WHOA: $898 Roundtrip Business Class, Denver – South America On American Airlines

You can easily find availability using Google Flights. American Airlines is publishing roundtrip business class fares between Denver and South America – Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Santiago and perhaps elsewhere – from $898.

This seems to be available through the spring. The deal won’t last long. And while we’ve often seen fare deals, frequently intentional to attract purchases away from competitors especially out of another airline’s hub (as in this case), there’s always the possibility that the airline decides to have seller’s remorse. They could choose to renege.

American’s business class product varies by aircraft, but features fully flat direct aisle access seating.

In the event of refusing to honor tickets, the Department of Transportation requires the carrier to reimburse passengers for non-refundable costs they’ve incurred in reliance on the purchase. However I would still wait a few days before making plans around this deal to make sure things shake out smoothly

(HT: jfkeze)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Who cares? AAL now states that all your purchasing from them is basic transportation, and so they admit they do not always provide the meal, the seat, the experience. Their operation lately is more like a circus act than an airline company, so I’ll just purchase my basic transportation — that way I am certain NOT to be disappointed again.

  2. looked rn and everything is swiped, seemed to be a short lived mistake fare as google flight calendar still thinks it s $935

  3. Sounds like a good deal! However, two severe problems with it:

    1. You have to fly American
    2. You have to fly out of Denver

  4. American had something that – for a comparatively low cost – generated enormous positive buzz for the airline without any corresponding negative news. It was basically just an advertising expense. They should do things like this more often as AA doesn’t generally evoke a lot of positive feelings and things like this could help turn that around in a fairly short time and at a reasonable price.

  5. @Christian No that’s not a low cost way to generate buzz. It’s about the most expensive way they can generate any kind of buzz.

  6. Had a reservation on hold that was canceled without any notice well before the 24 hour period was up. ShAAdy

  7. I too had my held reservation cancelled without notice by AA, even though l my itinerary was $1200.

    Hard to imagine how that’s permissible given that’s like $100 less than Avianca.

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