A United Airlines passenger wound up restrained on board Sunday night’s redeye flight 1494 from San Francisco to Chicago O’Hare after this “big dude kept coming up the aisle towards the front of the plane” getting into “heated confrontations with the crew,” according to a passenger on board.
At one point the man got within “an inch” of “their noses” and “eventually started yelling really loudly.” He apparently wanted to know where the Mormons were. Things got further out of control from there and passengers joined crew in pinning the man down. It took four people to hold him on the ground.
At some point it escalated into a big physical altercation and several passengers had to rush out of their seats to help the crew pin down this person and get him restrained. He’s still on the floor being pinned down by 4 people, captain just announced we’re diverting to Denver…
Passenger had to be restrained mid-flight, plane diverted…
byu/Metroidude47 inunitedairlines
The Boeing 737 wound up diverting to Denver to get the man off the aircraft. According to United Airlines,
United flight 1494 from San Francisco to Chicago landed in Denver early Monday morning after one customer became disruptive and aggressive with a flight attendant. Law enforcement met the aircraft at the gate in Denver and the passenger was removed.
The aircraft landed in Denver around 2 a.m. – and didn’t take off again until 7:20 a.m.
Ugh. So sad and disturbing. Get help folks. No fly list. Press charges.
Well, Gary, at least this time you didn’t feel the need to mention the founder of jetBlue, Breeze, Azul, etc., Mr. Neeleman, who happens to be a Morman. Now, who was it that was offended last time?
Should have diverted to Salt Lake…
@Jason: better yet, should have pushed him out over SLC.
Sleeping pills & alcohol.
Too bad a diversion doesn’t just mean flying over the airport and pitching the troublemaker out the door. Do that a few times and this BS would stop.
@Ray @Ron — Jeepers! Let’s go with something more proportionate to the crime. After all, the ‘vigilante justice’ you seek, if done by a private citizen or company (an airline), is likely just straight-up murder. I suppose you fellas are just having a good time, or maybe you’ve never heard of the 8th Amendment (to our Constitution), which protects against the government sentencing people to ‘cruel and unusual punishment.’ What better example of that is there than ‘plummeting to your death from 36,000 feet.’ Also, depending on the altitude, pretty sure ‘opening the door’ would result in a decompression, injuring or killing everyone onboard along with the perp, so here we go again with the ‘collective punishment’ discussions. *sigh*
I suppose it wouldn’t have helped when he asked “Where are the Mormons?” to just reply “Utah.” LOL
@hwertz — ZING! *ba dum tss* very nice
Plenty of Mormons in the San Francisco Bay Area.
@1990. No need to get your knickers in a twist, I’m fairly certain they were kidding.
And yes, I think if someone takes offense at jokes about throwing unruly passengers out of a plane they either feel a need to virtue signal their moral superiority or simply are wound up a little too tight.
Add to the list of people banned from public transport, for life.As a bonus, include their immediate family.
@ R. Lopaka. No excuse. If you can’t handle flying, don’t get on a plane.
@1990 i’m guessing it won’t be too long before someone does away with the constitution. So then we can finally see some justice dished out.
@Thing 1 — What?! The guys suggesting ‘throwing someone out of an airplane’ were just kidding?! How can that be?! (I know).
@Doug — Finally, someone gets my satire. It’s fun to remind ourselves of all the ‘good’ the Constitution does, especially in the face of it basically being discarded, because self-governing is messy and dictatorship is so much more ‘efficient.’ Or, it’ll all hold, and the overreacting was kinda fun.
“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.” Lysander Spooner
@ Gary — I’m not sure where the Mormons are, but the morons are in the White House.
I would have said Under The Banner Of Heaven. Let him puzzle that for a while.
If there’s “morons” now, just think what that says about the previous occupant. Off the charts.
@Mike P — I was getting worried about you, @Andy S, and @Mantis. Gary posted several things that I could’ve swore you’d pounce with something ignorant, hateful, and bigoted. Shame on me for not being more patient. Welcome back.
As to your comments, I suppose you quoting Spooner explains your philosophy a little better. So, you’re an anarchist, hence why all the ‘abolish’ this, ‘dismantle’ that—yeah, nice in theory, but the resulting chaos is no way to live in a modern society. We do need some structure, for better and worse. I still prefer the self-government model as opposed to a king. I suppose I should be grateful you didn’t turn this into a rant against ‘diversity, equity and inclusion.’ Maybe next time!
They got off at SLC.
@George N Romey — Well I’m just glad someone ‘got off’
Would be interesting to see security cam footage of this guy from the moment he entered the terminal, through TSA and all the way to the boarding gate to see how he was acting before the plane pushed back.
I’m sick and tired of this crap, as are most ordinary pax. I’d have taken my cowboy boot and stomped the nutcase into a coma. Then the plane could have continued on normally to the final destination without any further delay or threat. Upon arrival, they could call an ambulance. Or a hearse.
Thank you Mike. Harris being the greatest example.!
Wow I’m loving the comments they are funny. lol
I do agree on most of them too! lol comments are the best “wipes away a tear from laughing”
Bro, the Mormons left Illinois and went WEST in the 1840. We are headed EAST and will be in Illinois in the morning.
I wonder if the guy had been bindgeing America Primeval on Netflix with some alcohol and sleeping pills.