A woman was kicked off Spirit Airlines flight NK657 on Wednesday from Fort Lauderdale to New Orleans. She says it’s because of her cleavage. The airline says she was drunk.
Apparently the woman’s chest was the talk of the plane, though the airline became interested in her worried that she might have had too much to drink. She says she had only one drink, though.
“There was discussion about her outfit,” Supp told Inside Edition. “She was upset; she was crying.”
…Supp says the passenger was embarrassed by the ruckus her outfit was causing that she actually covered up with a coat.
But Supp says it was too late, and she was still taken off the plane.
Here’s the thing: Spirit Airlines is known for cleavage. They’ve done advertising like an invitation to check out the (suntan) oil on their beaches during the Gulf oil spill.

They ran Anthony Weiner and Carlos Danger sales. And they promised you More Bang for Your Buck to Cartagena during the Secret Service prostitution scandal.

And of course that all time great MILF Sale (“Many Islands, Low Fares”).
If there’s any airline where cleavage should be ok, it’s Spirit.
I’m surprised it took you this long to run this story 😉
Such BS. When an airline promotes sexuality as much as Spirit does, they shouldn’t be surprised if someone shows up naked on of their flights. Then they could charge them extra for carry-ons! HAHAHA
@Gary, thanks for keeping us abreast of the situation.
Of course there are thousands of people arrested for drunk driving who also claim they only had “one drink”. That being said if there were any comments about how she was dressed that is totally inappropriate and I wouldn’t put it by some nosey passenger to have a fit because they feel she isn’t covering up enough. Really though airlines need to stop throwing people off planes for every little thing. I have been unable to find any reporting that shows she did ANYTHING that would require her to be actually removed from the plane. I would be quite content with a rule that says if another passenger makes up a lame complaint trying to get someone thrown off the plane that they too should be removed from the flight. I don’t want to fly with people who can’t mind their own business.
My cleavage once got me ON a plane