Prince William flew Ryanair about 6 weeks ago. I wish it was because of April’s big British Airways devaluation although it’s much more likely to be because their route was far more convenient for him to fly out of Stansted from his Norfolk home.
He’s no stranger to ‘common’ flight experiences, having flown American coach from Memphis to Dallas last year. He did fly first class on the US Airways shuttle but US Airways first class is kind of like coach so I think that fits the pattern.
If it’s good enough for the royals, then it’s good enough for UK Prime Minister David Cameron as well. He was caught eating Pringles and working on his ipad on an Easyjet flight to Portugal.

This style of travel is, apparently, par for the course for him.
Mr Cameron is believed to have flown back from a family holiday in Portugal to attend VJ day commemorations, before returning to his holiday.
Mr Cameron is a regular budget airline traveller, also taking his family on holiday to Faro in Portugal in 2013 and to Ibiza in 2011
The UK Prime Minister apparently wants to avoid the kind of credit card debt racked up by Presidential candidate Scott Walker.
Ah, poor guy. Just let him eat his pringles in peace.
All the flights to Portugal are crap, even on the “real” airlines, so he’s hardly giving up anything by flying EasyJet.
^ agree. I flew an ERJ 140 to OPO last week. I can’t count the last time I flew an RJ outside of North America.
I figured someone who called himself The Thought Leader in Travel would post articles that are thoughtprovoking. Wow, a politician likes to eat chips…here’s a blurry picture of it. Stop. The. Presses.
Cameron was just celebrating a famous UK tax victory:
I love it. My Canadian prime minister hopes on an Air Force plane if he wants to go on a picnic.
this is not news, no one cares.
Honestly surprised UK “secret service” allows him to fly commercial. Think only U.S President to ever fly commercial was Nixon on United.