$238K Cocaine Bust At O’Hare: 14 Kilos In Wheelchair, Woman Walks Away Without Assistance [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. It’s a miracle! I’m reminded of Dr. Strangelove: “I can walk!” How timely. *gestures broadly*

  2. Glad to see the crowds getting sick of the nickel and diming that Vegas has been doing for the past decade. Hope it continues.

  3. The resort fees have probably pushed a lot of people to the limit in Vegas and they are just fed up with it and not coming anymore or less than they used to.

  4. Online gambling has to be taking a bigger slice of the pie. Lose all your money from the comfort of your sofa.

  5. Must have snorted some of her product before hand which gave her the energy to walk on her own.

  6. I remember being a kid and everyone saw Vegas as the place to go when you get of age — now the last couple times I’ve been I’ve spent almost zero time of the strip and the surrounding nature is 99% of the appeal.

    However, one huge reason to visit (or at least fly through): Capital One Lounge! If rumors are true should be opening under a month from now 🙂 I wonder what it says about me when that will likely be a top highlight of my month haha

  7. Regarding McClellan-Palomar Airport in Carlsbad, the FAA needs to inform the State of California that the Airport is Federal Property, and until the AA flights are approved, nobody flies in or out.

  8. So that’s what Jetway Jesus is up to these days…
    One of many reasons why this scam shouldn’t be tolerated. (At the very least, such passengers should get the SSSS treatment.)

  9. Glad to hear it wasn’t TWA884 caught at ORD, as the arrested trafficker is said to be half the age and female.

  10. So what’s the bigger crime? A quarter million in coke or preloading with a fake disability?

  11. Las Vegas isn’t a high end destination, but it is priced like one. Why pay so much money for tacky rooms and bad service? The value for money just isn’t there anymore, which is likely why people are voting with their feet. If you squeeze the balloon too hard, eventually it pops.

  12. @TProphet

    Oh, but who doesn’t enjoy a good squeeze?

    Also, is it ‘prophet’ or profit? Still can’t believe that film from 2011, Contagion, was honestly not that far off from our reality, a mere decade later.

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