Be Careful Who You Let Into Your Hotel Room

Security footage at the Loews Regency Hotel in New York catches two women leaving the room of a 79 year old man they robbed after he wined and dined them ‘at a Manhattan hotspot’.

Credit: Loews New York

Apparently “lusty ladies who seduce men at upscale Manhattan haunts before robbing them blind” is a thing.

While the mark remembers lounging at Club Macanudo, he claims he doesn’t recall meeting the women or anything else that took place inside his hotel room.

When he suddenly came to his senses, the women were clobbering him. They then took off with the watch and $3,000 in cash.

Here are the women, one “is wearing a unzipped dress and carrying a bundle of clothes.”

Here’s a hint. When you’re 79 years old and multiple women want to go back with you to your hotel room, it isn’t your wit or your physique that they’re after. And if things like this don’t normally happen to you then it’s not on the up and up if you’re 30, either.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. $3,000 in cash? Come on, he should be using a credit card and generating miles and points. I don’t mean to be flippant – it’s a scam and a criminal act – but should this guy be out by himself in the first place? I know many people that age who are perfectly competent, but I have questions about this one.

  2. As someone who worked in NYC hotels, we’ve found that these are sometimes buyer’s remorse stories when they decide the hookers are charging too much or they change their mind after committing. I’m sure there’s more to the story…there always is

  3. If a woman wants to sleep with you, you should realize you are going to pay one way or the other.

    We have allowed women and cops as victims even though on most cases they are not and they are laughing to the bank at society’s stupidity.

    Those two women should be in jail either for theft or for prostituition charges.

  4. Guy I picked up at bar once in New Orleans got back to my hotel and was like now you need to pay me or I will call the cops that you tried to pay me to have sex with you. I said go for it, if you want I will call them and I started laughing. He got ticked off, took some spare change i had, less than $2, and ran out. I still laugh thinking about it.

  5. A pity Ray Rice was not in that elevator when these two hookers got on.

    He’d knock them out cold.

  6. This has been “a thing” for decades; it has simply been underreported since NYC became such a “safe” pastel Disneyland and old-school crime-and-grime stories got shoved to the back burner

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