Kamala Harris Chocolate Bar on American Airlines? Passenger’s Surprise Highlights Vanishing Inflight Politics This Year

An American Airlines passenger says that one of the flight attendants on board their recent Airbus narrowbody flight handed out Kamala Harris chocolate bars. He took to social media for an explanation from the airline… but then conceded that the chocolate bar was actually “kinda good.”

I haven’t seen any other reports of this happening across other flights, or even more reports of it on this flight. And the passenger hasn’t yet responded to public or private messages.

According to American Airlines,

The item pictured is not one of American’s onboard service items. We are investigating the matter, including reaching out to the customer to learn more.

Usually it’s passengers giving chocolates to the crew, not the other way around. And American is uniquely ungenerous with coach snacks, so this is probably the best nourishment you’re going to get? Even though American Airlines employees aren’t permitted to engage in political activity at work, if someone wants to use their political preferences to fund my snacks, frankly I’m in favor of it.

These chocolates appear to be available in some airports. It’s not clear to me whether the flight attendant (or passenger!) picked these up on the way to their gate, or brought them to the airport to distribute.

While the American Airlines flight attendants union has endorsed Kamala Harris for President, broadly speaking I haven’t other reports of flight attendants handing out snacks promoting one campaign or the other on any airline. And pilots seem to have gone silent making “Let’s Go Brandon!” announcements.

Passengers even seem tamer? There’s the occasional ‘in your face’ candidate shirt but even there the politicking has been kept to a minimum. So maybe the plane won’t get too political leading up to (and in the aftermath of!) the upcoming Presidential election.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Sucks that AA had to go political. We have their freaking card and frankly can use other airlines. Maybe kickbacks are lining pockets?

  2. That’s how they get the microchip in your brain. Then it works with COVID reprogramming virus to control you.

  3. If Trump is elected (God forbid) he’ll no doubt put Kamala in prison (or have her executed) and anybody possessing those chocolate bars . . . likewise.

  4. My dreams, aspirations, and ambitions include receiving a Kamala chocolate bar from a flight attendant who is probably has not reached the middle class.

  5. Whats the over/under on this flight attendant wearing:
    Thick plastic framed glasses
    Palestinian flag pin
    Gay rainbow pin
    BLM (Burn/Loot/Murder) pin
    APFA war lanyard

  6. Hey… it was an individual, not the airline giving it out.
    If the person on the plane didn’t want it, they could have said: “No thank you”… but instead the outcome was “kinda good”.

    So it was offered, free of charge, accepted by the passenger and consumed.
    Sounds like a win for the passenger.

    Other airlines do regularly give out chocolates or other sweets. Looks like for that passenger, it was also an upgrade, ala Swiss Air-ish.

    Shortly, I’m sure that there will abe a conspiracy theory that Kamala chocolate controls the red state weather… because THATS how they getcha.

    (Can’t wait to get beyond this election season, I have had it… knowing that all of us are immigrants or descended from immigrants, one side is especially moronic. Did you know his current wife’s dad was a communist? Interesting…)

  7. This is bad FA behavior…. extra miles to all passengers.

    Both candidates are not pro frequent flyer.

    Both candidates are not pro elderly.

    Both candidates are anti-health care. They both cut Medicare but behind the scenes.

    Both candidates are anti-government efficiency.

    Both are anti-children.

    KamalaH likes to raise taxes and is slick. DonaldT is a jerk and us crude.

  8. Anyone comparing today’s stampede of illegals entering this country to the immigrants who entered this country up through the beginning of the 19th century is an idiot. Enjoy your sanctuary city fool.

  9. “Do you want a credit card application? Oh, Ok here, have a chocolate bar.”

    Sounds awesome.

  10. These are being handed out for free while the Trump chocolate bars already sold out (unlike his opponent who has already sold out her ‘unchanged’ values). Same with cookies, as there are lots of excess Harris cookies still available.

  11. How about a $100,000 watch that allows people to get around campaign donation limits?

    But yeah, free chocolate bars.

    Ps… don’t forget, 100+ years or so ago the only “white” immigrants were Anglo Saxons, as they were the only folks that they considered white. So, the rest of y’all are likely from immigrants on par or worse that today.

  12. This was maybe not a smart move to do by a flight attendant because she was probably hoping it would push customers to vote Brainless harris

  13. Passing out political agenda chocolate bars on company time to paying passengers who are basically trapped/captive guests on the flight is the heighth of rudeness.

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