ommon sense.