American Airlines Kicks 2 Year Old Off Flight For Not Wearing A Mask, Threatens To Ban Whole Family

A husband and wife boarded their flight on American Airlines from Charlotte to Jacksonville along with their 4 year old and 2 year old and two grandparents. American kicked them off because their two year old wouldn’t keep her mask on. They had no issue on their inbound flight, just their onward connection. And the woman says her daughter was eating, which is allowed.

American Airlines staff in Charlotte reportedly threatened to ban the whole family from the airline. American, though, tells me that “The family is not banned from flying with American if they are willing to comply with our face covering requirements for future flights.”

Leshinsky said her daughter, Makenna, was eating a snack when the flight attendant asked if she had a mask.

“My daughter was literally chewing,” Leshinsky said. “The stewardess said, ‘you are going to have to put her mask on.’ I said, ‘I will as soon as she’s done eating.’”

Leshinsky said they tried getting Makenna to put on the mask, but she wasn’t having it.

“She would leave it on for a little bit and then she’d take it off because she wanted to eat, and we would keep trying to put it on. We were bribing her,” Leshinsky said.

Leshinsky said the crew brought a Federal Air Marshal on board to talk to the family.

According to American Airlines, they “offered to rebook the family on another flight to Jacksonville.” They family, though, says they “suggested we all get back on the plane but leave [their two year old] at the airport.” They rented a van for the six hour drive home.

American says they’ve refunded the Charlotte – Jacksonville segment of the family’s tickets.

According to an American Airlines spokesperson,

American Airlines requires all customers age 2 and older to wear face coverings at airports and on board aircraft to keep all customers and team members safe. This policy is based on CDC recommendations due to the safety risk of asymptomatic COVID-19 transmission. Our professional flight attendants try to work with parents of young children and recognize ongoing compliance efforts when families are traveling with us.

Our customers overwhelmingly support and follow this policy and have been clear that they feel more safe when everyone is wearing a face covering.

This isn’t the first time that American kicked a two year old off a flight for not wearing a mask. American’s policy, at least, is clear: “A face covering is required while flying on American, except for children under 2 years old.” Although masks can come down briefly while eating.

United Airlines kicked a two year old off a flight this month for not being willing to wear their mask even though United’s published policy said that masks are required for children over two.

I’m in favor of mask-wearing, though most of the masks people wear aren’t very good. They may offer limited source protection. Travelers should make an effort to wear better masks. I’m not in favor of kicking off families whose two year olds can’t wear masks. The preponderance of evidence highly suggests that the risk of spread from a two year old is very low.

Families with young children should fly Delta Air Lines which exempts young children unable to wear masks for their facial coverings requirement.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. This is just another example of why the airlines should be allowed to fail and we’ll see who comes in to take their place. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a 2 year old in the house but I can still remember how difficult it was to control their emotions. They don’t call it the terrible 2’s for nothing. One moment they are happy and the next they are screaming their head off. Shame on AA treating the family like this but then the airlines have no shame.

  2. Maybe two-year-old children should not fly during this epidemic. It’s not a joke. Also there’s no urgency to eat during a short flight. Sometimes people eat a snack for 30 minutes or more just to avoid putting on a mask. I flew on a full flight round-trip from Miami to Las Vegas where many people did not comply with wearing masks and the flight attendants didn’t make them wear masks. This epidemic is not a joke. If people will not comply they should be prevented from flying until this is over

  3. This is absurd. Two year olds are challenging to control under these circumstances. A mask on a child so young can’t be beneficial to their well-being and we already know that children don’t spread this virus the way adults do. And to the poster who posted about the terrible twos, amen! No is their most emphatic word.

  4. Americans Parker Airways
    “Doing What We do best”
    Making each passenger miserable one day at a time
    If today is not your day neither will tomorrow or the day after that

  5. The airline has a rule. Why are you entitled to travel if not willing to follow the rule? If a 2 year old is not willing to wear a seatbelt they would not be allowed to fly. If they would not stay in their seat they would not be allowed to fly. I fully realize some people do not think masks should be required, either for anyone or for children under 5, etc. But those people don’t get to make the rules for the airlines, and can certainly chose not to fly if they don’t want to abide by the rules. I don’t see how someone can be outraged when they book a ticket knowing of this requirement, and then are kicked off the flight when they don’t comply with the requirement. And I say this as someone with a 3 year old. There are certainly some instances where you cannot make them do something they need to be doing. But that doesn’t make them above the rules.

  6. Why is an attempt at protecting the health and safety of the flying public, and the public at large, considered “shameful”? Yes, toddlers are rambunctious, energetic, amazing little beings. And I’m sure that trying to convince a two year old to continuously wear a mask, in addition to subjecting them to the stress of an airplane trip with multiple legs in the midst of a raging pandemic, must be beyond challenging! However, that isn’t the point here, and simply because a child is a child doesn’t exempt them from the guidelines because, at the end of the day, a toddler can still be an incubus of viral plague. Furthermore, it has been proven that in many juvenile cases of covid, the infection can be disseminated without the child even displaying any symptomatology. Like the first comment asked: what was the purpose of their trip to begin with? Perhaps alternative means of travel should be considered or postponement of the trip altogether? I don’t think posting to social media to get a rise out of people who aren’t even present in the moment and have little context for what actually transpired, and in the process drag a company that is simply trying to follow the rules, is irresponsible at best and gaslighting at worst. The only shameful behavior I see here is this family’s wanton desire to disobey best practices and safety guidelines and endangering not only their own safety and the safety of their children, but also the safety of everyone that they encounter.

  7. This sounds like a setup by the perpetrators. Everyone knows the rules by now and that AA took action recently re. this same issue. Children can be symptom free, active superspreaders.

  8. If you can’t control your brat, don’t fly. Simple. Why are so many narcissistic sociopaths travelling in the middle of a deadly pandemic with 3000 people dying daily? Americans truly suck

  9. Briana, honey…you have small children and flying is stressful now, with lots of rules (all for our safety and health).

    You should have sheltered-in-place like the politicians told you.

    Stop crying.

  10. @Marv – If you don’t like Americans don’t live here. Plain and simple. I love this country despite all of our challenges. If American is so bad why do you think that so many people risk their lives to try and get here?

  11. Between the incompetent airlines, the CDC plus a broken system of government which is dysfunctional in a crisis, the US has sunk to levels below third world. No where else in the world do we hear about issues like the ones shared during this wasted year.

  12. Gosh, seems like everyone’s health on the plane was more important than a child having a snack. Good, that’s how it should be.

  13. Marv – would you like me to send you a picture of the ocean I’m looking at right now, while you sit at home living in fear, waiting for government to tell you when it’s ok to do something?

  14. No no not three 1000 people are dying everyday kind of the virus but of other diseases yes probably. Was hard to read harsh comments being made on parents? I think it’s ridiculous that children have to wear masks anyway anywhere outside anywhere! especially on an airplane I hope these rules get changed sorry, it’s so ridiculous. More people need to read the science on this virus to get the real facts on it! and not what the media is telling us.Lol

  15. That’s just sad Gary. I am facing a similar situation with a 25 month old. We have tried teaching her to wear a mask to no avail. My wife, daughter and I flying ultra longhaul tomorrow due to an emergency (not flying is not a choice). I would prefer to fly United, where I am 1K. UA flies straight to my destination. There is plenty of upgrade availability through PlusPoints. But I am forced to fly a European airline. Two things make it a much worse option than United.

    1. The European airline will not let us board unless we have test results on boarding and landing. The final destination in Asia also requires a test on landing. Test has to be within 72 hours of landing, which makes it a 48 hour gap in effect. Two labs where we took the test said it’s not likely we will receive the results in time. So we will go to the airport and return if we don’t get results by close of check-in.

    2. Our destination requires 7 days institutional quarantine for flights from Europe (even transit) paid by us. Flights from the US are not subject to this.

    Sorry to be long winded but this is beyond frustrating as you can imagine. 🙂

  16. This is why I will not fly during the mask mandate even though I am Executive Platinum. All it takes is one flight attendant on a power trip to turn an innocuous situation into an escalating confrontation. Ridiculous this issue escalated to the point of including a Federal Air Marshal and kicking an extended family off of a flight. Combine the flight attendants on power trips and the self appointed passenger mask police ready to pounce on anyone they deem takes their mask down to eat or drink a second or two too long; its like gasoline waiting for a spark.

  17. Children’s are super spreaders. Should wear mask as per CDC rule. This kind of drama going on for so long this family should know . This no mask mayhem exist only in USA . We challenge every single rule . When it comes to covid I belive science and they day children are super spreaders. Good job American . One rule for all

  18. Sounds to me as though they were letting the child do as she pleased and then made excuses for it: “The child was chewing.”

    Yeah, I doubt it.

    Airlines make the mask rules simple and well known. If your child won’t wear a mask or a seat belt, don’t fly or choose another airline.

    I am SO sick of entitled people who don’t think the rules apply to them.

  19. The pandemic taught me how corporations lazily defer to the CDC for their policies. Nobody wants to think for themselves due to liability.

  20. I almost had a similar incident on my December 28 United flight.
    A child — I’m guessing 2 or 3 years old — refused to wear a mask as we departed the gate. The flight attendant was very patient and spoke to the child and her Mother, and eventually the mask went on (albeit briefly). The FA did say “you cannot fly if you do not wear your mask.”
    After takeoff, the child proceeded to shriek/scream for most of the 2.5 hour flight.
    Thank God for noise cancelling headphones.

  21. One other point I think it’s good to mention is her comment “They would not refund us or give my mother in law her bag that had life-saving medication in it”

    Never Ever EVER put anything of importance or value in checked bags! If you NEED it, carry it on!
    This is a great example of what can happen if things go wrong. I always ask myself if I need it or would it be painful if it was lost or stolen. Electronics and other items of value often go missing in checked baggage and if you look at the terms of carriage, the airlines really have no responsibility.

  22. Well done American. The employees did exactly the right thing. Fatheaded parents who think they are exempt from rules that apply to everyone should be thrown off.

  23. I’m sick and tired of seeing children being abused by Airlines. Do they even know how hard it is it to keep a 2 year old still? To the one saying that there is no sense of urgency to eat on a short flight, I wouldn’t want to have you as a mother. Clearly, you don’t understand children! Masks give people a fake sense of protection!! Another Airline I won’t be flying with ever again. Poor family!! This is just plain ridiculous!

  24. Its not hard to see how a forward civilized country like 1930″s Germany changed into the monstrous murderous entity it became. Humans turned into automatons that parroted every rule lie that their
    government mandated. They were content with their science that told them they were the master race.

  25. Thank You to all of the commenters who have voiced support of AA and the Flight Attendants who are simply enforcing policy. If you or your children can’t or won’t follow the rules that you agreed to when you purchased your cheap ticket, then by all means stay home. There is a lot wrong with the parents side of the story, starting with the “Air Marshall” that was summoned to assist, that is not even remotely their job.

  26. Stop bashing the airlines. These people agreed to the mask wearing terms before they were allowed to check in for the fight, then they want to make a big deal out of a rule they agreed to!? Selfish and spoiled adults raising unbehaved kids is why we’re even reading a story like this

  27. I fly a lot. When you purchase a ticket it tell you that agree to comply when you click the button. If you knew what your child may not comply. why didn’t you rent a car over flying. A lot of passengers have / live with elderly family members. Why should they or the employee shoukd be put in this situation. You knew the rules and agreed to them when you book your flight. Stop being the victim when the rest of the passengers are the victim

  28. “A husband and wife boarded their flight on American Airlines from Charlotte to Jacksonville along with their 4 year old and 2 year old and two grandparents”

    Exactly how old are the husband and wife?

    “their 4 year old and 2 year old and two grandparents”

    Well done, quality journalism.

    Need I say more?

  29. That’s reduless, yes younger children have a hard time understanding what’s going with this virus. But come on they dont know why they have to wear a funny mask over there face
    Getting thrown off of a flight. That’s crazy. I think some Adults have a hard time understanding why they have to wear a mask aswell as I see alot of Adults not wearing masks and taking the percouctions they should, I think if everyone would follow the rules we would be able to move on without this virus but no theres ones out there that they think they know everything,

  30. As a parent of three and grandparent of five, I can tell you… this is the very reason my grandchildren are not traveling on airplanes during this pandemic. For most children that age, one cannot expect them to keep a mask on, thus, it’s beyond inconsiderate to put them on an airplane right now. And, I’m sorry but What about the potential risk to this child. Who plays Russian roulette w a babies health like that?
    People are acting with shocking disregard for themselves and others right now. That’s exactly why this country is being ravaged with the virus. Too many selfish, entitled people acting recklessly.
    And yes… I am shaming these parents because they clearly think they have been wronged here. I can’t stand the new AA. Parker is the absolute worst in every way, but these parents are a perfect example of what’s gotten us to this place that we are in.
    And I seriously doubt that anyone recommended that they leave their baby at an airport while they rent a car and drive away. That’s ludicrous.
    Famous last words sputtered from dying COVID patients…”This virus is no joke.”
    Come on.
    Keep masks on or Do Not Fly. Period.
    One last thing. Stop whining and posting on social media when you are the one that broke the agreement.

  31. @PM1: is the emergency vital enough to risk your life and the life of your family? And the lives and the lies of those you come in contact with? I understand If a loved one is dying that you would want to see them before the end but under the current circumstances I would consider that an indulgence. If no one is dying, why the emergency? If it is, indeed an emergency of a type I cannot imagine Would it be possible for you, alone to fly thereby reducing the opportunity for spread?
    All that said, the airline should be clear about 2-year-olds. If a child is one year & 364 days old that child is not a 2-year-old correct? If the child is 2 years and one day old is that child over 2 years old? In any case, it would be safer for everyone if no one was allowed to remove their mask and no food offered during a flight. Eat before and after. Most parents know their children well enough to know if they could reliably keep a mask on for the duration of the flight. Otherwise, don’t fly.

  32. So let me get this straight they kick a 2 year old off a flight for not wearing a mask but the web site says 2 and under don’t have to wear a mask

  33. Entitled parents should not travel with stubborn kids while these rules are in effect. Highly unlikely that an airline would place a lifetime ban on a two-year-old.
    The precious darlings should visit distant relatives and friends via the internet.
    Checking in “life-saving” meds and equipment? How risky can you get?
    Airline personnel have contact with so many people. They’re already taking a big risk in the performance of their jobs.

  34. @Kristina – Really? A 2 year old child? Have you ever had a 2 year old child? Raising a 2 year old child is like trying to walk a cat on a leash. Try as you might the cat has a say in it as well.

    Or maybe you just like showing your authority and pushing a 2 year old around? You work for the worst airline in the country if not the world and you might just be part of the problem!

  35. I do not know the details of the kid refusing wearing the mask.. and I do understand and support airlines enforcing wearing mask..however, I encourage everyone to be more sympathetic with your comments. I have not a 2 years old by a 3 years old. Having her wear a mask it has been a nightmare. Is not that I don’t want my kid to follow the rules it’s that not all the kids are the same and I keep her at home as much as I can but resources are not always available. I also have a 12 years old with severe autism to my suprise and bless I had him to wear a mask but from time to time he takes it off and I immediately put it back. Gentlemens don’t rush to make assumptions..I wish to be reach and don’t bother anyone with the misbehaviour of my kids and have everything I need at home but is no the case. Our kids are being born with more and more disabilities I wish nobody wear my shoes but I do ask to be please to be more sympathetic.

  36. It’s pretty amazing how many people are using the “two years olds are hard to control!” as an argument for anything other than not bringing your 2 year old child on a plane during a pandemic…

  37. I know it is hard to fly with little ones even more so now. Perhaps families with small children have to consider not traveling during this mandate. Risky for the grandparents as well. Airline was just doing their job.

  38. @ Ryan – When you book your tickets they ask you how old each passenger is correct? Anyone that has ever had a 2 year old know that at any given time they can be difficult. So why doesn’t the greedy begging airlines step up to the plate and say “no children under 5/10/12, pick a number. They won’t do that because they want the money. The is just a power trip by the airlines and the Professional Flight Beggars Association to show their authority and push people around. Karma will get them!

  39. @CLT – The airlines deserve all the bashing they get. They are the worst run businesses on the planet and they are using TAX DOLLARS to pay flight crews full pay not to work.

  40. Unfortunately I can’t say I’m surprised as AA stranded my wife in Brazil for 2 months at the beginning of Covid because we bought her flight with points, they canceled her route (demand not lock downs), and only offered to bring her back in Sept or Oct. Ended up paying double for a one way, 43 hour flight to get her home on United.
    I do feel very sorry for this family and the poor kiddo that was hungry. Hopefully the publicity will prevent any other families from going through this experience.

  41. A 2 year old is the mirror image of how the parents raised them. Since when is it society’s job to have to deal with a bratty 2 year old, excuse of bad parenting skills. I have 2 nephews 2 and 1.5, both of them can keep a mask on with no issues.

    The airlines you blame, this sounds like a spoiled society that wants to do what they want, and not be told.

    Airlines have put the rules up front,, just because you don’t want to follow the rules is not a given right for you to bash the airlines because you don’t follow the rules.

    Who is the parent here?

    When I was younger we were expected to behave in public, or we won’t be allowed to leave the house.

    Grow up! Your child us not the baby Jesus, and you need to teach them how to behave in public or leave them home.

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