United Airlines Faces Backlash For Defending Flight Attendant’s Palestine Flag Pin And Keffiyeh Lanyard

United Airlines is supporting a flight attendant’s right to wear a Palestinian flag pin, after she was called out on social media over a Chicago to Newark flight. She also wore a keffiyeh-inspired lanyard as well.

United defends wearing this flag,

Our uniform policy has long included an option for flight attendants to wear flag pins to designate specific language skills so that our customers who are more comfortable in a language other than English can know who on our crew speaks their preferred language.

We also allow flight attendants to wear flag pins that represent their pride in a place to which they may have a special connection.

United Airlines is a flag carrier of the United States, which does not recognize a country of Palestine or the Hamas government in Gaza. There’s also nothing to suggest that this flight attendant is from Gaza or the West Bank in any case. And, wearing a pride pin beside a Palestinian flag is clearly confused at best. Does she think that LBGTQ+ rights are better protected in Gaza or in Tel Aviv?

This flight attendant does not speak ‘Palestinian’. And any flag to which a crewmember feels, in their own judgment, that they have a ‘special connection’ is now permitted? Live and Let’s Fly asks,

Does United allow Taiwan pins on flights to Mainland China? Nazi Germany or Apartheid South Africa pins? The Confederate rebel battle flag pins?

There’s little question that the civilian plight in Gaza is heartbreaking, though as the Current Thing it gets far more attention than perhaps the world’s greatest refugee crisis in Syria where over half the nation’s Muslims were forced to leave their homes. It is more difficult to use the situation in Syria as a bludgeon against Israel and Jews. Meanwhile, every statement about the plight in Gaza should accurately end with “because of Hamas.”

It is possible to wear a Palestinian flag and believe you’re advocating for two states. That isn’t usually what it means. Spain, Ireland and Norway now recognize a Palestinian State. The Catalan independence movement would like a word!

There’s a real concern with front line airline employees voicing political positions and aiming those at passengers. The issue is asymmetric speech. Airline employees exercise power over passengers – power over whether they’ll board and fly, or whether they’ll be considered “disruptive” for expressing their own contrary opinions. And bringing politics into the cabin is already enough of a problem with passengers.

After initially imposing a suspension, United refused to say whether a pilot who celebrated the atrocities committed by Hamas on 10/7 still flies for them.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. It just shouldn’t be hard to say to your employees, “When you are at work, you represent United. Our customers come from all backgrounds and opinions, and we do not wish to offend any of them. While in uniform, you wear only what the company uniform standards provide. You will not verbally or nonverbally express political, social or religious views. Once off duty and out of uniform, we encourage you to express you free speech rights to support whatever cause about which you feel passionate!”

  2. Apropos “Spain, Ireland and Norway now recognize a Palestinian State”:
    Israel requested that Norwegian diplomats representing Norway in Palestinian Authority (PA) move from the “occupiers’ lair” of Tel-Aviv to the “citadel of freedom” in Ramallah, the place where they must reside while representing Norway in PA. Despite their proclaimed love for Palestine, these “freedom fighters” have refused to move.
    So Israel has revoked their diplomatic status. In response, Norway has closed its representation in PA, blaming Israel.
    As Israeli representative said, “you can make love to Palestinians, but we won’t provide you bed or other comforts”.

  3. I kind of agree with this post. Yet very conflicted.
    The suggestion then should be that ‘No signs or symbols whatsoever outside of the airline or the union they are part of should be allowed’. Which is fair. This would include any National flags (including US on international flights), state flags (on cross state flights), LGBTQ, Social support groups (like ribbons for Cancer, Diabetes AIDS etc.) and more.
    Everything is political and a metal tube at 35,000 ft is not a place for that debate. But that should apply to any every symbol.

  4. It makes me so proud that people in this community have the courage to publicly and articulately stand up for what is right. Thank you Gary.

  5. For me , wearing flag pins is sooo vapid or insecure , that I will never understand the attraction .

    I myself held Old Glory high during an Army memorial service , because it was appropriate . We didn’t need flag pins to show our patriotism .

    But : “Oh my …. look at the admirable governor wearing a Hawaii or Utah flag ! Let’s all salute them and wear one also “.

    In the USA , for example , Fiorello LaGuardia or Dwight Eisenhower or John Kennedy never had an emotional need to wear an Old Glory pin . They were secure in their personal histories of patriotism . Rather , they stood with hand on heart during the National Anthem .

    All this began with “Mr. Insecure” himself : Nixon . As a WWII veteran , he didn’t need to do so .

    The FA wearing a foreign flag likely never joined her beloved foreign military .

  6. @Amrut … There ought to be No flags of any type allowed in the airport terminal , at security , or in the aircraft .

  7. “keffiyeh-inspired lanyard” s same as wearing a swastika, both representing anti-civilization murderers

  8. Careful about going against United personnel. You may be dragged off of the flight bloodied.

  9. Sorry, this is a place of business as with any office we would not allow a KKK member to display a hood in the workplace, or even a parttime employee in a Supermarket the same goes while on duty it is my understand they don’t get paid till the doors are closed so just take the pin off once you go on duty.
    we have to follow the rules so should they as long it does infer with any religious guidelines. I spend a lot of time on a United Flight I would hate to have to get off a flight if I saw this on display.

  10. Left wing people appeal to emotion rather than logic and reason. Their entire world view is based of grievance politics.

    They shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

  11. It’s especially troubling given the history of Palestinian identified groups hijacking airplanes.

  12. “It is possible to wear a Palestinian flag and believe you’re advocating for two states. That isn’t usually what it means.”

    Ah yes, the usual copy+paste from your other articles where you present no proof for your latter statement. Equating the Hamas flag with Nazi Germany I understand, but the Palestinian flag? You sound like Russians who just like to call anyone who criticizes them “Nazis”

  13. I suggest they go live in Gaza or Saudi Arabia and see how they enjoy their quality of life. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. If we lose Israel let’s see if we have gas for cars and these United jets. As for United can I wear a KKK or Nazi pin? Same thing. People are so naive and brainwashed from left wing media

  14. @toomanybooks … if there was a MAGA pin , united would forbid it in a New York second .

    But a PLO pin … “Oh , well , united must be ‘tolerant’ “.

  15. @AndyS – You are free to have an objection to the LBGTQ+ but there is no excuse for using a slur to express it.

  16. Gary is pretending not to know about The deadly violence from Israeli settlers in the West Bank. A violence that is decades old with encouragement and support by the IOF and the far right Israeli government. None of that is the reason for Palestinian resistance. Right Gary.
    Palestine Pin= Resistance Pin

  17. Doug’s statement is PERFECT. Amrut’s is, too. Thankyou Gary for your comments: specifically “Meanwhile, every statement about the plight in Gaza should accurately end with “because of Hamas.” ”

    When an employee is wearing a lanyard modeled after a TERRORIST group, and United supports that modeling of terrorist garb, then it’s time to quit flying United.

  18. Political symbols have no place in your work! The fact this is happening already undermines the neutrality it dhould have in the beginning. Your private opinion is your own so shut it up.

  19. Like attending a concert or show. People are there for the entertainment not the entertainer’s political views. I agree with the first comment about leaving all of the lanyards, and such at home. I don’t understand why many flight attendants feel like they have to be a walking political bill board. So, so, many have forgotten why they are there in the first place.

  20. Agree, none of this belongs on the clothes of these employees and I don’t know why it’s so hard for United to take a clear stand. These are folks in the service and transportation industry, not politicians or actors or artists. They are there to make sure you get somewhere safely and comfortably nothing more. That some of them feel the need to wear this kind of messaging bling shows their own grandiosity and lack of understanding of their jobs. Nobody asked what you think and nobody cares. Would it be okay for me to put an Israeli or Palestinian or Hamas flag in the footer of an email to clients?

    But it’s kind of funny that you seem surprised about the juxtaposition of an LGBQT pin to a Palestinian one. Surely you’ve heard of Queers for Palestine and other similar seemingly self hating groups. Makes about as much sense as Jews for Jesus or Kids for Pedophiles but in any case has no place on their uniform.

  21. I love how she wears both the Palestinian/Hamas flag and the gay pride flag, as well as the lanyard representing allahu akbar crap. As if that gay pride stuff would last 5 minutes in a world run by her bloodthirsty uncivilized terrorists.

    What a total moron we have here. Like most of her ilk.

  22. Doug is spot on! The COMPANY sets the uniform rules…period. The carrier is a US FLAG carrier. That’s why the planes have a “N” number. That’s why they fly the US flag on the aircraft. The company can dictate how the uniforms are presented. If the employee doesn’t like the rules, the door is open and they can easily bid adieu and go somewhere else. If the airline doesn’t care, then the CUSTOMER has the choice to make. Either suck it up, grin and bear it or choose a company that doesn’t “offend”. This BS of employees can do what they wish as “freedom of speech” is nonsense as the First Amendment doesn’t apply.

  23. There’s a rooftop party for her and the other gays for palestine in the Middle East. No reservations or cover charge. Should be a blast.

  24. @Doug is absolutely correct. No reason for any type of Statement adornments to Uniformed Flight Attendants. In case they are not aware, that is their paycheck sitting in those seats, don’t offend them.

  25. Thank you, Gary, for continuing to exercise great thought leadership and clear, convincing moral authority on this issue. I hope your writings on this issue gain greater attention in our media and press.

  26. You have a significant error in the article. It is 500,000 dead Muslim civilians in Syria and millions (7 million estimated) refugees, of which one million have gone to Germany alone. Also 400,000 dead Muslim civilians in Yemen. 7,000,000 refugees from Columbia and growing. But the Palestinians have cornered victimhood (25,000 bodies and HAMAS “estimates” a bit more than 40,000 dead (without identifying the 18,000 combatants – Israel’s estimate).

  27. Not commenting on the merits or not of United’s policy, but Doug, saying she doesn’t speak “Palestinian” is idiotic. If she had an Egyptian flag or Moroccan flag, it would not mean that she spoke Egyptian or Moroccan. Similarly, if she had an Australian flag, she wouldn’t be indicating that she spoke Australian. Even the Union Jack is not synonymous with a language – the country is the UK, the language that flag would most frequently represent is English. They’re not the same. C’mon do better than that.

    I’d also add that equating Palestine with Nazi Germany of apartheid SA is comparing apples with giraffes. Palestine is a historical and current geographic place that is separate and distinct from the Hamas butchers, Nazi Germany and apartheid SA were political regimes and ceased to exist once those regimes were eliminated. If she were wearing a Hamas flag (which is decidedly different from the Palestinian flag), then your analogy would work. Again, do better.

  28. TC, exactly who’s the moron that thinks if you wear a Palestinian flag or live in Palestine you speak “Palestinian!?!?!
    Common use your brains people – they speak Arabic ! That’s like saying oh I don’t speak Canadian I live in the USA!
    OMG already !

  29. *sigh*

    The world is a complicated place.

    Hamas is evil.

    IDF intentionally killing civilians is evil (they even killed three of their own trying to surrender).

    That said, passengers should not be forced to be captive participants in discussing this situation.

  30. Glad I did not see this yesterday as I would have been kicked off the flight for complaining. I am going to write the CEO now.

    How would the same FAs feel if someone wore a KKK hate (or even a MAGA hat)? Maybe we need to question them during the boarding process (“HI, how are you – BTW are you a Hamas lover? Because I will need to change flights”)

  31. Wearing a Palestinian flag is not anti-Semitic as Palestinians are considered semites. The West Bank has more or less been compliant with Israeli occupation — look where it has got them.

    Many airline employees also wear Israeli flag pins, showing their ability to communicate in Hebrew or their support of Israel. This offends many, as Israel is accused of commiting ethnic cleansing and genocide.

    Sometimes it’s best to live and let live.

    The nice thing about the USA is that it isn’t Israel and we don’t have to be offended and be victims when people think differently than we do.

    The constant need for many Zionists to attempt to shutdown anyone that disagrees with them is the problem here, not a $2 pin from Amazon.

  32. I feel like a broken record.

    She’s an idiot.

    A gay pride flag AND the Palestine flag? Seriously?

    Hamas are far from gay friendly – forget gay marriage. Forget 2 men (or women) living together. Forget same-sex bank accounts or assets. Hell, you hold hands in public and you *will* get shot in the radical Islamic nations in the Middle East and now Africa.

    From the river to the sea, Palestine IS FREE… of homosexuals. But lets get the American leftwingbat gays to support us! **fwiw I am gay.

  33. Wearing a Palestine flag pin does not seem inflammatory to me, no more so than wearing an Israel flag pin or the Star of David. The PEACEFUL aspirations and identities of all peoples should be welcomed.

  34. Dear United Airlines,

    I’m deeply concerned about your staff wearing symbols that support Hamas, a terrorist group.

    This makes me and many other passengers feel unsafe. Please revise your uniform policy immediately to remove all political symbols, ensuring a neutral and safe environment for all travelers.
    I wonder why you allow this and support the murderous terrorist organization. How would you react to your staff wearing pro-ISIS or Osama Ben Ladin pins?
    Jerry J. Herszman
    Milage Plus: 00026 909 384

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