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Monthly Archives for March 2020.

United’s Regular Europe Schedule Operates For One Week, Then This Is All That’s Left

Mar 12 2020

In light of the U.S. government’s limits on travel by non-U.S. citizens that have been to Europe within the past 14 days, in addition to reduction in travel broadly in reaction to the novel coronavirus, United has announced that it will only fly it’s current schedule through Thursday, March 19. That gives people time to get home, and to bring employees home.

Here’s what Europe should look like after that for United.

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U.S. Reportedly Considering Travel Restrictions For California And Washington State

Mar 12 2020

The President of the United States is said to be considering travel restrictions between California, Washington, and the rest of the country. I’ve heard rumors of this prior to this reporting and it is certainly not confirmed and not at this point certain to happen.

Meanwhile it appears that travel restrictions haven’t been effective in stopping the spread of this virus.

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Here’s How United Airlines Is Reducing Payroll Expense

Mar 12 2020

United is farthest ahead preparing for the worst as a business. They are cutting capital spending, slashing flying, and eliminating discretionary expenses. They have raised additional cash and assume that their revenue is down 70% in April and May and not fully recovering this year. We don’t know yet if things will be even worse than this, and more drastic measures will need to be taken.

For now there aren’t any layoffs, but United is trying to reduce personnel spending and they’ve imposed a hiring freeze so that retirements will reduce their head count. Here’s the detail of the United Airlines voluntary leave plan.

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Buy One Way Tickets Right Now, Not Roundtrips

Mar 12 2020

Roundtrip tickets used to be cheaper than buying two one ways. For the most part that isn’t true anymore. One way tickets, at least domestically, do not usually raise the cost of a trip.

Still many people book roundtrip travel because of change fees. But for the most part those do not apply right now.

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