Today’s Senate Hearing Could Wipe Out Credit Card Rewards—And Threaten Economic Stability For Everyone

Senator Dick Durbin is holding a hearing today, “Breaking the Visa-Mastercard Duopoly: Bringing Competition and Lower Fees to the Credit Card System.” It’s a last gasp as he loses influence. With Republicans taking control of the Senate, Durbin gives up his chairmanship of the Senate Judiciary Committee. So his ability to raise the profile of this issue in the future becomes more difficult.

  • The proposed law requires banks with over $100 billion in assets (the only ones large enough to support the big travel credit cards) to work with more than one payment network on each of their cards, and to let merchants choose which network to run transactions through. It forbids a card from being just a Visa, just a Mastercard, or a Visa and Mastercard.

  • That’s a big subsidy to American Express. And the goal is to prevent Visa and Mastercard from maintaining their swipe fee prices, since they’d have to compete on every transaction for a merchant’s business.

  • Currently, payment networks do deals with banks that make a Sapphire Reserve card, for instance, a Visa. They cut long-term deals with Chase that lowers Chase’s processing costs and allows Chase to offer rich rewards to the customer – rebating the full value of swipe fees to the cardmember in many cases.

While Durbin will lose influence, Republicans are no longer nearly as pro-business and can be brought along on this issue. Vice President-elect J.D. Vance appeared to publicly support the legislation but also seemed to back off early in the summer. Anti-trust and market regulation are new bêtes noires of the right, in a significant transformation since Donald Trump first became their standard bearer. Anti-market conservative Josh Hawley has signed on.

Thus far, though, this issue has been largely about raising campaign cash for both sides – getting big retailers and banks to open their pocketbooks to fund campaigns. That’s why the issue won’t go away. It’s likely to remain on a slow burn for awhile.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. The way to ‘bring competition to payment networks’ is staring at us in the face. “Durbin-Marshall” is designed to elevate another payment network to compete with Visa and Mastercard. Capital One’s planned acquisition of Discover does that by bolstering a largely declining payment processing network. And it does that without being a huge transfer from consumers to merchants or risking the payments processing system or availability of consumer lending.

    It’s bizarre to push back on this deal on anti-trust grounds at the same time pushing for stronger competition across payment networks, since this bolsters precisely that competition. Durbin-Marshall seeks to require cards to be used either on the American Express or Discover networks as a challenge to Visa and Mastercard. This deal massively bolsters Discover, creating more competition in payments processing.

    It’s not at all clear, though, that there’s any lack of competition in payments. Not only are there American Express and Discover in addition to Visa and Mastercard; as well as cash, checks and debit; but ‘buy now pay later’ is considered an ‘existential threat’ to credit cards. And that doesn’t even begin to peel back the onion of new payment technologies. (Today, blockchain is too expensive to scale as a replacement but compute cost declines – proof of stake versus proof of work makes a big difference here, too.)

  2. We know the negative consequences of this law already. Dick Durbin sponsored caps on debit card interchange coming out of the Great Recession. Debit cards cross-subsidized checking accounts. Banks lose money offering checking, but still wanted the business because debit cards linked to checking accounts were profitable. By eliminating that revenue source, banks introduced fees or account minimums, pushing consumers out of banking and into alternatives like check cashing stores instead. Checking options are only just recovering. Debit card rewards became nearly non-existent, costing consumers.

    Credit card interchange caps in Australia have meant not just reduced card rewards, but also devaluation of frequent flyer programs in order to sustain earning of 1 ‘point’ per dollar. And we’ve seen annual fees on cards rise, even as rewards-earning on many cards has been capped. Consumer costs rose precisely as interchange was capped.

    Incidentally in Australia where merchants were permitted to add fees for card acceptance, in 2015 the government found that far from passing savings to consumers, consumers were being overcharged – fees well in excess of the actual cost of card processing.

    Card adoption in Europe, where interchange is capped, is far more limited in the U.S. which also has meant limitation on economic activity and GDP growth – it’s helped to keep Europe poor.

  3. But there’s even more major unintended consequences to worry about. Even if you think there’s a problem – which is far from clear – you wouldn’t want to ‘push the button’ on this policy because of how embedded payment processing is in the economy. It just works. You show up in another country and are given a $30,000 vehicle to rent, with agencies simply trusting you’ll either bring the car back or they’ll otherwise get paid even though you’ll be departing the jurisdiction days or weeks later. You can seamlessly make purchases anywhere in the world, have currency converted, and receive consumer protections for your purchase.

    The bundling of accounting for purchases, providing financing where needed (and, in all cases, liquidity for both buyer and merchant), and protections is a valuable service that’s funded by interchange. Limiting the profitability of offering that service limits its available, while the extension of credit availability supports worldwide transactions and growth. How much would this contract? And why would we want it to contract at all? And for whom? There are both society-wide implications for economic growth, and specific harms to those least-eligible for credit (who still need credit, but who get pushed into higher-cost forms of credit – payday loans instead of credit cards).

  4. An end to rich frequent flyer and cash rewards. Currently, even factoring cards that don’t earn rewards, 60% of interchange on average goes back to the customer today. If you eliminated interchange, you’d have to believe that retailers would pass through 60% of the savings just for consumers to break even. But that’s not plausible (empirically, similar efforts have shown zero consumer savings.)

    When it’s profitable to process transactions, card issuers incentivize consumers with rewards to attract those transactions. Less profitable transactions, due to lower swipe fees, means spending less to attract those purchases.

    You’d harm airlines, whose frequent flyer programs are profitable because of credit cards. And their flying is in large measure driven by attracting this revenue. United re-built its domestic network, in CEO Scott Kirby’s telling, because scale in domestic markets meant they’d win consumer co-brand card adoption. Southwest needed to fly to Hawaii to offer that as a reward to its credit card customers, and now their service is a lifeline between the islands and crucial to Maui’s economic recovery after devastating wildfires. Should we scale this back so that big retailers can save a few basis points?

    The current proposed law probably doesn’t fully eliminate rewards, just as it hasn’t in Europe and Australia (though advocates of the law conceded they want to go further than the current legislation under consideration). But remember that even profitable Delta earns most of its net income from card rewards. Without these rewards we’d have fewer major airlines and less competition.

    During the pandemic, even with $58 billion in direct government subsidies, airlines needed to borrow against the future revenue from card deals in order to stay afloat. American Airlines in particular borrowed $10 billion against AAdvantage to stay liquid during Covid.

    Grounded American Airlines Jets At The Start Of Covid

  5. The Department of Transportation’s investigation of frequent flyer programs is linked to this legislation. DOT is investigating consumer harm from frequent flyer programs. This was spurred by Senator Durbin. In part, it’s revenge for airlines pushing back on his efforts to cap interchange. But mostly it’s a strategic part of the debate. If he can undermine the credibility of programs, and say that the government finds they harm consumers, then it’s less impactful to say that taking away these benefits hurts consumers.

    Obviously it’s much more complicated than this. There are actions that airlines take with their programs that can be legitimately criticized, while still recognizing that they provide value to members and undermining that value leaves consumers worse off.

  6. Credit card transactions subsidize cash less well off consumers. Consumers spending cash don’t pay more for goods and services, even though cash is more expensive to accept than credit cards.

    In many businesses, retail clerks make incorrect change, losing money for their employers. They pocket some of the cash, losing money for their employers. Heavy cash businesses often pay higher insurance rates because of risk of outside theft and loss. Retailers that prefer or discount cash payments often do so because it makes tax fraud easier – hardly an outcome we want to be encouraging with new legislation.

    Since cash is actually more expensive for merchants to accept than credit cards, cash customers are driving higher costs for retailers without paying a surcharge. Oddly, it’s in vogue to suggest that poorer consumers (who use cards also!) subsidize better off consumers through rewards, but the subsidy actually goes in the opposite direction!

    Cash acceptance is often estimated to cost 4% – 9% or more, depending on the industry, but where interchange limits have been imposed prices have not fallen (Europe, Australia). That means that prices aren’t higher than they otherwise would be (for the poor, or everyone) because of card interchange.

    In contrast, consumers using credit cards spend more with each transaction and are more profitable customers. It’s why merchants voluntarily accept credit cards – it is in their interest to do so! Many even prefer to go ‘cashless’.

Ultimately credit card processing is a service. In fact, it’s a hugely valuable service that combines efficient payment processing – more efficient than cash or checks – with consumer protections and financing that boost economic growth. That’s possible because it’s profitable to offer. If you’re concerned that it’s too profitable then the solution is more competition, so we shouldn’t stand in the way of more competition. But don’t push the button on re-engineering the system in a way that we know has major negative consequences.

I’ve struggled and struggled to find something beyond provincial, pecuniary benefits to retailers in this proposed legislation and I’ve genuinely been unable to come up with an honest consumer or societal benefit.

Meanwhile card, and interchange, are so woven into the fabric of the economy that it’s difficult to even predict the full extent of damage from redistributing money here not just from payment networks but also from consumers to retailers. That’s why Senator Durbin’s attempt to cap credit card swipe fees isn’t just bad policy, it’s literally insane.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. The Democrats are not going to get anything done; that said, if Trump wants something, then it’ll be the rule ‘on day one’ as he likes to say. So, the real question is, does Trump, Elon, etc. like credit cards, points, miles, or is that beneath them? Ok then, in that case, do wealthy people and large corporations like these programs? I think, yes, so nothing will change here.

  2. Gary Leff is a fine writer except on the issue of credit cards.

    The consumer should pay for the entire cost of rewards. Currently, small businesses are victims of extortion. They are forced to pay the entire cost of rewards. Credit card companies require that if credit cards are accepted, all reward cards must be accepted and the fee to accept a reward card is so nuch higher such that the small business pays the entire cost of the reward.

    It would be better if the consumer pays the entire cost of processing. Want miles? Just pay an annual fee or a percentage membership fee. Or have a low interest savings account with a big balance.

  3. @Gary: “Consumers spending cash don’t pay more for goods and services, even though cash is more expensive to accept than credit cards.”

    Cash is cheaper than credit cards. That is why you see “Discount for Cash”.

  4. @L3 –

    1. cost of acceptance for cash varies tremendously across business lines but every respectable estimate has 4% as a lower bound on average – which is greater than credit cards.

    2. while cash has an average cost that’s higher than card acceptance, that is not true for every business segment. some may discount for cash for this reason, but frequently cash discounts aren’t because of interchange savings but because of tax fraud – trading a few percent discount for 30% – 40% savings or more not reporting the cash transaction to the IRS.

    3. cash isn’t cheaper, which is why many businesses go all electronic and some jurisdictions have had to push to *require* businesses to accept cash at all.

  5. @derek In what way do you think the consumer is not paying the cost of processing? Retailers have a choice to offer a discount for cash, as many gas stations do. Retailers are certainly not going to swallow the entire cost themselves. Instead, they simply pass most/all of the cost onto the consumer. That said, Gary’s arguments are often extreme positions – e.g., interchange capping in Europe has “helped to keep Europe poor”. Maybe there is some concrete economic evidence to back up that ever higher interchange fees make a country rich. Unlikely.

  6. @derek – processing payments is a cost of doing business, on average cheaper than cash acceptance. Should consumers pay a “cash register surcharge” when handing cash to a sales clerk? Should they pay a surcharge to insure payment by check against insufficient funds?

    Businesses BENEFIT by accepting cash in the form of greater sales, higher average sale per transaction, and lower cost to process payments.

    Credit card processing is a service provided by a vendor that merchants voluntarily adopt because it helps their business. There’s nothing wrong with – and even socially desirable – that this is done at a profit.

    And rewards are simply a marketing expense. This is a two-sided market, where payment processes need both merchants (that they compete for) and consumers (that they compete for). By marketing to consumers, they can deliver those consumers to merchants and become attractive to them. It would be odd, to say the least, to tax consumers to pay for this (not to mention harmful, in the ways I describe in this post)

  7. The other key point missed in all this conversation is that interchange fees vary widely. Big box retailers are paying 1.xx% in interchange fees on all cards. It’s the smaller retailers that are paying 2.95% + 39c. So small retailers are automatically at a pricing disadvantage against big box retailers, even more so where the transaction total is low

  8. @khatl – interchange is hardly the primary cost advantage of big box retailers, of course! but that cost advantage translates into a consumer advantage. size/scale has huge benefits, but can still be competed away, many large merchants have had huge problems in recent years and some no longer exist.

  9. Just a question as I’m not a smart man but it seems these kinds of ideas come up in relation to “fairness” for us pleebs. So if interchange caps are bad for business and would not help consumers…is capping interest rates a better option? Again, if you’re trying to throw the mob a bone.

    Going over Chase’s 2023 Annual Report, it’s pretty obvious the vast majority of their CC-related income is from interest, not fees. Would they take a hit in in that department for the dropping of the interchange idea?

  10. It’s about the small businesses. They pay a higher fee than large businesses. For some small businesses, credit card fees are their biggest single expense, or close to it.

    Every small business owner I work with accepts credit cards, but prefers cash.

  11. The cost of processing of a credit card by a small business is about 3% and may be more for some premium credit cards. Mr. Durbin has a point that today the cost of processing electronic payment could be significantly lower. While 3% surcharge seems to be small, it is a huge sum once you consider total payments processed. I think it is only a matter of time but the swipe fees for credit cards will go down and the reward “industry” built on those fees will get a hit. The same thing happened with debit cards. Earlier this year NAR was crying wolf about an assault on the 6% realtors’ fee.

  12. Favorite bit about reading this article was the ad for the Capital One Venture card.

    I bring nothing to the table.

  13. Whether it’s cheaper or not most businesses don’t want to deal with cash. The threat of theft either internally or externally is real. You never hear of someone robbing a 7/11 for it’s credit card receipts.

    Particularly for retail establishments they have to pay for cash transfer (armor car) and cash processing at the bank. Those cash deposits go to large processing centers, often outsourced. Whatever savings that comes from cash is often negated by the hassle of handling. Why do you think airlines went cashless?

  14. Of course small businesses prefer cash, given a comparable transaction volume. Cash negates the direct cost of accepting cards and gives the business more “flexibility” in their bookkeeping. However, it has been documented that people spend more when using a card, so the trade-off likely benefits the retailer on balance. Regardless, credit cards are a cost just like rent, labor, supplies, etc and are reflected in the price of a good or service. As I understand it, there is already competition in the processing business–Visa and MasterCard set only a component of the overall fee and processors compete for merchant accounts. The fact that many states now permit a cash discount or credit card fee should moot this argument, anyway.

  15. @George Romey:
    I worked on the analysis for an airline going cashless. For one, it was made easy as the “ReadyCredit” type vendors to sell pre-paid cards put in machines for free, perhaps just needing some leverage from the airline to force airport cooperation.

    Armored car and bank processing costs for cash handling are insane. Especially with a large volume of cash – and of course, a way to reduce these handling costs is to limit how often you courier and deposit the cash. But there’s a cost of interest lost when you’re sitting an accumulating amount to the tune of $5000 a day in one location in an office safe and only taking to the bank once a week versus processing daily. You can load a lot of costs into cash handling… like taking 3 hours a day (at one location) of Supervisor-level labor to deal with reconciling the prior day cash.

    Plus of course the money lost for theft or carelessness. I would say the bigger theft issue is (as we found) an agent charging cash and pocketing it without inputting into the computer (or waiving the fee in the reservation while slipping the $50 in their pocket). Seldom did an agent deposit come up short like $20 because the agent would run to the ATM and put in their own $20 versus coming up short and getting a write-up or possibly terminated.

    It also isn’t just depositing cash accepted but also having a fund of change. Everyone pays with a $20 or a $100. Often it is because they assume you don’t have change so they’ll get it for free. The biggest cost at the airline was having Brinks or local equivalent bringing in a supply of small bills.

    At a larger location, like a hub, in addition to armored car costs, there are FTEs associated with cash sales in reconciliation, signing agents in/out, etc etc. Including payroll, armored car, space to house all of the above infrastructure that’s properly secured, and not even thinking about percentage lost to fraud/theft, it came to about $450,000 a year for a 120-flight-a-day hub.

  16. 1. cost of acceptance for cash varies tremendously across business lines but every respectable estimate has 4% as a lower bound on average – which is greater than credit cards.
    Not the respectable estimates I have heard.

    “2. while cash has an average cost that’s higher than card acceptance, that is not true for every business segment. some may discount for cash for this reason, but frequently cash discounts aren’t because of interchange savings but because of tax fraud – trading a few percent discount for 30% – 40% savings or more not reporting the cash transaction to the IRS.”
    Often claimed by anti-cash forces but never proven. Likely insignificant in modern economies.

    “3. cash isn’t cheaper, which is why many businesses go all electronic and some jurisdictions have had to push to *require* businesses to accept cash at all.”

    Cash is cheaper. That is why you see “discount for cash”. Never “discount for credit”.

    Credit-only businesses usually want reliable ID (car rental, or example). The extra cost of cfredit is an insurance policy on the theft of the car.

  17. Whether the bill is good or bad, it will not get passed by this Congress. And based on all the Day 1 priorities for the next Congress, this won’t be seriously considered for quite some time.

  18. It’s really pretty simple: monopolies are NEVER good for anyone bit the monopolists. Or duopolists. Everyone pays more because there is no actual competition in the industry. Your “rewards” cost you more than you ever get back.

  19. The hearing won’t do a thing about credit card rewards.
    It’s only if the proposed bill becomes a law that anything will happen.

  20. this is nothing more than Durbin’s last stand at significance before he fades into obsolescence.

    All of the consumer protection stuff that the blue team pushed will be tossed out like yesterday’s fish even if it made all the sense in the world to them.

    Red team starts it all over 1/20/25

  21. As a retailer for almost 40 years this is a very well written well thought out article. While I detested credit card fees the fact was that it drove more business into my store. Example
    My average cash sale was $11.50
    My average check sale was around $14
    Discover sale $17
    MasterCard sale $23
    Visa sale $26
    American Express sale $31
    Also the last year I was in business I had $55,000 in bad checks. By contrast I had three credit card charge bags totaling less than $400

  22. As a retired former small restaurant owner, I was able to offset the transaction fees by paying almost all costs including food except alcoholic beverages with credit cards. I have been retire for over a year and I am still reaping the benefits of of travel with accumulated rewards thanks to tips from this website and others. You have to learn to play the game. Bon Voyage!

  23. I stopped collecting miles and CC points about 5 years ago when I realized it actually cost me more money than benefits received.
    If anybody thinks that airlines or banks “give away” stuff for free, they’re crazy. They make money on EVERYTHING.
    Now I just travel on the lowest fare.
    To be honest, only a small percentage of ultra high spenders/flyers come out ahead. Everybody else pays for it.
    I actually hope Congress does end these programs. Too many hidden costs and constant devaluation. Frankly, if miles are like money and “banked” then they should get interest. Can you imagine if your bank “devalued” your earned savings account by $2000 ‘because they can?’

  24. The article kind of omits the real driving force behind all this nonsense: the vast number of people who spend more than they have because the card makes it easy, and the outrageous interest fees charged by the card company. The rewards are just to lure people into the spending/credit trap.
    I’d prefer to go back to the days when states were able to protect their citizens from such fees with usury laws. Or a sensible federal cap on interest/late fees.

  25. I doubt it’s the credit card fee cap and not the 50% income taxes kicking in at barely $40-50000 a year that keeps Europeans poor.

  26. Timmy G:
    On the other hand most Europeans do not pay at the point of delivery for health care. How much are you paying in health insurance premiums, copays, and deductibles? Plus the cost when some health insurance company functionary tells you “I’m sorry, that’s not covered” or “One of the doctors you used is out of network: pay up, please”.

    Also, higher education is generally cheaper, plus the roads and trans are better.

  27. Derek nailed it, at the top of the comments, and the rest of the conversation does not dilute what he said – in my opinion. I have been following this issue for a long time. I had a successful retail business for over 20 years, looked at taking cards three different times, and always decided against.

    That said, the bill will not end credit cards. They will still a great convenience for card holders, though with less incentive to use them.

  28. My health insurance premiums are $1500 a year for my family and I make more than double the typical Europoor. They can have their “free” healthcare.

  29. Collusion between the banks and politicians pay for our miles. I tell my kids on the plane that the other passengers are paying our way, the ones paying 29% interest on their debt. No other country in the world allows the banks to do this to their citizens. If the banks were forced to charge consumers a reasonable rate our rewards would disappear. Sad. Amy Goodwin once pointed out that Joe Biden championed these banks. Ever notice which state you send your CC payment to?

  30. @Bobm: Actually, you can prove cases where a monopoly is better for consumers than no monopoly if price discrimination is allowed.

  31. @Chris “I stopped collecting miles and CC points about 5 years ago when I realized it actually cost me more money than benefits received.” I must be missing something about your point or you’re just missing a lot about personal finance. I’m flying from A to B. I pick the best-priced airfare at an acceptable time. I use a card that cost me zero annual fee and gives me back 3% of the spend. I take whatever miles the airline offers. How could this cost me more money? Sure, if I chose airline X over Y to get miles from X, while paying a higher airfare, that could be a dumb choice. But, I don’t do that. Still, how is using my CC that gives 3% worse than using one that get 1% (or should I search for one that gives me 0%?)?

  32. @Gary, I regularly get charged exchange fees in Australia. Except for hotels, which seem always at 2%, the are always higher than 1% and lower than 1.5%. It’s an interesting system. The register will say $20.00, which you can pay in cash, but if you tap your card, the card us charged, say, $20.25. When I asked, a bar manager said they get the $20.00 and pay not additional %. Anyway, the exchange add on seems always no more than my reward % in that category (and I sometimes have to explain why if they add 1.5% to a charge with a 1.5% reward, I still make a small amount).

  33. It’s perhaps not surprising to read your support of the current credit card and payment system regime considering where the ads and marketing placement financing this site/business come from.

  34. The bill is really only of benefit to big-box retailers. It does not benefit small businesses who otherwise have to pay banks to handle their cash. Personally, I would never put revenue at risk nor put my employees in the position of sweating their till counts at the end of the day over a counting error. Their job is to sell and provide customer service and not to count money. Meanwhile, please leave my airline points and miles alone. I’m disabled, am on a fixed income and need what I accumulate to see my family at Christmas and other holidays. I should not be asked to give up my rewards to enrich chain retailers.

  35. @Dave – simply inaccurate, this is being pushed by special interests not in the public interest, and my ‘entire livelihood’ is not ‘threatened by this legislation’ you clearly do not know what you’re talking about. Your assumptions here are simply incorrect.

  36. I would imagine the Senator/s would be better intended bringing the US out of the 60s and into the future by eliminating checks. This still makes the country the laughing stock of the rest of the world – there are even African countries who did this years ago.

    In the Australian example, the govt implemented regulations banning excessive surcharges by merchants and Qantas Loyalty has consistently (save for the COVID years) increased its net income even under their interchange regime (Virgin Oz doesn’t publish results), without the sky falling in.

    As it stands, it is the merchants that are ultimately paying for all these points & miles. The interchange regulations will simply mean those cardholders profiting from this, will have to pay for a privilege that they choose to use, and that seems fair.

  37. leave everything the way it is, the system works fantastic and keep dirty politicians out of it, I love my credit cards and pay everything off before due ande travel cross country (road trips) just using points and if you have an issue with cards DON”T USE THEM!!!

  38. So…….bad idea because a bunch of folks that do hard core travel and play games with which card has the best miles might get their “rewards” knocked down? That a duopoly should stay in place because it could be harder to get miles for a free flight? And banks that are charging 29% interest on credit cards are somehow so hard up for cash they will bring back checking account fees? That is basically the spirit of the article. Absolute nonsense that a colluded duopoly basically controls the entire consumer market and you are defending it because you don’t want to lose out on a free blender if you book another trip on your card.

  39. These rewards programs cost consumers more money than they save them, hence the desire to restrict them. If it was a break even scenario, banks wouldn’t offer rewards at all. Delta makes nearly as much off its Amex card as it does off its airfare. That’s nutty!

  40. Gas stations often give a cash discount. Since all fuel transactions are documented, I suspect it’s rather difficult to avoid declaring the cash income. So if credit card processing is cheaper, why do they give a discount for cash?

  41. If this legislation is passed, the only people who are going to be hurt are those who don’t charge much or have below average credit scores. The companies will simply do away with no annual fee cards for them. Instead they’ll be paying $100.00 a year just to have a card.

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