A collection of interesting links you’ll want to see, many you’ll want to click.
Rumor: American Opening First Class Flagship Lounge in Dallas
“Full [Flagship Lounge] rumored to be returning to DFW D [terminal]. With temp[orary Flagship Lounge] (very limited in scope) to open imminently (in that closed smoking room, if I understand correctly.)
I think for sure we’ll be seeing more improvements and upgrades in lounges and lounge food in particular in coming months. I sense a big focus in this area developing…”
Get Up to 10 Premium Award Seats on the Same Transatlantic Flights
With Austin – London changing over from a Boeing 787 to a larger 777, award space opens wide up. You can get as many as 10 premium award seats on a single flight!
What Do Emirates and the Joint Strike Fighter Have in Common?
Advertising in Washington DC is unlike advertising anywhere else. They don’t want you to buy consumer products. They want you to fund appropriations. And Emirates wants legislators not to side with United, Delta, and American and limit their flying to the U.S…
Features and Economics of the Miami Centurion Lounge Revealed!
American Express’ lease with the Miami airport reveals the features and costs of their new Centurion lounge by gate D12 that opens early June.
Who Has the Most Miles and Points? Here’s How Many You’d Need to Be in the Top Spot.
Someone has accumulated over 120 million American Express Membership Rewards points.
The Story Behind the Trippy Tunnel Connecting United Concourses at O’Hare
People frequently mention that the bizarre tunnel which connects United’s B and C concourses at Chicago O’Hare “feel like Disney.” Indeed it does, and here’s why.
Is It Wrong That Members of Congress Get Special Treatment from the Airlines?
In dismissing Members of Congress signing a letter of support for US airlines against the Middle East carriers, the Business Travel Coalition’s Kevin Mitchel writes in The Hill, Members are allowed to double and triple book flights home from Washington and pay nothing week in and week out for multiple changes while, in contrast, ordinary citizens can pay hundreds of dollars to make just a single flight change. Airlines cultivate a cozy relationship with members through that practice as well as special reservations desks that begin the very exceptional treatment members receive throughout the entire travel experience. I’ve explained this before, of course. And I’m not sure exactly how I feel about it. Government fares are refundable and changeable anyway. That’s not inherently coddling of legislators in exchange for favors. The government is a huge…
25,000 Alaska Miles for Checking Account, TSA Hanky Panky, and More
A collection of interesting links you’ll want to see, many you’ll want to click.
Alaska Airlines Was Shocked When Delta Partnership Unraveled
The airline’s CEO shares that Alaska Airlines was ‘shocked’ when their Delta partnership unraveled. Now competition is making them better.