United Airlines Won’t Say Whether Pilot Who Celebrated Terrorism Is Back In The Cockpit

A United Airlines pilot who celebrated the rape of women and killing of babies by Hamas on October 7th was suspended with pay once called out on social media.

However Dan’s Deals points out that United now stonewalls about the status of the pilot. It’s been three weeks, and they will not say whether he’s still on paid leave or back in the cockpit.

The pilot called the atrocities of October 7 in Israel “resistance by brave people” and his social media postings I reviewed support the idea that no civilians were killed, and also that it was the Israeli military that killed them. Also Jews control America.

Air Canada terminated the pilot who celebrated the October 7 massacre but he did so in uniform. That made it a clear employment issue, while United might consider applauding the rape, torture, and killing of Jews not in uniform to be a mere PR problem.

  • I fully expect that the termination process at United would take longer than that, and they would not want to continue to comment while it plays out – if that’s the direction this is going.
  • Certainly that’s going to be the advice of their lawyers.
  • And they don’t want to further embroil themselves in publicity.

However United was willing to assure customers that the man wasn’t flying planes three weeks ago. And they do not appear willing to make any such assurance today. United learned what Islamic radicals in control of their aircraft can do very directly 22 years ago. I’d expect them to be more concerned.

I do not know what he’d do in control of an aircraft, but I wouldn’t want to find out. I don’t want to be in any aircraft he’s piloting. As a Jew, I certainly wouldn’t want to entrust my safety to him. I would think that many other union pilots at United wouldn’t want to work beside him, either.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Probably still negotiating a go away deal hence the silence, as the social media policy was unclear and they do not want a trial to expose employees that may have made inflammatory posts and not terminated. Meanwhile the pilot is sure to be benched.

  2. Agree, with everything you said, Gary. Agree with Maryland, too. Can’t imagine they’d put him back in a plane simply because if anything happens — his fault or not — United would face a PR (and legal) nightmare.

  3. I completely agree with you, but maybe next time don’t compare a despicable social media post, no matter how terrible, to 9/11. It was unnecessary to illustrate your point.

  4. @John makes a good point.

    This pilot is just kookoo for cocoa puffs and I sure wouldn’t want him piloting my flight but I’m not sure that makes him a jihadist.

  5. He could be appointed the new President of Harvard. LOL.

    But, in all seriousness – yes, the 9/11 mention is very in place. Islamist sympathizers who have wild conspiracy theories in their demented brain (“the jews did 9/11” and also “the jews killed their own civilians” but also “no civilians actually died”) – are a clear danger.
    Unfortunately, the US, like Europe, is going to learn very soon (matter of months probably) what it is to incur terror attacks on a large scale. The Sunni Islamists are very activated post Oct 7th, and see this as a “sign from Allah” that this is a time to strike hard at the infidels. Plus, you have Shiite Iran, together with Putin & China to some degree stirring up things – an unexpected dangerous development could occur. But, regardless of that – major terror attacks (not just the random knife wielding jihadi) are on the way all over the west. That’s a clear consensus of every western intelligence org. Let’s just hope they can interfere with most of them.

  6. “Fortunately I won’t be flying United anytime soon so I don’t have to worry about that.”
    Do you really think there are no pilots at the other US carriers who share his view?

  7. I assume he is on the equivalent of “desk duty” but doing paid leave at home or somewhere that isn’t a UA cockpit. Otherwise some UA employees or passengers would have already gotten wind of him being back to operating as UA cockpit crew and tried to make a public issue of it.

  8. About time this was discussed on this blog! Belated thank you,

    btw- I’m sure Qatar Airways would love to have him.

  9. Gary is very much on point here. United needs to assure the flying public this man is no longer in the cockpit. He is a huge risk to the safety of not only Jews but every passenger in the cabin.

  10. There are some states that prohibit employers from discharging or disciplining employees due to “lawful off duty activities” and a social media post, no matter how despicable still falls under “lawful off duty activities” thanks to the First Amendment. So United would need to tread carefully in that case if the pilot in question lives in one of those states. If not UA would still need to tread carefully for fear of getting some sort of blowback from the Moslems. Colorado is one of those states as are New York and California.

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