Nightmare Flight: American Airlines First Class Passenger Caught Urinating And ‘Flicking The Bean’ After Downing 9 Jack & Cokes

American Airlines flight 3921 from Chicago O’Hare to Manchester, New Hampshire near Boston diverted to Buffalo on Wednesday when a passenger urinated in the aisle of the Embraer E-170 aircraft operated by wholly-owned regional carrier Envoy Air.

Niagara Frontier Transit Authority Police responded to Buffalo Airport’s gate 2, where the plane eventually arrived. One of the officers boarded the aircraft and was told by a flight attendant that the man “exposed himself and urinated on the flight,” according to the criminal complaint.

The flight attendant identified the passenger, who was then placed in custody and taken off the aircraft. Another passenger who was seated in row 2 had taken photos of the man exposing himself and urinating, and those were shared with police.

Once at the police station, the passenger submitted to an interview, despite being Mirandized, in which he explained that:

  • He was flying Portland – Chicago – Manchester
  • He likes to drink jack and cokes
  • He drank several before his flight out of Portland, and several more during his layover in Chicago
  • He also had several more on the flight from Chicago to Manchester
  • He got up during the flight to use the restroom – and was “flicking the bean” when he returned “due to having a medical urination problem.”

We’ll take “several” to mean ‘more than two’ in each case, and that would mean that the passenger drank at least nine jack and cokes.

The 25 year old man was federally charged with indecent exposure. Since this happened inflight, in the “special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States” he is charged under District of Columbia criminal code. D.C. Code 22-1312 states, “It is unlawful for a person, in public, to make an obscene or indecent exposure of his or her genitalia or anus.”

It appears this first class passenger wasn’t a first class passenger. It’s also hardly the first time that this has happened, or even the first time on American Airlines. A man urinated on a seatmate during an American Airlines flight to Delhi back in March. And in one of my favorite cases, an American Airlines passenger had to be told that there was a lavatory on board and not to just use the seat and that man claimed not to be drunk ‘just chewing gum’.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. He should have blamed it on food poisoning.

    Oh wait, wrong airline. Never mind.

  2. I didn’t think dudes could flick the bean, this sounds like more of chicken choking scenario…

  3. “I didn’t think dudes could flick the bean, this sounds like more of chicken choking scenario…”

    Absolutely correct. Extremely newsworthy posts like this deserve accurate reporting. It takes only a minute to search for the meaning of “flicking the bean” on one’s favorite search engine. Since this is a story of great importance and magnitude, a Thought Leader should at least use the correct terminology. That’s how to keep it classy.

    We really need more censorship of such misinformation.

  4. A man does not have a bean to flick. This was a gender-inappropriate euphemism.

  5. Maybe we need an IQ test before you are permitted to purchase air travel. Or at least a breathalyzer before boarding.

  6. Incorrect use of “flicking the bean”. Come on Gary. We expect better!

    Of course, I may be wrong. It certainly could be a woman with a willy who claims it’s a bean. In which case we are required to accept their right to claim a willy is a bean. Or vice versa. Willy Bean is also a GM who will always be famous for never getting a ring. Ever.

  7. Came for the comments
    Flicking the bean what could come at a more appropriate time?
    Happy Independence Day all

  8. I expect the updated American Airlines Contract of Carriage will include a prohibition on “flicking the bean.”

  9. Yeah WTF. Flicking the bean has to do with working the little man in the canoe.

  10. Not a bean flick, more of a willy waggle to shake the last drops off on fellow travelers. Just nasty. Never flies again, lifetime sentence to Greyhound.

  11. Let this be the reason you do not let drunk people board. I hope he has to pay for the hazmat cleanup and the cost for the delays to the next flight and compensation to delayed exit.
    What on earth has happened to civility?!

  12. Greyhound has even less tolerance for behavior like this. On a Greyhound bus, the Driver = God. They can and will pull over in the middle of nowhere and dump you out, and if you’re lucky call the police and tell them where they left you.

  13. And what’s the penalty for public urination or indecent exposure in the District of Columbia?……exactly.
    As long as he wasn’t actually IN DC on January 6th, he’s good.

  14. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Another shining example of why people doing stupid things like this or trying to bring a gun on a flight need a 20 year membership in the No Fly club.

  15. Actually, both the airport servers and flight crews bear responsibility for incidents like this. I am sure it will be investigated. Employees are trained to spot intoxicated passengers and are certainly trained to stop serving (and report, if necessary) those who are inebriated. Drunk/high passengers should be denied boarding (this is policy, not my opinion). This can be very tricky/challenging but it is part of their job duties. FA’s are not sky servers, they are there to ensure safety before all else. Passenger food and beverage service is not the primary duty onboard.

  16. How did he even make it down the jetway. The flight attendant bears some responsibility for giving a drunk more alcohol. What might have happened if he made off the flight and tried to drive. His bladder may have saved his and other lives.

  17. Stop serving alcohol in airports. I’ve seen people down several in rapid succession before they board. Airplanes are fine because you can’t possibly drink more than a couple as the flight attendants are too busy.

  18. If he was flying out of Charlotte or Philadelphia, this never could’ve happened!

  19. This man should be 1. fined a significant amt. no less than $10,000. 2. No fly status for 5 years and his name/ID passed to all major scheduled carriers in the country. This passenger is a hazard to all on board as drunk as he was. Alcohol should not be served on board, and 2 drinks max if at an airport bar. .

  20. Maybe a smart thing for airports to do is to NOT let drunks on a plane period- problem solved

  21. The flight attendant(s) have some capability as they are mandated to not serve alcohol to passengers when they see they have had too much.

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