SNL’s Thanksgiving Airline Travel Sketch Is Amazing

Saturday Night Live spoofed Thanksgiving week travel with their “Thanksgiving Week Airport Parade” which opens, “Good morning from Newark airport, everybody’s third choice.” The parade is sponsored by Hudson News which is amazing:

I hate traveling during Thanksgiving. The Wednesday before and Sunday after are also affectionately each known as “amateur day.” Passengers slow things down at security, they don’t know the drill and much of the country has gotten cold so they’re carrying on myriad layers. Boarding takes longer. Lines are interminable at both Starbucks and Sbarro.

And planes are all full! So when passengers misconnect there are no seats on subsequent flights to get where you’re going. So if you actually care about making it to your destination, you’d best leave early and book long connections.

SNL pokes fun at fake service animals, TSA screeners, and the archetype of obnoxious kids.. and drunk pilots. And their final passenger was ‘crazy plane lady’ with a man videotaping her ‘not real’ meltdown, “this video is going viral on black twitter and white twitter.”

Give it a watch. They’re not wrong about Newark.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I’m planning a trip to Australia after my London trip. I’m thinking November or December. I’m definitely going to leave and return before the holiday rush.

  2. SNL might have some of their MOJO back. That was great. This year we are just staying home and never so happy :). Love the fam but just the two of us and some neighbors is some of the best T-Day memories and more to come.

    Safe and sane travels to the rest and be Thankful for friends, family and frequently flier miles!

    Happy T Day everyone!

  3. SNL sometimes hits it right – they certainly did here. I’m traveling to see family one week after the holiday. Declare your own family holiday – less than half the price and lots of empty seats.

  4. I guess no one’s been to the new Newark Terminal A yet? It blows away anything JFK has to offer and there are shorter gate walks than the new LGA Term C.

    Pretty funny skit tho…my pick for an additional passenger in the skit?

    “Entitled Gen Z Traveler”

  5. Where was the drunk passenger attempting to board? The angry passenger who missed their connection? The other angry passenger who expects you to stop what you’re doing to tend to their needs because the agent at their gate isn’t around but you’re in the middle of boarding? And my personal favorite: the entitled passenger who is trying to get undeserved amenities they don’t qualify for or are completely outrageous?

  6. SNL missed all the passengers in boarding group 9 who pretend they can’t read or understand English numbers or letters and try to pre-board or go with group 1/A.

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