World’s Top Business Class Gets An Uplift: First Look at Qatar Airways’ QSuites Next Gen

Delta often claims to have been the first airline to fly with business class suites, but that isn’t true. Qatar Airways was first, and their QSuite debuted seven years ago and remains one of the best business class products in the sky. The overall Qatar Airways business class experience is better than first class on airlines like British Airways and American.

Now they’ve unveiled Qsuite Next Gen

This represents an incremental improvement over the current QSuites products rather than something totally different.

  • You’ll still see alternating forward- and rear-facing rows of seats, which is great because it allows for a group of four passengers in the center section to combine their seats into a larger space.

  • This new seat opens up even more than the current product, with entertainment screens foldable to open up the space.

  • Middle seats, when combined, open up to create a larger bed.

  • Meanwhile, solo window seats have a fold away partition to allow couples to dine together.

Renderings look fantastic. There’s more storage, with drawers for personal items and there’s wireless device charging.

The new suite will arrive with the airline’s Boeing 777-9s, which are currently delayed and in certification. We might see them as soon as 18 months from now – alongside that aircraft’s new first class product.

This will mean more variety of business class product. As it stands not every aircraft has the current QSuites. But we know which planes will have it, and it only appears incrementally better than the current QSuite version – which is reasonable, considering that today only ANA’s The Room business class competes as a hard product.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I care far less about improvements – to an already leading edge product – than I do that when I fly Qatar I’m still rolling the dice and might wind up on a 13 hour flight in an ancient Business Class that would make AA or UA blush. They should worry about putting QSuites – the current one is fine – in all of their long haul aircraft before patting themselves on the back for a new one.

  2. I’ve only heard Delta claim to be the first U.S. airline with J suites, which I believe is true.

  3. Good to know that Hamas leadership will arrive much more refreshed on their trips to Iran, so they can better plot how to kill innocent Jewish civilians and strategize how to get more naïve young western leftists to do their bidding.

  4. @Mantis: Don’t worry. They won’t be flying them on your regular PHX-CLT route.

  5. It’s unfair to say “The overall Qatar Airways business class experience is better than first class on airlines like British Airways and American.”
    American first class is a pretentious misnomer as it is, at best, like premium economy on qatar.

  6. Equating sympathy for the plight of Palestinian civilians with supporting Hamas killers is a tired, hateful trope. Lets stop that please.

  7. But it will be on 3 aircraft and if its scheduled on your flight it would always be replaced by older less appealing J products.

  8. @Jake-1 It’s not empathy, they are literally hosting the Hamas political leadership that authorized October 7th.

    Not going to visit Qatar or support their national airline.

  9. I’m a fan of Qatar’s business class suites. I’ve flown them several times now between Atlanta & both VietNam & Cambodia. Excellent experience every time. Bonus, when having an overnight layover in Doha, they provided a driver into the city (RT) & a nice hotel room. That allowed me to tour Doha as a bonus.

  10. @Mike
    Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m in California. Is it your position that only those in the presence of coastal elites have valid opinions? Clearly being around elitist leftists hasn’t made you more logical, so I maybe not.

  11. @Brian, I was responding to another comment “… strategize how to get more naïve young western leftists to do their bidding”

    As for Qatar, all those mid East governments are terrible, have no desire to visit nor fly their airlines.

  12. Lockable storage is a great addition. Makes you wonder why no other airline thought to implement it earlier.

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