Should Parents Be Fined – Or Compensate Other Passengers – When Kids Cry On A Plane? [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. crying babies are not a problem parents should be taught to let the baby drink.
    the problem are older ill behaved kids.and parent that don’t exercise parental control

  2. Only once wrapping the kids face in duct tape, or super gluing their lips shut, is no longer considered child abuse. Otherwise, it’s just the reality that you may not be able to identify everything that is making them unhappy.

    What should really be done, is flight attendants should provide a small bottle of water and instruct the parents to give it to the kid during takeoff and landing to help them swallow so their ears will pressurize properly. They could also provide coloring kits (but small pads instead of just one sheet) like restaurants do. They should add the in-flight entertainment to ALL aircraft. Those minor expenses for the kids would be greatly offset by the savings of fuel due to the obvious significant weight differences.

  3. The only reaction anyone should have to a crying baby is sympathy for the baby, who is suffering more than you are.

  4. Common Sense. Everyone who flies should determine what is the best method to be as considerate as possible for everyone involved, child and other passengers. Having different sections does make a lot of sense. In most cases there will be a reason that parents don’t have an alternative option for travel, but in some cases making EVERYONE miserable is not acceptable.

  5. And the intolerant whiners ride again. Those who think they are more important than anyone else in the world will complain about anything and everything they can just because they are narcissists and think the world is for them and them alone. Anyone who has never been around a baby whose only form of communication is to cry when they have a need that requires attention should frankly stay off of commercial airlines. Possibly carriers such as NetJets or JSX might be more to their liking. These entitled full grown infants should try ear plugs or ear buds with music instead of whining about babies crying.

  6. Any parent (or MD) will tell you that it’s impossible to guarantee that a baby will not cry. Those wanting compensation or fines are really saying that they want babies banned from flying. I can guarantee that the parents wish they could quiet their baby, too.

    Get a grip, people. A packet of ear plugs is enough to cut the racket. If you want to go the expensive route, buy a set of noise canceling headphones.

  7. Of all the asinine subjects that are available, punishment for a crying baby on an airplane is definitely top of the list. Do people have no brains at all? Go pat the parent on the shoulder, pick the baby up and take it for a walk. If parent is nervous, just walk back and forth in front of parent. It stops crying and eventually goes to sleep. Return to parent. This is not neuro science.

  8. Instead of blaming the baby or the parent, those with intolerance to babies crying need to get strong drugs from their doctor to put themselves to sleep. I am usually very tolerant of a baby crying myself. Perhaps it it due to helping my mother with my younger sister and my younger brother when I was young.

  9. Wow, you got a recline story AND a crying baby story. Maybe go for whether to close the window shades or mention seat saving on Southwest for the trifecta?

  10. Just give the baby a Gin and Tonic. No seriously If the kid is crying then it is having issues. If the parents did not check

    Hungry Nope
    Drink Nope Get the kid to nurse a bottle or work that Bindy – moves the ear issue.
    Wet Nope – In the old days would check that the diaper pins did not open up

    Now if the parents are going to Disney with a 1 year old then they are just crazy

    As a non parent i have distracted a number of kids over the years. I have also got into a lot of trouble for it too. Getting them to do things like squirt dad mom with water pistols , steal their food. I haven got one kids to take the moms cigs and put them in the trash.

  11. Introducing fines or compensation for disruptions could set a standard of accountability. It emphasizes the importance of considering the comfort and well-being of fellow passengers. This precedent could extend to other disruptive behaviors, fostering a more respectful and considerate travel environment.

  12. Parents with crying children should be required to go outside during the flight. OR take a Greyhound bus

  13. I wanted to chime in on here on this subject because I think trying to charge or penalize parents over crying children is Absolutely ridiculous. Do airlines really think that they would get away with pulling this crap at all towards parents- Not a chance in hell because they would cause a major firestorm with all parents whom would surely go after airline companies for being Intolerant / Cold-hearted pieces of crap that deserve the shit that would come back on them

  14. Money doesn’t always fix everything (especially if there is not enough of it). If you can’t contain your child, then you must exit the plane. There, I’ve said it. Now before you say “wait, what if the plane is at 30,000 ft?” I will say “if you boarded a plane with a small child, not knowing whether or not you could manage said child, and you failed to come equipped for a HALO insertion, it is totally on you.”

  15. How many of those dumping on crying babies were themselves howlers when they were little?

  16. @carletonm “How many of those dumping on crying babies were themselves howlers when they were little?” It’s a moot point. My parents never took me on a plane until they were certain that wouldn’t happen.

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