What The TSA Is Good For, In Their Own Words

The TSA brags that they just caught someone with a fake ID!

Update: 6/14/08

Just a quick note… Our ticket checkers found a fraudulent ID at JFK. Just thought some of you might be interested.

At New York Kennedy Airport (JFK) on Thursday, June 12, a passenger was interviewed by police after attempting to enter into a security checkpoint with a fraudulent ID.

A TSA Travel Document Checker noticed a passenger trying to use a fraudulent New York driver’s license and notified the Port Authority Police Department who came and interviewed her. The Port Authority Police Department released the passenger after issuing a Summons to Appear.

Travel Document Checkers are TSA officers that are specially trained to detect fraudulent IDs and boarding passes to help keep our airports safe and secure.

Sounds like we’d all be safer if we got rid of the TSA at airports and redeployed them to bars and polling places? At least then we’d be protecting the children and the integrity of our democracy (or something like that).

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I’ll be more respectful of TSA screeners when they respect me and other fliers more!!!
    I am sick and tired of having the screeners yell, “Hey you” or having them point their finger at you and motioning you to “move!”
    AND..no screener has the right to start going through your carry on’s until you are present at their location where your bag is. IF…your carry on has to be searched, your bag is taken by a screener who walks to another location while you are still trying to “get dressed”…putting shoes and outer clothing back on. They will start going into your bag in your absence. I have physically confronted screeners about not going into my baggage until I am present at my bag. Then they can search to their “wanna-be cops” content…but damn it, you will NOT go into my bag if I am not present with the screener…..

  2. TSA new uniforms and badges. Another huge waste of taxpayers money. We need to change all of our elected officials in Nov 08. Regardless of who you like for president, have the courage to vote out the senators and congressmen now in power. This the only voice the taxpayers have. Lets use it. Vote the bums OUT. ! one citizen

  3. If TSA employees want more respect, I suggest they try going back to school and get real jobs.

  4. These TSA geeks already act like they are “real law enforcement”… Reminds me of the old KGB in the Soviet Union… THOUSANDS of uneducated, aggressive, power hungry thugs exercising their “Authority” over the masses, and often abusing that authority.

    TSA screeners have ZERO clue of what REAL security is all about… They follow the procedures they know, and if they haven’t kept up on things, they get mad at you for correcting them (I actually started carrying the new TSA reg that authorized us to keep our bic lighters when it went into effect, and it took the front line screeners almost two months before they started following their own regulations…

    We are winning the war on terrror, everywhere but in our own airports. TSA screeners are for the most part rude, misinformed, and poorly trained. If they were more professional in carrying out their taskings, I would return that respect, but when they treat me (a mega frequent flyer) as an idiot, it enrages me.

    the old airport screeners were adequate… this huge influx of new hires hasn’t done much for “REAL” security on airlines. I say their time is done.

    Start profiling, and checking the actual risk… not the 90 year old grandmas, babies and Military folks.


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