A flight attendant working American’s Charlotte – Frankfurt service a week ago attacked fellow crewmembers. Apparently the same crew was assigned to work the return leg, Frankfurt – Charlotte the next day, and the flight attendant’s behavior continued to be erratic according to documents filed in federal court.
American Airlines Airbus A330, Credit: Anna Zvereva)
The flight attendant described herself ‘as “crazy” and a “train wreck”‘ when she attacked other members of a the crew and at least one air marshal.
Snow’s erratic behavior disrupted both legs of American flight 704 from Charlotte to Frankfurt, Germany, on November 23 and 24, according to a federal affidavit.
During the flight, Fialka said Snow “was quite irrational” and “spoke nonsensical things”.
…Once the doors closed, another attendant told Fialka that Snow had slapped her in the middle galley of the airport. About 45 minutes later, the marshal said Snow “shoved me several times on my right shoulder and upper arm”, but he didn’t know why.
On her return to the U.S. she “yell[ed] and scream[ed] and tried to get around passport control.” She was taken to an interview room where she “laid completely on her side.”
Other crew describe the behavior as out of character for the flight attendant, so I’m inclined to think that something was either medically wrong or she was going through some extreme emotional circumstance. That this involved an air marshal, being taken to an interview room, and now documents filed in federal court seems unfortunate.
After all, Conrad Hilton didn’t face jailtime for assaulting crew and smoking pot in the lavatory of a London – Los Angeles flight.

My worst first class flight ever was onboard Lufthansa Frankfurt-Mumbai several years ago. First world problems but to be sure, several brusque interactions with a flight attendant who skipped over several service items and was visibly angered when I asked for things (such as a pillow). I learned later that shortly after the flight she went on medical leave.
She probably should have taken that leave prior to the flight, but it was a good reminder that people have things going on in their lives that aren’t always apparent — that you might view their behavior differently if you have all of the facts.
Nonetheless, since it’s almost always passengers going berserk, like the 24 year old who attacked another passenger and then died prior to landing or the one who kicked and bit flight crew after being denied access to the premium cabin lavatory. Or the woman dragged off a United Express flight when she refused to put her dog in a carrier. ‘Air rage’ doesn’t even always involve the Knee Defender. But it’s usually the passengers instigating things. And when it’s the crew, it’s the pilots. So this seemed somewhat noteworthy.
I still have no idea why you post these one-off articles…other than to get clicks. I always think I am reading Lucky.
@mark Well, I have no idea why you keep reading this blog since all you ever do is bitch about it. Why don’t you go do something more constructive with your time?
@mary hahaha yes. mark was all like “hey I’m mad about sorting so let me let off some steam by trolling” and Mary be like “shut up u lil bitch. love it
What I find the most interesting is the complete loss of reality and respect most posters/commentators have. For example I doubt in a face-to-face conversation any one would (upon someone saying something) comment “I don’t know why you….
Nor do I think that anyone I know would turn to a complete stranger and say “why don’t you go do something else other than bitch”… While I understand Mary’s frustration (as to Mark’s comments) and I am also wondering why Mark would read a blog he evidently does not like we need to remember that courtesy is appreciated.
@Martin, I think this blog has a relatively small group of regular commentators, so wouldn’t say that @Mark and @Mary are necessarily strangers, though they may never have met. They’re probably more like family, and family will always talk to each other like that.