A woman in a red bikini became enraged when a black man approached the Diamond line at the front desk of the Hilton Rio de Janeiro Copacabana on December 30th.
She can be seen on video circulating in social media yelling at hotel employees. The woman’s partner, who was reportedly drunk, insisted they were in line first and took offense at elites cutting in line.
The woman’s partner, who was allegedly drunk, told off the man skipping the queue because they were already in line first. Things moved quickly from there, with the bikini woman going for the man’s neck. The woman’s partner got punched in his face, and he fell to the floor. She and her partner were using racial slurs, but he took the beating.
Watch til the End, Drunk Racist Man and woman mad because he’s Gold Or Diamond Hilton member and therefore gets service before everyone else. Hotel staff just sitting by and letting the racist woman do whatever, mind you she already touched him prior #Karen #hilton pic.twitter.com/tApFW53z2a
— King (@monty_sexton) January 1, 2022
According to the guest who took this video, the Hilton front office manager said red bikini woman wasn’t restrained because of her attire (touching her up wouldn’t have been appropriate).
So she really Likes to hit other people, including White Privilege at it finest
— King (@monty_sexton) January 5, 2022
A man claiming to be one of the guests involved in the altercation posted to twitter that he wasn’t permitted to spend the night on property due to the incident.
Can you please send the video to me so I can send to Hilton headquarters, because of this security failure the couple had the police waiting outside looking for me for hours I couldn’t stay at the hotel that night because they lied saying I attacked them. Thanks for recording
— HL (@slyfoxnyc) January 2, 2022
Yes they came back with cops saying I attacked them waiting for hours outside the hotel with the police and @hilton wanted me to not encounter the police so I went and stayed at the Airbnb I also had rented, I was only staying at Hilton because I rented the venue for my NYE party
— HL (@slyfoxnyc) January 3, 2022
When no one involved is drunk, the altercation between elite guest skipping the queue for check-in and the next guest in line usually goes like this:
Good ole alcohol! The disguise in the bottle is a curse to so many.
They are all stupid, grow up act like adults will ya!!!!!
Got to love Hilton. Race to the bottom….
But I am a Diamond guest and I’m special as I get a 12 dollar elite breakfast voucher
Eat your hearts out plebeians
@ Paulz No Hilton isn’t racing to the bottom , HUMANS ARE !!!
@Paulz what exactly did Hilton do wrong? This could be any hotel.
Gee, wonder where DaninMCI & Jaybird are?
“I need a room key” said at the end is the best reason for mobile keys.
First, I think the guy was very nice for not punching the woman in the face. She would be my first target. However, I think he hit the guy harder than he should have. He was making a point, not in a street fight. I will also add that I am not violent, am much, much smaller than the guy in the video, but if either of the drunks touched me, they would get my fist in their face although I might warn them first.
She’s gross! Fine her for eyesores.
The world is losing it’s mind. The guy does have a nice right hand punch though!
What happened to The Girl from Ipanema? I guess she lost her mind…
Damn Bro – that was one good punch to the boyfriend!!
Excellent right hand to the jaw. This should happen more often happen when Karen acts out.
This is hardly “white privilege”. This is an asinine b***h!
I don’t know about you, but I am frequently mistaken for George Clooney when using elite check-in.
Interesting. If I were the guy trying to check in, I don’t think I would have punched either of them, even if she did grab at me. But I would have been getting increasingly irritated at the Hilton staff saying “Why are you letting this go on?” As the guy filming kept saying — I don’t understand why Hilton staff didn’t drag her off — she had already hit the guy before the video started (based on the report of the guy filming).
@Dwondermeant – What about us Marriott loyalists? We get 500 points per stay – that’s 2% of the 25,000 we need for one night at their fabulous lowest-quality hotels!
The diamond guest should be charged with assault. That guy was nowhere near him. Maybe he was saying shitty things if you go frame by frame, the diamond guest walked a few steps cocked and ready to fight. If I were the dude splayed out on the floor I’m looking for a payout. Just because the bikini woman touches the diamond guest does not give the diamond guest the right to right-hook the boyfriend.
Would have loved it if the dude in the red Yankee hat would then have said to the guy on the floor, “I guess this is the last time you’ll f**k with a Hilton DIamond Elite huh?”
Don’t see how this automatically a racism thing. People claim racism but it is certainly not reflected in the video. The diamond guest is yelling back at them so he is hardly deescalating the situation. The woman is clearly in the wrong and deserves to be arrested, but the diamond knocked out a guy who wasn’t even threatening him so he should get locked up too. People have been killed by being punched and knocked out like that. It wasn’t justified as the boyfriend was just trying to calm the guy down who was rushing towards his small girlfriend. He didn’t have his hands up to fight or anything like that. You could tell he didn’t want a physical altercation with that guy. He needs a new girlfriend though, because this woman put him in a bad spot. Hotel security should be fired due to their incompetence.
Ok. The drunk Karen was totally out of line, and I’ve no sympathy for the guy who got cold cocked. But, did I hear the loud mouth taking the video say at the end, “I need a roofie”? Because I’m pretty sure that’s what he said. And so, why would he say that?
Actually….I would have let her strangle me…..but only after we had an agreed upon safe word of course…
@CHRIS, would you trust her to respond appropriately to the safeword? Would you trust her to keep you safe even if you don’t use a safeword? Why risk your life to someone in whom you don’t have both layers of trust?
A good way to restrain wild animals and insane half-naked women is to throw a blanket over them and wrestle them gently to the ground. Sit on them until the police arrive. Hilton GM Note to Self: two king-sized blankets available 24/7 at the front desk.
@Chris wins the thread. LMAO. My question is are we sure this wasn’t at MIA ?
@Bill Dwyer LOL. He don’t say “I need a roofie”, he said “I need a room key”.
Fantastic punch delivered with accuracy!