American Airlines Passenger Demands Off A Flight, Thinks Man Seated Near Her Is A Ghost [New Video Copy]

Video posted to TikTok shows a woman ranting as she leaves an American Airlines flight prior to departure in Dallas, yelling that she needs off because there’s a passenger on board who “is not real.” And, she says, anyone that stays on board will die alongside that passenger.

A reposting of the original video is garnering millions of views under the hashtag #drunkonaplane although it doesn’t seem that the woman is drunk. The person sharing the video notes that,

  • The entire aircraft was forced to deplane
  • The woman wasn’t arrested
  • Was allowed “back through security” after the incident, presumably being able to rebook onto a later flight

Shared by “texaskansasnnn” on Sunday, it’s not clear which flight this happened on. The claim is that this led to a three hour delay. There wasn’t an obvious good match while reviewing Dallas – Wichita segments, although perhaps some of you will sleuth the possibilities. Sussing out the aircraft tail number would be interesting. Maybe it’s haunted!

Here’s what happened, though note that the video’s language is very much not safe for work and is not even safe for work from home. If you have family around for the 4th of July holiday, it’s likely not safe for them either:

I’m not sure what to say about this American Airlines passenger thinking it’s someone else that is a hallucination.

In Fight Club Tyler Durden isn’t real. Neither is Snuffleupagus in Sesame Street – at least until the producers decided to make him visible to everyone on the show and not just Big Bird. Perhaps that’s what this woman is hoping for here, an imaginary character that suddenly everyone else can see to prove that she’s sane.

In literature, imaginary characters are often used to highlight an internal conflict of the character envisioning them, or to show that character’s psychological challenges. Ironically, this device seems to be used on American Airlines flights to accomplish this as well.

(HT: Live And Let’s Fly)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. The voices in my head tell me she’s nuts. But then so is rebooking her.

  2. Mental illness and/or drug use. Shame on you for exploiting this woman for clicks.

  3. TLU might want to reread the Constitution, which has some thoughts on cruel and unusual punishments such as slaps to the face.

  4. You crossed well over the line of good taste here. The woman is obviously experiencing some mental illness episode.

  5. @Christian

    It’s obvious to educated people like you and me; overall awareness of mental health is low in the population.

    In any case, yes, poor taste and this post ought to be deleted.

  6. I also doubt it is coincidence that the thumbnail image for this post is centered where it is.

  7. @Alison

    This site is not “exploiting” the woman in this video. People behaving inappropriately on commercial aircraft is a news event. If someone behaves inappropriately in public, whether they suffer from mental illness or not, is newsworthy.

    In addition, when learning about a news story, if there is video of the event, I want to have the opportunity to watch it.

  8. Exploiting her?

    Too bad. She’s out in public. Why did her family/friends/doctor let her out?

  9. After a Final Destination marathon with my daughter I would have exited the plane immediately.

  10. @alison

    130-150+ people were delayed over 3 hours EACH because of this loon, plus the impact to other flights with this plane. How is anyone else but this nut the problem? Nonsense, and people need to start being held accountable for their own actions.

  11. Still needed a slap in the face to shut her up from throwing the F word around, children were likely forced to listen to her rant.

    Booze, drugs, illness, bad childhood, hundreds of years of oppression, religion, Bruce Willis, being born the wrong or any sex, her family, doctors, etc – what other excuses can we make for her odd behavior that she’s not held responsible for?

  12. I was on that flight. 4 rows above her and 5 rows behind the person who took this video. She definitely was not drunk. Spooked about something for sure. No one knows who she was referring to though. It’d probably be best to reach out to the airport to find out specifics. AA flight 1009.

  13. Did anyone else notice how the baseball cap-wearing guy sitting in the forward cabin aisle seat seemed to be checking out the deplaning passenger’s butt in the video?

  14. Hopefully, this woman was on drugs, and later came down. That or she failed to take her drugs and veered off the road. Otherwise, an obviously psychotic break like the one she displayed is a very dangerous sign.
    When I say drugs, that certainly includes the usual culprit, alcohol, but if you mix that with other stuff, she could become delusional.
    People drinking and doing drugs before a flight is one of the biggest problems for airlines, who depend on quiet, stable customers to sit in an uncomfortable tube for hours.

  15. With Elvis sitting behind her singing Turn Around Look at Me, getting off the plane was a smart move. Kudos to her for sounding the warning

  16. Well, over 80% of Americans believe in an imaginary invisible sky pal, so a ghost in coach? Sure why not.

    The holy spirit moved her, and she began speaking in tongues.

    Fine her, block her from flying AA for year for her behavior. Don’t care the underlying cause of the behavior.

  17. Out of Texas? I really thought this was going to be about her reaction to a transgender person.

  18. Zebraitis,

    The Air Carrier Access Act makes it illegal for airlines to discriminate against passengers because of medical disabilities. Isn’t mental illness a disability?

  19. hallucinations can seem as real as real can be. i experienced them with some new meds i was prescribed, mixed with those i was already taking, at least that was the assumption. i was totally convinced that the people (even some animals) inside my apartment were real. they were not, but it took convincing by friends and counselors before i accepted it. i got new meds and haven’t seen any ghosts since. so, i can relate to her freaking out. i freaked out the first time a dog jumped up onto my bed to lay next to me. when i reached down to pet it, it disappeared. that was a clue.

  20. It is, which is why there have been those emotional support animal situations that got out of control.

  21. Zebraitis says: Well, over 80% of Americans believe in an imaginary invisible sky pal, so a ghost in coach? Sure why not.

    Actually this is the most intelligent comment ever. So why not? Both are invisible and can’t be proven. Can’t prosecute someone for their beliefs, correct? Allison can tell us whether its in the Constitution.

    Well said, Zebraitis

  22. She is obviously in distress and no one seems to have tried to console her (but can you blame them — with the exception of the mean people that said mean things — how would you handle that without making her more upset or escalating it), but the airline I think did the right thing in leaving her alone and letting her off the plane without involving the police and making it worse. The real fool here is the idiot that recorded this and posted it online, then cowardly removes their account. Why hurt someone even more? Jerk. Or maybe she did notice something off; wouldn’t surprise me today with all the UFO info. coming out.

  23. People do die during flights on airlines. Maybe she is empathic. Why couldn’t a plane be haunted?

  24. People believe and see Angels everyday. so you best believe that there are demons also. They are among us.

  25. There were ghost stories with Delta flights before, which were all related to a crushed Delta plane.. The salvaged parts were used for other planes. Ghost of downed plane’s captain would appear in each plane. Once they ditched all the good parts from the doomed plane, the phenomena stopped, I heard.
    We never know if she is I’ll or saying a truth.

  26. This is a great idea, Next time some 350 lb. person is bending out the armrests in the chair next to me, I can just declare poltergeist and got out of my flight! Honestly though, the individual described in the article is clearly suffering from psychological issue, and for the article writer to lament that she wasn’t arrested because of it is also a psychological issue. aka Pot calls kettle black.

  27. I am a great lawyer ask anyone in Denver. The woman on the plane to Orlando saw a hologram as sourced to me.

  28. I want to know her side of the story… I don’t care about any shameful comments to degrade her. She was her own truth and I want to hear it.
    I say this… Because what if she didn’t see a ghost, but a “person” that wasn’t.
    How do we not know if there aren’t tests being conducted with artificial people?
    Why were all of the passengers removed and not just her?
    Instead of pointing fingers that she may be delusional.. what is her truth? I’m not saying what is the truth, but what’s her truth?

  29. Look for the TikTok video by @retiredbartender from a passenger describing the exchange between the woman and the hoodie guy.

    That she was willing to risk real jail time to abandon a flight speaks volumes about how real this is, at least to her.

    Remember that people use terms like “nuts” “crazy” “mental” “schizo” and others to diminish the credibility of women.

  30. @Doris: You’re as whacked mentally as she is.

    She had a mental break from reality and you think she might actually be on to something.

    I suggest meds. For both of you.

    @MellyBelle: Stop making excuses. It had nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman, assuming you can define what that is these days.

  31. @1kBrad. Why would you call me whack? The news is all around with these human like robots that especially creepy.
    A long time back, you would have thought I was whack for saying we would be flying in a tube in the sky. Or driving a machine around that had these water like appearance.. but solid that goes up and down if you push a button.
    We now have flying cars on pre order.
    You’re the delusional one for not believing things can be real.
    Would you have believed that we would be talking to a box in our living room to turn the lights on when you were a little kid?

  32. @Doris: I previously thought you might be whacked.

    I am now certain that you are either, 1) completely whacked; or 2) a troll.


  33. 1kbrad yeah. I’m the whack one while Sophia human robot is running around in the world. Calling people names instead of being reasonable for the actual possibilities in the world. What rock are you living under?
    I’m very aware of people on medications. But I’m also aware of what’s possible. Just a guess you may not be aware of what’s on the assembly line for production.
    After all, even Sandra Bullock admits she uses baby foreskin for facials.

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