American Airlines Doesn’t Allow Dogs To Have Their Own Seats, Here’s The Sneaky Way Passengers Do It [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Why is Virgin Atlantic building a new lounge at LAX? They used to have a lounge but gave that space to Delta if memory serves. Delta is also opening a Delta One lounge at LAX. And Air France has a lounge at LAX too. Seems absurd that Virgin Atlantic, which is not profitable, is building a lounge for the sake of having lounge. No wonder Virgin Atlantic doesn’t make money.

  2. I for one do not see why there is a problem with peoples not being able to have pets on board a plane from time-to-time,especially if they have been trained to behave on flights. I see No problem with it. It’s mainly the Whiners whom pipe up and Bitch & complain about this

  3. If a pet is in a pet carrier, are passengers permitted to place their pet carrier on their purchased adjacent extra seat and secure the pet carrier using the seatbelt?

  4. I can’t believe that FTW has totally missed the big news in pet travel playing out right now with the new CDC dog import rules. The rules and forms were finalized. So many problems, so much confusion. Even those of us who are seasoned fliers/land border crossers with our dogs internationally were left scratching our heads and scrambling to understand them. A week later and the CDC posts new procedures, thanking everyone for bringing the issues to their attention. And there are still some things that need fixing.

  5. The new TK J seats look awesome. I have flown in the current ones and they’re really cramped.

  6. @Robin everyone thinks their pet is well behaved until it attacks a real service animal. Some dogs socialize better with humans than other dogs.

  7. @ Robin. Spock is right, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few.” Go with it when it comes to untrained dogs/cats/pets in the passenger cabin. The ONLY exception should be professionally trained Service Dogs formerly known as Seeing Eye Dogs.
    Before you go ballistic I have a dog that I would very much like to take with me on occasion . . . but I don’t because I won’t subject others to my dog, as lovely as she is.

  8. The pet thing really does’t matter because AA and B6 both prohibit “large” dogs from flying in the cabin *excepting “service” animals. Small dogs are fine in cages but nobody cares about squeefy yappers.

    Given the 1000s of animal deaths annually nobody really trusts the airlines with transporting their pet with baggage. Unfortuately the only option is JSX, which the other airlines are desperately trying to run out despite the fact that JSX fares are usually 2x higher (4x if you buy a seat for your dog).

  9. I love dogs and cats, I am not allergic to either and have only had to share space in my row with a well behaved medium sized dog on a plane once, no biggie. However, there was such a fuss about peanuts/nuts on planes and how they can’t serve them anymore because someone might have an allergy, shouldn’t that apply to animals on a plane? There are people who are allergic to dogs or cats, it may not be deathly, but could make a miserable flight for that paying customer; doesn’t their comfort account for something? Not to mention people who just don’t like animals or are afraid.
    I blame airlines for this out of control situation, they have been all over the place with rules. Also, society seemed to manage to travel all those years until kind of recently without fluffy tagging along, you would only see a authentic service dog, I miss the days of flying when it was special and elegant, and that wasn’t that long ago.

  10. As an American Airlines flight attendant I can tell you this is absolutely NOT ALLOWED. This is not a “hack” and it won’t work. Our manual clearly states that an animal cannot occupy a seat. It doesn’t matter how many extra seats someone buys. This is a health regulation.

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