Monthly Archives

Monthly Archives for July 2002.

Family Leave comes to German

lufthansa plane docked
Jul 04 2002

Family Leave comes to German Aviation. European countries are unmatched in their “sensitivity” to personal issues. Now frequent flyers can take advantage of this sensitivity! Top level Lufthansa Elites can now stay that way if they stop flying as long as they have children. This fascinating new rule they just announced: ——————————————————————————– Lufthansa Senators and Frequent Travellers who would be unable to maintain their status during maternity leave can now retain their status. The status extension is valid for one year at a time, and can be used by mothers or fathers. ——————————————————————————– As I read the “one year at a time” line – if you and your wife are a Senator now, and you then have 5 children, one per year, husband and wife both stay Senator for that 5 year period.

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Thanks also for the

Destination Hotels Start Joining Hyatt August 20
Jul 03 2002

Thanks also for the link, Tony. Your site is one of only three on my links (at the left). Hey, I may be starting to reach a critical mass around these parts. Please spread the word!

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I just came across an

man typing on keyboard
Jul 03 2002

I just came across an interesting media watch blog. How did it come to my attention? I started getting visitors to More Room Throughout Coach from a link on that site. Thanks for the props, Cut on the Bias. 🙂

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The Los Angeles

Jul 02 2002

The Los Angeles Times fronts news this morning that U.S. bombs in Afghanistan may have hit a wedding party. More Room Throughout Coach first noted the phenomenon way back on May 28th. You hear it here first!

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Yesterday I noted

Yesterday I noted the case of the teenage girl sentenced for having sex with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is appealing his fine and the ACLU is contesting the underlying law.

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The DC police are frighteningly

The DC police are frighteningly incompetent. First, it took them a year to find Chandra Levy’s body. Then, it turned out last month that they didn’t even pick up all of her body parts. Now the Washington Post reports that cops may have vandalized the crime scene. Must be that their $300 million budget is too small.

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