After Two Bottles Of Liquor, American Airlines Passenger Assaults Flight Attendant: “Kind Gesture To Say, Thanks, Man”

A retired firefighter traveling on American Airlines flight 167 from New York to Tokyo Haneda forced a diversion to Alaska on January 5 after the business class passenger struggled with a lavatory door, began banging it from inside, and got confused about how the handle worked.

American Airlines Boeing 787

When the man finally made it out, he’s alleged to have grabbed a flight attendant by the lapels, which the crewmember considered aggressive and he called a “kind gesture.”

He then approached the cockpit door. Family traveling with him tried to get him to return to his seat, but he kept moving forward. According to his wife, she felt incapable of managing his actions even with assistance.

American Airlines Boeing 787-9 Cockpit

A pilot left the cockpit to warn the man’s wife that his behavior might force a diversion. When the man continued disregarding instructions, cockpit crew decided to make an emergency landing in Anchorage. The man’s wife was reportedly relieved. Once on the ground, a breathalyzer revealed blood alcohol concentration of 0.219.

  • During questioning, Solesky acknowledged grabbing the flight attendant’s jacket but dismissed it as an innocent gesture of gratitude. “I thought it was a kind gesture to say, ‘Thanks, man.’”
  • He told officers he had consumed only a Bloody Mary and two mini bottles of liquor during the flight. “I am very healthy, work out often, and am not taking any medications.”

It may be true that the man had just two mini vodkas on the flight, but it’s unclear what he drank before the flight. It’s not as though pregaming doesn’t count just because it occurs in a different time zone.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Do these folks really hate flying that much? Because this is how you get on the ‘No Fly List’–Good luck swimming from Anchorage to Tokyo.

  2. It’s time to start thinking about no more liquor on planes served. This is ridiculous. Perhaps even the entire airport. Sick and tired of all this waste because some jerks can’t control themselves.

    YEah, I know, the innocents are the victims but I’ll take it if it prevents this kind of shenanigans.

  3. Very poorly written. Is the firefighter’s name Solesky? You didn’t name him in the article so the use of the family name without antecedent is confusing to the reader. They teach you this in the first month of journalism class in high school.

  4. @Ren

    I doubt prohibition is the answer, though some Islamic carriers already do this (Egyptair, for example, no alcohol whatsoever); however, ‘cutting off’ someone who is clearly drunk, definitely agree, helps to mitigate risk.

    @Derek McGillicuddy

    VFTW is not hard-hitting investigative journalism. It’s an aviation/credit card blog. Gary’s doing just fine, and he can ‘edit’ his posts if he wishes, or not. Perfection is not the goal here.

  5. Here’s the solution. Put these people in jail if for only 90 days. Secure a monetary judgement against them for the diversion costs then collect. Put them on a no fly list. This crap would significantly decline because it would be known causing a flight disturbance has very serious consequences. Most passengers can have a couple drinks and not act like this. Most can control their tempers even when frustrated. Why should the very many suffer because of the stupidity of the very few.

  6. George, I agree with you 100%.: 1: put him in jail. 2: get the judgement for the cost of the diversion and garnish his wages to force payment 3: put him on ALL airlines no fly list. Let him take Amtrak to Japan. Let’s see how far THAT method of transportation will get him…if Amtrak lets him onboard! Maybe the incoming Secretary Of Transportation may make some changes.

  7. That’s pathetically weak. I once finished 8 minis of Macallan 12 on a repositioning flight from Dallas to Augusta for the Master’s. I took 4 more bottles to go. Hopefully, they restocked the plane for the people getting on.

  8. Gary,

    your headline would never have made it past a half-attentive editor. “Two bottle of liquor” is simply misleading, when what he had was two little airline bottles of whatever it was. I’m guessing the .219 BAC was due to pre-flight ingestion.

    With respect, good story, but seriously flawed head.

  9. To the ridiculous person saying they should ban drinks in the airport, why not sit in your house alone. Don’t drive because due to some people abusing the privilege, it is no longer permitted. Do not use the internet as it also has been banned. Too many people doing bad things. Get your head out of your…and realize that banning something you don’t like or because you think other abuse the privilege is so small minded.

  10. When someone has reached the point of being drunk enough to cut them off, it is too late. Cutting them off simply sends them into a tailspin because their angry when you refuse to serve them more alcohol.
    Airlines stopped serving alcohol during the pandemic just for that reason.

  11. I drink more than my doctor would like. But, I rarely drink on planes despite they’re free. Banning alcohol on planes will simply leaded to more drinking prior to boarding. Bad idea.

  12. Drunks always lie about how much they drank. Robert William Solesky must have pounded drinks to have that BAC eight hours into a flight with only a few drinks onboard. Of course, his wife would have known about how many he had. He should be liable for all extra costs related to his decision to drink that much, including airline costs and collateral passenger costs. If those numbers were totaled and taken out of his retirement income, maybe he would be too poor to travel on any airline in the future.

  13. I was a cockpit crew member for a national/international carrier for 30 years. I don’t remember any physical confrontation with a sober passenger but many drunk passengers.
    The fix seems simple to me.

  14. “Solesky was sitting in the fourth row of the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, in a lie-flat reclining seat normally priced just north of $12,000, round-trip.”
    This is some wealthy retired firefighter.

  15. Per the website joinfdny, a FDNY firefighter with 5 1/2 years of employment has a base salary of $105,146. Of course, higher rank has higher pay and overtime and callout is added pay. New York City is expensive but I am sure some firefighters put money into retirement accounts. With the way the stock market has been going up during the last ten years, a firefighter could end up with a sizeable pension as well as retirement money to supplement that pension. If the household has two earners making somewhat similar wages, there is a fair amount of income. $12,000 tickets, if they actually cost that much, are possible, but the trip could have been paid by another source such as inheritance money.

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