Delta CEO’s Sphere Spectacle: Has Ed Bastian Abandoned Running the Airline? [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Actually, I could imagine the private check-in would be something I’d consider, given the low price. I could easily imagine one reserving it for, say, their parents 50th anniversary trip or their kid’s honeymoon.

  2. CEO Ed Bastian = Premium! No other airline even comes close to Delta. Our 30 year old, I mean their 30 year old 757s and 767s are the best in the sky.

  3. we all realize that Gary is trying desperately to stay relevant but Delta has been at CES for years including in a major sponsoring role.

    And regarding aircraft, DAL’s fleet will be getting younger in 2025 because it is using new deliveries to retire older aircraft including some 757s and 767s.
    in contrast, UAL retired about 10 aircraft in the first half of the year and still might not get as many new aircraft as Delta so its fleet will not only age – it was already older than Delta’s – but there comes a point, not many years from now, when United has to use whatever Boeing can deliver to United for fleet replacement.
    Southwest now has a shrinking fleet because Boeing cannot deliver enough aircraft including the MAX 7 and WN has to retire aircraft due to age.

    DAL is receiving 14 new Airbus widebodies, UAL was supposed to receive 8 in 2024 but MIGHT receive 3.

    Gary loves to generate page clicks but only rarely takes the time to focus on real industry issues even though, when he does, he does well.

    btw, AAL did “well” on its earnings but generated much less revenue than leader DAL or even second place UAL while LUV settled with Elliott… a far bigger deal than a recurring role at CES

  4. Wow, Bastion did 3 events in 6 months?!? Shocking. Yeah that’s really dereliction of duty. I don’t like the guy, but come on.

  5. Agreed…clickbait and I fell for it. Yes, Ed flew to Paris for the opening of the Olympics. Delta is the prime carrier for the USA Olympic team. He’s not only the CEO but an “ambassador” for the company. As CEO, he has spoken at CES before. Nothing new here. Glen Hauenstein (get the spelling correct if you’re gonna condemn him too) is also a great executive. He’s the “route guru” and has been very successful at this. He and his team continually “massage” the schedules and routes for optimum RSM and…they are pretty good at it, too. The bad news is, yeah…Delta had a massive meltdown caused by numerous issues BUT…I guarantee you, the company learned and will try to prevent something like that from happening again. As for the food in Detroit, please name any US carrier that doesn’t use an outside vendor for foodservice. Companies must rely on their vendors to follow all protocols. As SOON as the contamination issue came to light, the company immediately stopped all foodservice (what should they have done otherwise?) and made a hasty switch of vendors. Better that than finding mold, a mouse or other stuff later on.

  6. Wait til your see the premium interior seating upgrades, starting with our 35 year old 757 fleet with breathable seats!

    You’ll wish every flight in the future will be delayed for days with zero communications, no automatic flight rebooking with hotel accommodations and meal vouchers, 81 hour wait times on the phone and no automatic cash refunds or compensation for flight cancellations until ordered by the DOT or the DOJ!

  7. Clickbait never fails to attract the Troll in Chief, “Tim”.

    7 paragraph response to something he calls page clicks…

  8. “Clickbait never fails to attract the Troll in Chief, “Tim”.

    7 paragraph response to something he calls page clicks…”

    He’s usually the first to click when sees the magic word. And he does like to hear himself talk.

  9. Finnair award pricing is a joke whether on their metal, where you pay a bunch to fly practically to Russia, or on partners.

  10. I think that I have lifetime OW sapphire with my Accor stock ownership and partnership with QR. And I don’t even have to hazard a flight with JN, as I much prefer NH (*A) . At least it never seems to expire on my app.

  11. facts that a few really don’t want to admit are real so they trash the person that highlights them.

    DL and Bastian have been at CES for years. Gary just figured this out?

    Boeing is having a larger impact on the airline industry than many want to admit.

    AA is flooding the industry w/ cheaper seats than DL or UA – and still making far less money.

    AA and DL are comparable from a cost perspective; UA is dodging a financial bullet by not settling w/ its FAs. UA’s results will fall when they settle with their FAs.

  12. Now 12 paragraphs from the Troll in chief in response to a “page clicks” article. He really can’t help himself.

    Along with the usual way of consoling himself that his intense paranoia is justified… “others don’t like to admit…” lol

  13. you aren’t smart enough to figure out that, the more you belly ache, the more I write.

    If you want to see less of what I write, stop your obsession with what I write.

    and you still can’t accept that Bastian has been at CES for years and Boeing is screwing up a whole of AA, UA and WN’s plans. The fact that you can’t stand that reality and throw stones at the messenger shows how little YOU are.

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