Heather Poole pioneered the laviator idea, taking photos of yourself in airplane lavatories.
About a week ago, Flying with Fish posted laviator photos of himself.
I thought I’d continue the meme, from onboard Cathay Pacific First Class:

What could be trashier than taking a picture of yourself in the lavatory? Except here I am, in a first class lavatory. Oh, sweet irony!
Good to put a face with the name.
Well, a photo of me after a full long-haul travel day won’t be the best, but …. 🙂
That’s a nice lav!
Wow, CX’s F-lav is far nicer than BA’s F-lav!
Looks similar to LH’s 744 F-lav.
Happy Flying!
PS: Glad my blog post inspired you!
and thanks for zipping up.
Seriously, what camera do you use. I lost mine on my last trip and need to get a new one soon.
Are those j-orts (jean shorts)…in First Class 🙂
Nope, jeans. Not in PJs, thankfully, as this was my Hong Kong-Manila segment.