United Airlines Passenger Publicly Apologizes For Disruptive Behavior [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

  • Genuinely a first, is anyone on earth this self-aware?

    I was the [redacted] on the back of the plane who thought she was more important than everyone else and tried to grab her suitcase too hard and fell backwards. If you were on that flight I just wanted to sincerely apologize for my behavior and my attitude.

    It was a difficult flight between turbulence and babies and I had a tantrum from overstimulation. There is NO excuse for the way that I behaved and it’s been on my mind since yesterday and I apologize…

  • American Airlines is almost certain to win this beyond perimeter slot – Senator Ted Cruz championed the slots expressly to get this flight.

  • Meanwhile, Alaska Airlines is seeking Washington National – San Diego which used to be served by American. This one stands a good chance. Four of the five new flights go to the large incumbents, while one will go to a “limited incumbent” and zero to new entrants. The law was written to benefit the big airlines.

  • Mostly negative Etihad Guest award changes roll out June 1

  • Hotels pretend they’re concerned for the environment (packaging) when they replace toiletries with wall-mounted dispensers. It’s really about cost, but housekeepers forget to refill the dispensers and the dispensers themselves frequently aren’t clean or even tamper-proof. They also turn out to be worse for the environment than bar soap.

    [T]he greenest option is an old-school bar of soap made from plant oil or animal fat and lye, without many extra ingredients. Simple bar soap cuts greenhouse emissions by about a third compared with liquid soap, according to a study from the Institute of Environmental Engineering at the Swiss university ETH Zurich.

  • Not just Oakland: Montreal’s international airport takes rival to court over name change

    The authority that runs Montreal’s international airport is going to court to stop an up-and-coming suburban airport from rebranding with the city’s name, arguing it will sow confusion among travellers.

    But the airport being taken to court is accusing the international airport of trying to protect a “monopoly.”

    Aéroports de Montréal, which operates Montreal-Trudeau International Airport, has requested a permanent injunction in Quebec Superior Court to force the new Montreal Metropolitan Airport to change its name.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Reddit has been the internet capital of sanctimony and virtue signaling for 20 years. The Reddit user is looking for validation, and other Reddit users aren’t self aware enough to downvote that crap.

    The purpose of an apology is to make amends with someone you have wronged. I was in a New York City park on a weekend and saw a grouchy looking woman power-walking with her phone in her hand. This woman was in her twenties.

    A small child, perhaps age 5 or 6, ran into her path. Because this is a park and it was a weekend and little kids are there. The grouchy woman yelled at the child! Even though the woman should’ve been paying attention to where she was walking, not looking at her phone, and not being a grouch in general.

    This is a woman who should’ve walked up to the mother of that woman and apologized profusely, handing her a $200 gift card to a toy store. That kind of apology I would respect. But I shouldn’t hear about it either, as it should be done discreetly.

    If the grouchy woman went on Reddit to “apologize” I’d think even less of her than I already do.

  2. My roommate in college was a drug user who often brought home women who were not his girlfriend. He went to church every Sunday morning, after stealing my bottled water because he was hungover. Get this, when I ask why he attended church, he said it was to atone for his sins.

    He did eventually break up with his girlfriend and he is now married to one of his side pieces. They are now – both of them – board certified in a lucrative specialty and they live in Texas.

  3. Soap bars would be better than liquid, if they were completely used. Instead, only a very small portion is used before they’re trashed between guests or even between housekeeping services, while liquids in dispensers are entirely used.

  4. People who make public apologies are like people who brag (in whatever fashion) about how much they tip.

    Tiffany Gomas is an exception because she … well, I really don’t know. I think highly of Tiffany Gomas. Probably because her personality is fun and cheerful, unlike the grouch at the NYC park.

    Gomas has been covered numerous times on this blog but not recently. I say it’s time for an update. I’d love if this blog could arrange a sweepstakes in which one reader gets to have dinner and drinks with her.

  5. @High class professional-

    If I win the sweepstakes for a Tiffany Gomas date I’m gifting it to you. The little I’ve seen of her is more than enough for me. I hope she is banned from flying so we can avoid crossing paths.

  6. What?…you mean ol’ Teddy boy didn’t lobby for a flight from DCA to Cancun?

  7. I personally think its special for someone to apologize in todays crazy world.
    I don’t care which platform its on.

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