What’s Really Happening in Airline Cargo Holds? Workers Keep Getting Caught In The Act [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Speaking of fondling, as one door closes another door opens. Joe Biden back ground experience is a shoe in for this job.

  2. Airlines like British Airways should provide passengers with a free pictograph sticker featuring a trilingual message that reads, “DO NOT PEE ON THIS CHECKED LUGGAGE.” A visual depiction of a baggage handler urinating on luggage and a red slash inside a circle would be more effective in preventing urine-soaked luggage than adding a standard “FRAGILE” sticker. Adding a no-pee sticker is an effective warning to luggage handlers to avoid urinating on checked passenger bags stored in the aircraft cargo hold.

  3. Have you looked at the link to the Spirit airlines bankruptcy??
    Some very p**sed off shareholders!!

    God bless America!!

  4. Its been known for a while that the ramp agents can hook the gate agents up with anything you need. Anything.

  5. Not sure what the SAVE shareholders are looking for. The company was trading at near-BK levels for awhile; what did they think would happen in a Ch 11 reorg?

  6. Shares are equity not debt. Bankruptcy can reduce shareholders equity to zero. That does not get rid of any debt but opens a way to get new money from a new set of owners or shareholders. Right now Spirit Airlines shares are going for $0.65 which means most people think that they have very little value. A few days last week they were less than a quarter of that.

  7. thank god you can’t see what goes on IN the pit/belly of a plane! The Embraer 170-series is pretty damn comfy when its 100* outside and the ac is pushin out what feels like subarctic air 🙂 There are days the loaders hope the bag runners are late.

  8. You want the next Amazon/Netflix/Tesla, so you buy Spirit thinking you’r,e getting in early. But, you make a potentially killing because early means risky. The 100-1 horse makes you a lot if it wins, because it’s so unlikely to do so. So, you invest in a long shot hoping for a big return, and guess what, the long shot fails. And, your response is that it isn’t fair that debt holders, who wouldn’t get the big gain if the bet came through, shouldn’t be in front of you in the bankruptcy? Don’t invest outside well diversified ETF if you don’t understand the rules.

  9. I don’t know (nor care) who Lina Fanene is, but she is definitely a colossal idiot and a Karen.

  10. In the U.S. I work as a cargo loader. I’ve worked on regional, narrow body and wide body planes. Since my coworkers have frequent access to restrooms and even the aircraft lavatory if necessary: I don’t see it likely to catch one of my coworkers in the act. Nor would I want to if they were a guy.

    I will say that one of my colleagues talked about needing to use the lav while out on the ramp and it was blisteringly cold out. I was slightly concerned that they might have created an ice hazard by making a mess of the ramp. They made it safely to the facilities and life goes on as normal but never heard of people doing that honestly.

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