Milepoint has brought back Premium Membership, which includes a host of great deals for frequent flyers.
And whereas last year we had to price it at $59, this year we were able to do it for $49.

Hopefully this is one of the very best deals of the year.
The headline benefits:
- Gold Elite status with Hilton HHonors through February 2015
- Free upgrade to National Car Rental Emerald Club Executive Status
- 1,000 United MileagePlus miles
It won’t work for everyone, Hilton Diamonds that don’t want to gift Gold status to anyone and who don’t collect United miles for instance. But for frequent flyers generally, we set out to create a really fantastic deal.
Put another way, if you can’t get more than $50 of value out of this, you aren’t doing it right.
Hilton’s Gold status is good for breakfast, internet, and the occasional upgrade. I frequently call it the best elite level in the HHonors program. Many folks pay $95 to get the Citi Reserve credit card that comes with this status, and I think that’s a great deal.
National Car Rental’s status lets you pick from better cars in the ‘Executive Aisle’ rather than just the ‘Emerald Aisle’.
In addition there are benefits with several other partners like one year of ad-free viewing on, free 1-year subscription to, PointsHound Level 2 Status through 2014, UsingMiles Premier membership, free upgrade to AwardWallet Plus.
There are discounts and offers like a free parking day from The Parking Spot — and that’s not “one free day when you pay for a day” — it’s literally just a free day, so you can use it on a one-day parking visit.
There’s a 20% discount on, and a 10% discoutn on the KVS Tool.
And check this out — a 10% discount on Hyatt gift card purchases. So buy a $500 gift card for $450, for instance. Great if you stay frequently with Hyatt.
To be clear, I am a co-founder of the Milepoint frequent flyer community. This isn’t something I expect any money from. Instead, I hope we’ve put together a really good deal for frequent flyers. And like with Hotwire or Priceline, programs can be talked into offering benefits for potentially really good customers at a deep discount when those benefits are ‘packaged’ together so it’s not as simple or straightforward as them offering something at a deep discount.
If we’ve done this right there will be some extra funds, and we’ve committed off the top that 10% of the purchase price (not 10% of ‘net proceeds’ or anything like that) goes to charity. Doing these efforts lets us fund Milepoint’s charitable activities – which over the past year have included the ASPCA, Habitat For Humanity, Kiva, LIVESTRONG, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, United We Care and The Wounded Warrior Project.
Packages are limited, and last year’s sold out pretty quickly. I’d love to hear what you think in the comments.
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@Eric FD – you should have received a ‘conversation’ in your Milepoint account detailing all of the benefits and how to claim them. If you did not, send an email to Thanks!
Gary: I have HH Diamond but it’s due to expire at the end of the year since I’ve been at SPG more this year due to client locations. I assume it would be no problem to apply the Gold onto my account to save it from dropping all the way down to silver next year? Overall great package, I’m month-to-month on EF right now so the 20% on EF to move to a yearly membership alone is great!
Sorry to ask this same question others have raised, having joined this Premium P2, does that mean my current Hilton Gold will extend to Feb 2015 (which otherwise will expire at the end of this year) ??
@durnvase yes if you submit your HHonors number through Milepoint premium that will extend gold through 2/15