Viral Video Exposes Cheating Husband’s Mile High Club Affair On United Airlines Flight

A woman on Sunday’s United Airlines flight 2140 from Houston to New York LaGuardia overheard a man and woman across the aisle getting to know each other: He’s from Fort Worth. He has his own company, loves to surf, and has an 8 year old daughter. She danced at the start of the weekend’s Astro’s game. He… hadn’t even taken off his wedding ring.

The pair had only just met at an airport bar, and he apparently convinced the woman – her name is Katy – to swap seats so they could get to know each other during the flight.

The woman watching them took to social media, and decided it was time to identify the man she said was a cheater, because “he’s probably going to be staying with Katy tonight” in New York.

@carolinerened If this man is your husband flying @United Airlines, flight 2140, from Houston to New York, he’s probably going to be staying with Katy tonight. Him and Katy met at the airport bar and haven’t left each others sode since then. He convinced her to change her seat so she could sit next to him and they could drink. I dont know his name but know hers becasue he keeps saying it. He’s also said his 8 year old daughter danced for the Astros opening tonight, he’s from Ft. Worth, says he’s a surfer and just got a new surf board, supposedly President of the company he works for and flying to NYC for business. I wouldn’t have known he was married if he hadn’t been wearing his wedding ring. Excuse me rubbing my eye, I didn’t know what else to do to self record. Do your thing TikTok. #findthewife #cheatinghusbands #unitedairlines #flight2140 #katy #houston #IAHairport #ftworth #weddingring ♬ original sound – carolinerened

Things got spicier, because it seems the new couple were “making out” at their seats and “ended up in the bathroom.” She seems to imply that they joined the mile high club.

@carolinerened Update for the married man and Katy. #unitedairlines #katy #marriedman #cheatinghusbands #findthewife #ftworth #part2 ♬ I Had Some Help – Post Malone

Over 23 million people saw the first video and the internet decided to track the man down. One commenter quickly realized that the woman was her sister-in-law. Another recognized the man as his “second cousin by marriage.”

He’s Scott. Online sleuths found his instagram, Katy’s instagram, and… Scott’s wife’s Facebook. She knows now.

I’ve seen quick coupling before – ironically, even, on a United Airlines Houston flight. In that case, it happened even faster! They met on board, were together by the end of the flight… and it was only Austin to Houston.

The thing to know is that everything in public is really in public now. There’s no anonymity anymore if you make yourself stand out. The only true security is remaining in obscurity. The Mile High Club sort of guarantees the end to your obscurity, for about 15 minutes.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Who cares what consenting adults do? The lady filming this and posting it could easily be the subject of lawsuit for any number of torts. In some states, it’s a crime to impugn the chastity of a woman.

  2. Right or wrong, I had to laugh at the idea of going to court over “Impugn[ing] the chastity of a woman.” She joined the mile-high club with a married man — put me on the jury.

    That said, the real risk in my mind is that it **is** completely innocent for some reason. Maybe the person filming completely misinterpreted something, maybe he’s legally separated or divorced and still wears a ring (I know, not likely, but not impossible). Maybe they’ve stretched things a bit in order to go viral. In that case, you do something like this you dang well better be right, or there should be consequences.

    Hence, Thing 1 would personally never film or post something like this.

  3. Imagine if the entire scenario were an act played out for the benefit of the nosy eavesdropper. Some people would do that for their 15 minutes of fame.

    Most clickbaity air travel stories are false, exaggerated, or contrived. I’m beyond believing or caring.

  4. Pretty sure the woman in 2A is Gary Leff’s mom. That MILF cannot get enough of that D!

    Little known fact: Gary loves the airlines so much because he was conceived on a Mile High Club romp and still hasn’t figured out which crew member banged his mom.

  5. @Buck Fiden, your comment assumes that a crew member engaged in heterosexual intercourse. It is highly unlikely that has ever happened.

  6. Hey Thing 1: I got plenty of offers when I was married and wore my ring. Soon as I took the ring off, no offers.

    About the snitch: Wow, it’s true. Women will tear down other women any chance they get and in this case
    Ms. Sherlock got a two-fer.
    The new girl and the wife…..

  7. To each his own. Obviously if he and his wife don’t have an arrangement or are separated (and not just by miles like the old 500 mile rule when I traveled a lot) what he did is wrong.

    However the real issue is with the narcissistic Karen that took it upon herself to record and post it. What in the hell made her decide to be the moral police. Hopefully karma hits her hard

  8. Moral of the story: Don’t ever talk to, or even so much as acknowledge other human beings in public.

    I wish I were kidding. I’m not.

  9. I remember hearing, “don’t write anything in an email you don’t want published in the NYTimes.” Now it should be “don’t do anything you don’t want to go viral on TikTok”. Truly words to live by!

  10. Ah another thought provoking article by the gossip leader in travel, Gary Leff.

    I can see Gary typing this one out from the Hyatt somewhere waiting on his room service to arrive…late…which we will read about tomorrow..

    Besides the last time someone was called out on a flight from Houston to New York or vice versa, it was George Costanza calling out those b@stards from Houston.

  11. The social media-user who doxxed the guy (and gal?) has no clue about whether or not the guy has an agreed upon “open relationship” with a wife or not. Either way, the moralizing about infidelity is to be juxtaposed with the moralizing over doxxing that can lead to embarrassment and even harassment of family members of the guy (and gal).

    This “dox the cheater” situation isn’t like a situation where a website moderator encourages underage sex for people under his watch, since under the latter situation there is clearly something wrong with a mentor viewing the teenage child mentee as someone to be encouraged to engage in sex while under his watch.

  12. One of the reasons why I quit my job as a flight attendant: No class or dignity from passengers any more. People have become disgusting to me. Their sense of entitlement and their refusal to behave in a civilized manner makes the job very difficult and unpleasant.

  13. This story will really be useful when deciding how I should spend my remaining JetBlue points and whether to get the Capital One X card with the high spend but 150,000 bonus.

    You know it funny that you never saw Gary and Jerry Springer in the same room at the same time while Springer was alive. Hmmm

  14. Austin to Houston is a 45 minute flight in air, not including the time you have to remain in your seat. Thinking it through, I can’t imagine the amount of time they had in the lav could have been enough to be enjoyable…at least for her.

  15. Give your wife more than one kid and she won’t have time to care about some plane hook ups. After one kid, they really have nothing to do but follow your travel plans. Trust me. I have 4 kids and she’s happy when I’m out of the house and so am I. Easiest pickup is the red eye from Seatac to Dulles, united.

    Ladies, I promise you your husband is going to cheat. We are not wired to only be with one woman. Have a few kids, leave your husband to his life and live your own. You want to be moms, you got it and someone who will pay you for it. Doesn’t give you the right to control us.

  16. KLM’s announcements now expressly prohibit videotaping or photography in the cabin without the prior permission of everyone in the frame. And for good reason. Airlines don’t allow vaping. They should ban photography or videography.

  17. She hates her life and decides to destroy the life of someone she knows nothing about, to include his marriage situation. Karma is a b****. Did you think to use an anonymous account/name, something that is not traced back to you? Social media works both ways.

  18. Regret to inform…..the percentage of men and women who cheat on their significant others is statistically speaking, equal. The difference is that woman are far more likely to have sex with a complete stranger, thereby greatly reducing the likelihood of discovery, while guys, us stupid guys are more likely to have sex with someone familiar to them, making getting discovery far more likely. This, men end up being described as pigs or dogs. The joke goes….guys will f#€& a rattlesnake if someone will hold it for him.
    The assumption by the woman surreptitiously recording the encounter is really the central issue. Are there any kids in these peoples circle who might be harmed by the public exposure that has come from this. Did this woman stop to consider this likelihood before she decided it was her business. Unreal, the stupidity of my fellow citizens in this country.

  19. Married men, do better. He was busted, He is/was happily married. He has a little girl. He took a vow…in a church to love and honor his wife. How any of you men with any morals can defend him says a lot about your integrity. Look inward.

  20. Nomad197 ..
    Tell us your divorced with out telling us your divorced.. LOL god, you sound like such a douche bag .. I bet the lady’s are just lining up around the block to get a piece of that ..

  21. All of you people in the comments defending the cheaters…I guess we all know what you guys/gals do when you think no one’s watching!

  22. What you don’t understand is that the people in the alleged relationship are adults. if they are doing this is their business. Thanks to this Karen the family have to look over their shoulders to make sure are not attacked or killed. They have to make sure nothing happens to their kid. These people on Tik tok are dangerous. They are obsessed with the finding the Wife to let her know this is supposedly happened. For the record I have not nor do I want to see this video.

    I hope the man and woman sue the he’ll out of that Karen

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