Delta Business Class Passenger’s Lewd Acts Ignored by Crew On New York – Athens Flight

A Delta Air Lines passenger was caught in a compromising position on a flight from New York JFK to Athens. “Visibly intoxicated,” a few hours into the trip he began “making loud and disturbing noises” and clearly enjoying himself.

A man seated in the row in front of him tried calling over a flight attendant, but no one responded so he eventually got up and went to the galley to let a crewmember know what was going on.

I’ve been trying to get a hold of someone. The man behind us is masterbating. He’s making very explicit noises and is fondling himself over his pants. It is making us extremely uncomfortable.

She promised “to alert the crew lead” but nothing was done, and the man continued “on and off for a few hours” and I don’t know whether that’s genuinely frightening or awe-inspiring?

The man who observed the commotion “captured video evidence of” the passenger, in his early 50’s, continue unabated.

The passenger who filmed and reported this to crew flew United coming home, Athens to Newark, and no business class passengers engaged in similar behavior.

United Airlines has trained flight attendants to stop passengers from watching inflight porn but that didn’t stop one business class passenger from ignoring a crewmember’s requests to turn it off.

A flight attendant once shared on their Facebook feed a story about a passenger taking such a long time in the lavatory that another passenger expressed concern and eventually the crew started to suspect a medical emergency. After much knocking he came out, iPad in hand. He went in there to watch “a movie.”

Sometimes it’s the flight attendant that’s watching porn. Air Canada once warned pilots to stop leaving porn in the cockpit. And Etihad pilots once wrote up their inflight wifi for being too slow to download porn.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. It is hard to have much sympathy for FAs wanting respect because they are “there for your safety” when they won’t even try to put a stop to egregious behavior like that.

  2. Don’t forget the Virgin America FA who actually filmed a scene with a prominent porn actor while working on a VX aircraft.

  3. I’m not sure if this is real or made up. Maybe a jealous husband was the complainer. There was supposedly a video but no link to it was available. If it was theoretically so, the flight attendants may have had a hand in the passenger being intoxicated and that would be a reason to not investigate very much. It is possible that the sounds were misinterpreted and the part about movements was made up. If the guy wanted his wife to be further away, he could have changed seats with her. Also, if you want better flight attendants, choose your airline carefully.

  4. Airlines in general needs to be firm that passengers need to be informed in black & white no switching seats around without paying a fee. This should apply both domestic & international flights. Five years ago my husband and I took a trip to Paris for my birthday. My travel agent suggested to take advantage of Air France (double decker jet ) and booked us on prime seats. It’s almost a full flight except the middle isles that seats 4 or 5? We paid $3,500 + each. The last row in the middle isles is empty. After door closed all the crews getting ready for take off. Suddenly flight attendant brought in a big group from coach cabin and allowed them to moved. They were happy and cheering that was a great deal. They were quite noisy as well! Now, I hope Air France don’t allow this anymore! Passengers like us paid lots of money for comfort and plus a great meal.

  5. Wait…what airline? The headline says Delta but Delta does not fly from Athens to Newark. What other facts are missing/incorrect?

  6. Wow, some people have no self control.
    Solo diddling is not a qualifying activity for joining the Mile High club!

    In all seriousness, it sure sounds like the flight crew shirked their responsibility in this case.
    I would send the video directly to corporate and wait for their response.
    If weeks go by and no response is received, I would post it on their social media pages as a PSA on what passengers may expect by flying the airline.

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