Unconfirmed Reports: Southwest Airlines Mulls JetBlue Partnership, 10% Workforce Cut

Southwest Airlines and JetBlue rumors have been swirling all weekend. It’s not clear exactly what is going on, but some expect that there will be an announcement on Monday with markets closed for Presidents Day. Aviation watchdog JonNYC seems to know something:

Given rumors of Southwest potentially doing a deal with JetBlue, it’s possible that the two airlines could be announcing a partnership. They’re not the most obvious to do a tie-up, however:

  • Both Southwest and JetBlue have been actively looking to add airline partners
  • Southwest has just onboarded Icelandair, so they now have the capability to partner online
  • Southwest hasn’t made New York work, so JetBlue could be helpful there. And both have strength in South Florida. Southwest is strong in LA where JetBlue has pulled back.
  • And this would explain aligning partnership procedures that JonNYC reported on

Southwest Airlines Check-in, DCA

Another rumor – without a JetBlue component – is that Southwest could be announcing a 10% layoff.

No layoffs (strictly speaking, but it’s a little gray), for 53+ years, and after announcing a full-year profit for 2024? Thanks, Elliott!

Southwest Airlines Crew, Credit: Southwest

Southwest has historically avoided layoffs. If this rumor pans out, perhaps it will be more focused on headquarters staff than furloughs for frontline. But these aren’t ordinary times. The company has been effectively taken over by an activist shareholder. And their investment is lagging, with shares down. The airline currently has a hiring freeze in place, and a deactivated careers page with no jobs posted.

Southwest Airlines capitulated to activist investor Elliott Management. They’re cutting legroom and will be charging for seat assignments. They’re scaling back growth plans. But most importantly to align with the investor’s real objective, they are selling planes and in some cases leasing them back in order to generate cash for stock buybacks. Reducing headcount is consistent with that.

Southwest CEO Bob Jordan, Credit: Southwest Airlines

The airline clearly isn’t Southwest anymore. They probably reached the limits of their model anyway, with only a single aircraft type (Boeing 737), selling largely direct and eschewing third party platforms, and not adding the operational complexity involved in partnerships or premium products. So change may have been inevitable. But they seem to be abandoning their culture, too – cancelling employee rallies to save money, in order “to fight to return to excellent financial performance.”

Something seems to be afoot, rumors of what are swirling, and it should be interesting to watch. What do you think is most likely?

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. if you throw enough rumors at the wall, maybe something will be 1% accurate – which will lead some to claim victory.

    It is highly unlikely that anything was discussed about service procedures. Unions do need to sign off on partnerships.

    and, if the WN/B6 partnership is true, it is AA that is the big loser.

  2. B6 has a codeshare with Icelandair. Southwest has a codeshare with Icelandair. Is this the link?
    Probably a codeshare with B6. AA better be paying attention.

  3. We received a video from Inflight management that made it clear changes to our service procedures *are* coming and more would be communicated next month. They told us training WOULD be required for this. When you combine this with the NDA that was signed by SWAPA and a confirmed LOA was signed by them this week it’s clear big news is about to hit.

  4. “ if you throw enough rumors at the wall, maybe something will be 1% accurate”

    The story of your life.

  5. says the loser that can’t even debate the FACTS which I cite.

    You wouldn’t be able to find the DOT or any other legitimate source if it kicked you between….

  6. Here’s a fact: you’re the most annoying commenter on OMAAT & VFTW. Nobody gives a crap about your Delta obsession. You provide no value with your comments to every travel article written. You would do planet earth a favor if you logged off the internet.

  7. and you are obsessed w/ me because you can’t deal w/ the facts I present.

    Give it up.

    If you want to set the rules, get your own site. I promise I won’t show up.

    ps. If ticking you off is a bonus of my participation, then I have doubly succeeded.
    You aren’t smart enough to learn that just ignore the commentary you don’t like is the best course of action.

  8. “Unconfirmed”—well that settles it! Wouldn’t be VFTW if all of us ‘back seat’ flyers didn’t speculate like crazy. Personally, I think such a merger between WN & B6 would be bonkers—two of the least compatible airlines, but then again, anything is possible these days with mergers since anti-trust enforcement is basically dead (unless you upset the king). Anyway, don’t mind the haters, Gary. Many of us are here to gossip, occasionally banter, share and receive advice relevant to travel, aviation, hotels, bank products, etc. You do you.

  9. Tim’s usual Sunday Funday with Brad in Midtown ATL was a success, it seems. Go to bed and save your dignity, for once in your life.

    Remind us of any “Fact” you’ve presented in this thread? You’re just saying your usual stupid nonsense.

  10. I’m sorry you got picked last in PE class Tim. I have no desire to be a travel blogger. It’s obviously your goal, and you suck at it, because the comment section of VERY SUCCESSFUL travel blogs are filled with your ChatGPT rants. These blogs will go on successfully without you, even though you think you actually matter. You truly can’t comprehend how big of a neurotic psychopath you are. You’re the biggest laughing stock in the travel blogging industry.

  11. You can’t walk away – and you also can’t contribute anything to the discussion.

    You are fixated on me.

    The topic is WN and B6 or something halfway related.

    We really don’t care what bizarre theories you come up w/ about the airline industry. But quit fixating on other people.

    It’s really unhealthy.

  12. I dont see a 10% layoff. Buyout offers (similar to what staff was offered during covid) yes, terminating workers, no.

  13. JetBlue brings nothing to WN but delayed flights up and down the BOS-NYC and NYC-FLorida corridor. A completely useless partnership and one that does nothing for either carrier.

  14. SW UA AA and Alaska all fit well with B6 whichever airline opens its wallet first will have an opportunity to purchase JB and its prized JFK slot restricted hub Let the bidding war begin!

  15. larry,
    B6 and WN networks do compliment each other.

    they used to share a FLL “hub” but WN blinked first. They fly to lots of stuff from Florida but WN has a pretty small presence in NYC and BOS.

    and, despite the obsession w/ mergers, any partnerships are likely to be codesharing and initially limited to a few markets – like BOS and NYC for WN codesharing on B6 operated flights and California and Hawaii for B6 codeshares on WN operated flights and associated flights to connect their networks.

  16. @Roberto — I wish you would have attacked me instead of Tim—he’s a decent fellow who cares deeply about the industry. And I care too, but I also actually enjoy when internet strangers attempt to attack me personally and call me silly names on here, so please, do me next, señor!

  17. @Tim: I actually agree with you that a tie up between WN and B6 does make some sense – at least due to their respective networks. B6 is strong where WN is weak and WN is pretty strong everywhere else. Their ways of doing things are polar opposites, but this crooked hedge fund huckster (Elliott) is changing WN anyhow. Maybe they can find a way to ruin 2 airlines for the price of 1 1/2 of them.

  18. angry,
    and maybe B6 and WN will end up w/ similar products that are less than what the big 3 have – or aspire to have – but cover the US fairly well.

    Doesn’t mean they will ultimately succeed but most of the rest of the industry is trying to be like the big 3 in terms of product.

    and Elliott is not involved w/ B6.
    and according to latest government filings, Elliott has cut their holdings in WN.

    thanks, 1990.
    some people just can’t let go of their fixation with others and just contribute to the topic. or walk away.

  19. To me it’s obvious. Training for flight attendants due to a service change.. First class is coming to southwest. That is all… no mergers, no tie ups.. just a premium cabin.. just like everyone else.

  20. As a former near 17 yr Southwest employee though my wife will be in her 23rd yr with Southwest we both realize how stagnant Southwest has become and how the quality of Southwest Airlines Leadership has hit Rock Bottom. Alaska, Breeze, and Avelo seem to have more positive press as of late. Getting to the number one spot is tough but staying at number one is even tougher.

  21. If you’d like to experience premium, Earth-forward travel with elevated guest experiences, please consider Delta.

  22. Training is going to be coming for Inflight, because of the new assigned seating. This has nothing to do with merging, which I don’t believe is happening. Interline agreements are always a top priority, which has been a discussion for the last 5+ years at Southwest.

  23. Why no industry discussion about a revised AA/B6 Iinkup or merger? Seems the new administration would look more favorably on it.

  24. This is merely to bait amd switch tactic. So am I’m the only one that has done all the research on why BREEZE Airways is the sure winner.

  25. It’s a shame in SWA’s 53 years of pride for never having a layoff, that dies with Bob and corporate greed.

  26. Southwest and Jet Blue would be an odd mix of aircraft as Southwest is one of the “Proudly All Boeing” airlines and Jet Blue is all Airbus. I wouldn’t mind seeing a UA-B6 merger.

  27. I stopped flying WN this year. I moved all travel to UA for myself and all our employees. If WN wants to transform into Spirit, please count me out. The further purchase of B6 by Elliot just makes B6 another airline to avoid.

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