Would It Scare You If Your Pilot Needed An Emotional Support Dog? [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Just to be clear — this is a hypothetical, correct? The image is not of a pilot’s emotional support dog on the plane, right?

  2. It would scare me more if I saw him/her boarding the plane with a guide dog for the blind…

  3. Your allergy is your problem. If it’s are what’s being served I’m not going hungry because of you. Ignore brought nuts I’m out eating them because of you.

    Don’t like it? Drive.

  4. Call me crazy, but it is still possible to wash and dry dishes by hand in a reasonable amount of time.

    They Airbnb list seems pretty reasonable to me…

  5. Im allergic to shellfish. I demand you not serve any first class meals because of a shrimp appetizer.

    What a crock. Cleaning an area and having a buffer zone is all most airlines will do. If someone suffers severe life threatening allergies then that goes beyond reasonable accommodation to change the behavior of everybody else on the airplane. We don’t let people who need oxygen fly in the US on airline flights. That could prevent a disability from travel. I’m sorry, I have as much empathy as someone could have, but everyone has to take some personal ownership and responsibility. I take a medication of which I don’t particularly care for the side effects but I do so to travel without possibly inconveniencing others.

  6. It would be nice to know when your “come on” pictures are real and when they are simulated. Perhaps a banner superimposed across the bottom will do, as in “artists rendition” I’m guessing 95% of the pictures aren’t real and from the event they describe…

  7. Welcome the latest edition of Clickbait with reruns daily. Not sure if AA doing credit card pitches or the National Enquirer type of headlines are worse

  8. @Nedskid people who need supplemental oxygen can use FAA approved portable concentrators on flights.

  9. @Adam L
    I know (provided it is one of the FAA approved varieties and doesn’t require any external power and has, per most airlines, at least enough battery for 1.5x the planned length of flight). However some people, less common and more seriously, require medical grade oxygen.

  10. If you click the reddit link, apparently the host charges a $150 cleaning fee. Everything else for me is fine, but to charge that much when you want me to do the work… No, f that

  11. Wow. Several people going to the mats over the need to receive almonds on a flight. This is why we can’t have nice things in America: because everyone insists on never putting anyone else’s needs ahead of their own. (As Jesus undoubtedly intended.)

  12. Many years ago, I was the gate agent working a flight that had a passenger with a peanut allergy. She wanted all nuts removed from the flight. Fine. We subbed pretzels. Then she demanded no one on the be allowed to have any product that might have peanuts.

    I told her we couldn’t guarantee that, pointing out that parents bring snacks for kids. PB&J sandwiches have always been popular, for obvious reasons. I also pointed out that aircraft are not cleaned top to bottom between flights, so there could be peanut debris onboard .She pitched an absolute fit. She claimed she would die if there was a single peanut product anywhere on the plane. She threw out ridiculous suggestions, my favorite being us giving her a private plane. I told he the best option was to rebook for the first flight in the morning, because the plane would have been freshly cleaned. Still no guarantee, but it would reduce the risk.

    She suddenly became able to fly on her booked flight. Amazing what happens when they are the ones who will be inconvenienced.

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