You’re Not Flying This Christmas: American Airlines Agent Escalates After Family’s Mistake [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Getting to a gate late has consequences as does wearing skimpy outfits when boarding. The map is interesting in that Delta has a lot of presence in old NWA hubs but only in Georgia in the southern states.

  2. Based on the monitor at the gate, there’s a reasonable chance that the family was there before the cutoff. The scheduled departure time was 7:45 AM and they were already denied boarding and discussing with the agents (with the flight showing closed) at 7:32 (and ~30 seconds). It’s possible that the GAs offloaded them at exactly t-15 and then processed standby pax in those two minutes, leaving no one else to board, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they got offloaded more than 15 minutes to departure.

  3. LAX really likes to wrap up early. I wonder if the family was there before T-15? If the family says so, I would not necessarily trust AA.

    I’ve had my seat given away at T-16 at LAX. The agent immediately said the 15min cutoff speech which I was able to say “that’s fine, but it is sixteen minutes before departure.” The original GA seemed unhappy but a manager type next to the GA overheard and commented that I had to be given my seat back. The GA proceeds to huff and puff all the way to me boarding.

  4. D-15 is the closeout gate procedure. All revenue passengers must be on board and not one minute later. All doors must be closed at D-10. Yes it has gotten that strict because of DOT regulations, because passengers cried about late departures, and now the airlines get fined or ranked low results on reliability reports. If it was my flight I’d do the same. If you are not at my ticket counter when I call your name, your seat will be given away too! I’m not getting the wrath of my manager just to make you happy.

  5. Closing the door is at D-15 although Gate Agents should take into consideration passengers arriving from a late connection. Not sure what the case was here. And yes start throwing off people that can’t dress properly for public, including overweight people that think fat rolls hanging is “sexy/”

  6. Regarding the female person denied boarding due to her clothes, as Tony Soprano’s gang would say, “She’s a ‘hoah’ (sic). I would have denied boarding too. I would hate like hell to sit next to this “thing”. YIKES! Yes, airlines have dress codes which are somewhat subjective but still. No one reads the contract of carriage. You should. If nothing else, find out about what they are supposed to do and what the passenger is supposed to do. Like PETS vs legal service animals.

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