Austin Mistaken for Atlanta? Delta’s Hilarious Airport Mix-Up [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. As an Austin resident.. trust me… this is not Atlanta.

    Imagine admitting to being an Austin resident.

    The US has exactly one non-embarrassing city of which one can be a resident. That city is New York. The reason is every ambitious young person, in any field, from any part of the country, aims for New York. You either come here or you’re a loser. That causes brain drain from every other city. I haven’t even touched upon the fact that Manhattan is the only place in the US that feels like a “real city” by global standards, the only place where you can not only get by without a car but a car is actively a hindrance and slower to get around with, that all top firms in top industries are either headquartered or significantly present here.

    I’m going to drop the SFO from my name because after spending more time in NYC the embarrassment of being from SFO is weighing on me.

  2. Do not book SAS business within Europe because SAS does not have a regional or intra-Europe business-class product. Unfortunately, Delta is offering a nonexistent product for sale.

  3. Imagine posting about being from New York when your airport love seems to be New Jersey…

    but sane people don’t brag about living in the sewage filth that is NYC, sorry… New Jersey

  4. 1975 was better for air travel , and also better for everything else .

    7 times the number of flights today = 7 times worse for everyone .

  5. I guess we know how the JV is doing when Delta/Latam are spending money to market “Lakefront Atlanta” to Cariocas.

    Heads up to all Brasilians, the only people that visit Atlanta for tourism are “very VERY related relatives” from Alabama and Mississippi to visit the enormous shrine to the confederacy built into a large rock, an overhyped Aquarium, or to speed up their diabetes death at the Coke museum.

  6. NYC football teams playing in Jersey. Oh right, they can’t build a football stadium in NYC, not even in Staten Island.

  7. Hey @SFO/EWR ! You are correct, the SFO part IS embarrassing, for sure I’d drop that too. That said, the EWR part is also embarrassing, maybe you should move to Austin !

  8. @ SFO/EWR — Wow, I just went to NYC yesterday and was commenting about how much I hate it. I travel the world and have been to NYC a 100 times, and I think it is a hell hole. To each their own.

  9. @ Gene — actually I think this place is a hell hole as well. The primary reason I’m here is for the money and cachet. My clients will take me more seriously if I claim to have experience on both coasts.

  10. We can’t read the mobile lounge FT article and I don’t want to pay up to $75/month to do so beyond the free trial.

    If I recall wasn’t there a regional airline pilot shortage? How did that become a surplus? Or is this just with Horizon?

    Does any airport use mobile lounges to board airplanes directly as Saarinen intended? The last time I was at IAD it was just to connect concourses/terminals.

  11. Middle of the night flights are proportionally fewer and one reason may be that there are more restrictions about nighttime noise. At that time, you knew that living near an airport was noisy. Now people use the courts, the government and lawyers to enhance their property values by lessening nighttime noise. Personally I fly overnight a relatively high percentage of my flights.

  12. Atlanta is my hometown, so I can berate it. Quite possibly the worst pock mark in the crust of planet Earth. Where is Sherman when you need him? It is too bad this town rose from the ashes because it really should have just stayed ashes. Inexplicably horrific companies like Delta–the Diarrhea Airline, Coca-Cola–syrupy sewer water, or Home Depot–crap hardware and below-low grade lumber. Or is it the arrogance of the slogan “the city too busy to hate”? Let’s just stick with Diarrhea Delta not knowing the skyline of the town it calls home. Come on, Delta. Lie to us some more. We can take it.

  13. And it’s people like the above that justifies me hating Noo Yawk, everyone who lives there, and their pathetic going-broke Hometown Airline. Arrogant a-holes who live in a rat-infested hellscape. Note that Snake Plissken wanted to escape from there.

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