Watch: Delta Passenger’s Epic Sky Club Revenge After Days Of Flight Chaos – Full Compensation Secured

One man suffering at the hands of Delta’s thousands of cancelled flights this past week decided to take revenge in the only way he knew how. Stuck in the airport, the Sky Club lounge member found himself out expenses for a trip he was no longer getting to fully take and without compensation for those expenses. So he decided to take compensation, or at least impose costs on the airline, equal to what he was incurring.

In a video documenting his lounge visit, he ate, drank, and consumed his way through Delta resources – food, coffee, hand sanitizer, soda, popcorn; pouring wine down the trash; wasting soap in the shower (while not even taking a shower); and stealing magazines.

The video explains, “POV: Delta doesn’t compensate for thousands of dollars lost from delaying our flights for days so we gonna get it back in the Sky Club. This will set them back.”

The passenger says he was in a group of 10 trying to reach Quito, Ecuador on a volunteer trip to help children in poor neighborhoods.

We already paid for groceries, transportation, lodging, inflatables for the kids. When our flight was cancelled all these things got paid for and waisted because we couldn’t fly out for days.

It doesn’t look like he was bringing any of the Sky Club snacks to the children, though, if he ever made it there. Nonetheless, he’s a hero to many of the hundreds of thousands of passengers stuck in Delta’s losing track of crew and inability to dispatch flights over the past week.

@kylephilippi This will set them back! #delta #skymiles #deltamedallionlife #skyclub #microsoftoutage #flightdelay #layover @delta #airport ♬ Thunderstruck – AC/DC

Even during normal times passengers are dumping Sky Club buffet items into their carry-on bags while club staff scold passengers for stealing fruit.

In response to soaring membership prices, some passengers have tried to eat back the difference. Simply wasting wine, shampoo, and magazines though doesn’t seem productive – nor is it likely to be felt in the context of an operational meltdown that likely cost Delta $500 million.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. childish and stupid behavior. In other words, just a typical flyer in today’s world.

  2. Love it. They seem to think 30k sky pesos and not paying for incurred parking due to a reschedule and erroneous text is fair for a 32 hour flight to and 26 hours from SFO to Springfield Missori instead of Fayetteville, Arkansas . 2 unhoused overnights in Atlanta and my luggage still mia. If that’s how a diamond medallion is treated what about everyone else.

  3. I really hope that Delta can identify this guy for his childish behavior and ban him from the Delta Clubs and Flights. So he says he was on his way to help less fortunate children and yet he decides to be a child himself by throwing food and drinks away. Even with the disruption I would never be this childish. I’m actually hope the organization and his employer see this video and terminate their relationship. Inexcusable behavior.

  4. This guy, his entire family, and everyone that knows him need to be sent to Guantanamo for LIFE for daring to STEAL from the world’s #1 PREMIUM airline. This will crush Delta’s bottom line and destroy my daddy’s portfolio…and my inheritance!

  5. If the airline really owes you sue them in small claims court.. do you think the people cleaning up after you are the ones to take it out on?

  6. What a petty little bitch. I hope some day your business suffers a set back and people return the favor like you did. I would be so embarrassed to have that live on the internet forever.

  7. I hate dealing with self-righteous “mission volunteers” like this ignorant guy. They thrive on advertising their “good deeds” but are really hypocrites. This one proves it by filming his “waisted time” as he wastes resources and expands his waistline. True colors.

  8. This is why we can’t have nice things.

    And, you know, most of the new or renovated clubs have security cameras.

    Not only will these guys likely be banned, but I’m sure we will see even fewer snacks in packing or plastic. They stopped having wrapped cookies because too many people were taking those.

  9. I’m pretty sure Delta didn’t even notice this much less “set them back.” However, this certainly helped propagate the Millennial douchebag stereotype. Good on ya!

  10. Not helping…

    Not helping at all.
    Put the effort into the Class Action lawsuit

  11. I bet this guy is a climate change SJW hypocritically boarding a plane for some fake feel good “volunteering” photo op so he can go back and tell everyone what a wonderful person he is. It probably never occurred to him that wasting resources like this increases emissions, as well as costs that get passed to everyone else. Nice job. Like every SJW, practicing what you preach is just not in your playbook.

  12. Spilling alcohol is still a party foul.

    Buy refundable airfare and guest your two friends into the lounge to rage all day… Fair game.

    Although, do sky club members still get guests? Or did that die with the switch to operating an Amex subsidiary?

  13. @Mantis: Indeed. If you’re serious about helping less fortunate people in less fortunate countries, you send ONE person to supervise the distribution, and take all the money you’d spend on the airfare for everyone else and instead pay it to locals to do the work.

  14. Childish? lol, that’s a pretty high horse you ass clowns are on.

    This is childish:

    1st notice from delta, flight delayed 2.5 hours as I was returning my rental. If I’d only gotten this notice 30 mins sooner, I’d stay in Orlando….bad luck for me.
    2nd notice, flight delayed 30 additional mins.
    3rd notice, flight delayed 30 mins. Ok, I’m defintely not going to make my connection. Purchases alternate route where I have to drive 5 hours home. At least I’ll make it home and to my scheduled work day.
    4th notice, flight delayed 1.5 hours, connection rescheduled. Ok this may work out. Abandons alternate flight (big mistake).
    5th notice, flight delayed 1 hour.
    6th notice, flight delayed 1 hour. Desperately seeks another flight next day. Finds one 5 hours later. Grabs it.
    7th notice. Flight cancelled. Glad I stopped trusting delta after getting lied to 6x.

    It’d be hard to be as dirty as delta did me and all the other people on this flight, but I’d dam sure try.

  15. As he takes all the magazines away given to delta for free
    And eats their rubbish food till he’s sick

  16. “This is why we can’t have nice things.”

    This saying was cute the first hundred times. It’s been worn out.

  17. Wasting anything deliberately is stupid. But I did tell myself I’d take two wine bottles if I was ever in an Aer Lingus lounge again, since they refused to refund me a $29.99 seat fee when they switched aircraft and wouldn’t give me a comparable seat. (Weeks later they did grant me the refund.)

  18. This is the same type of person that throws paint at Stonehenge and Van Gogh paintings, blocks freeways and bridges and generally throws a temper tantrum when they don’t get their way.

    Why do they behave like rabid dogs?

  19. I have never understood why anybody would defend any US airline, much less a crap one like Delta. I am, unfortunately, a Diamond miler on this shit airline thanks to a lot of business travel out of my hometown airport, Hartsfield LaToya Jackson Jay-Z Atlanta Domestic And International Airport. I refuse to use their utterly filthy “lounges”, now overcrowded with kids and wannabe important people, not to mention the stereotypical “thousand-dollar millionaires” for which this fetid cesspool of a town is known. It is a bit of schadenfreude to see Delta suffering. I only hope it continues and drives them into a second bankruptcy that their arrogance so richly deserves. Maybe then, ATL can become the US hub for actual quality airlines like Emirates, Qatar, Singapore, or Cathay Pacific.

    Maybe Ed Bastian will get Listeria in Paris and loose his shit down the aisle of one of his filthy planes. Delta is synonymous forevermore with DIARRHEA.


  20. Waste is never acceptable. Also don’t tell me if you are going to help poor children. Thats really not anyone’s business, unless it’s not really about the poor children.

  21. @deltagotme So Delta screws up badly. They didn’t try to damage you (unless of course the Sun shines out of your clown ass, and they have it in for gods). But, you think silly action like this could be justified. OK, go play while the adults chuckle at your tantrum.

  22. Another childish behavior is to advertise that kind of trash!
    But Mr Leff likes to scratch Delta as soon as he can…
    Coming soon ( you want to bet?): The HiltonHonors Mutineers

  23. Stupid and childish. Now, if he figured out a way to somehow punish DL management in a way that they would feel – that would be different. All this achieves is a waste of food and other consumables that ultimately won’t hurt Delta’s bottom line in the least. It does, however, hurt this prissy little b_ word’s ability to garner some sympathy for being abused by Delta “the premium airline”.

  24. So I had no issue with the ‘consuming’ items because at least they were being put to use. I have issue with the actual waste (soap, wine, anything not mentioned). The “I care about the poor” but proceeds to waste food and other items to prove a point is so typical of these types of people. They act high and mighty but are the lowest of the low. You’re not hurting DL’s bottom line in the least, you’re not even making a dent.

  25. Thanks, A**H**e, the rest of us will ultimately pay for your childish and attention-seeking behavior.

    Ban him for life from Delta flights and lounges.

  26. totally unacceptable childish behavior, unless it is diaper donnie doing it…

  27. @Timothy Dunn
    Don’t know where you got the idea that Delta is the WORLD’s #1 premier airline. Comparing U.S. airlines to the major foreign carriers is a real joke.
    U.S. airlines mantra: Greed is good, to hell with passenger’s comfort.

  28. Childish for sure. Extremely entertaining to watch however. The behavior was only upstaged by the comments to this post. Thankfully, I was one of the lucky ones and was only delayed 6.5 hours getting home on the Friday of the meltdown. Got exactly $100 worth of Sky Pesos from Delta for my trouble. Well, $100 in today’s valuation. By the time I actually redeem them they may be worth more like $10.

  29. How did he get access to the lounge? He either paid for it (like $500 annually) or is flying J. I’m glad to see the impoverished charity workers are doing so well.

  30. Interesting how all these peoples are dumping on this guy & his buddies for trying to get Delta back for screwing them. If I was put in that same situation, I would certainly do what it took to screw the airline company right back in any way because they would deserve it

  31. “…If I was put in that same situation, I would certainly do what it took to screw the airline company right back in any way because they would deserve it…”

    You’re not screwing the airline, you’re screwing other passengers who have also been screwed by the airline.

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