About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Delta is Discounting First Class for the Holidays: Here’s Why

Delta is pitching cheap first class upgrades for the holidays. They’re advertising, UPGRADE TO FIRST CLASS FOR AS LITTLE AS AN ADDITIONAL $49 EACH WAY AND ENJOY MORE LUXURY ON BOARD. My first thought, of course, was Tens of Dollars upgrades.. is Delta managing by doing what United does? Then of course I realized, the holidays, they’re simply saying ‘demand for our premium cabins falls when business travel dries up over Thanksgiving’ so let’s pitch first class to leisure travelers and recognize that the spread in pricing between coach and first class may shrink during that period. The way you maximize your chances of an upgrade is to fly when business travelers aren’t flying — avoiding Monday morning and Thursday and Friday evenings especially. But that also includes, just fly over the holidays. Unless of…

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How Should My Comments Be Moderated, and What Should Be Expected of Commenters.. And Me?

I like to mix it up in the comments sometimes, especially when I think a comment is unfair or dishonest, or focuses too much on motives rather than on the strength of an argument. After all, it’s the internet. And many of us have seen that cartoon of the man hunched over a computer in his living room while his wife beckons him into the bedroom… “Just a minute, dear, someone is wrong on the internet!” But back in May I pledged to try to do better. I haven’t always lived up to my pledge, but I’m still inspired by a post a friend left on Facebook six months ago: How to compose a successful critical commentary: (1) You should attempt to re-express your target’s position so clearly, vividly, and fairly that your target says,…

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A Second Atlanta Airport Gets Closer to Reality, While Delta Fights Against It Tooth and Nail

Atlanta is the busiest airport and it’s dominated by Delta. So just like American Airlines fought hard against Southwest Airlines resurrecting use of Dallas Love Field in the 1970s, Delta is fighting to stop Paulding Northwest Atlanta Airport, about 40 miles from the city, from starting to allow commercial service. The airport is getting closer to becoming a reality. The approval by the Federal Aviation Authority, related to the handling of federal grants for the Paulding Northwest Atlanta Airport, clears the way for the environmental study that is seen as the last major step before the FAA would decide on whether to allow commercial service at the single-runway airport, located about 40 miles from Atlanta. And Delta doesn’t like it one bit. Delta, its pilots’ union, Atlanta’s mayor and some local residents say the county’s…

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Finding Better Card Offers In-Branch, Delta’s New First Class Seat, and Spend the Night in an Aircraft Hotel Room

News and notes from around the interweb: Delta’s new domestic first class seat As I write this I’m more than 100 miles from the nearest Chase branch, so I can’t verify any of this myself, but a report of some good signup offers for credit cards available only in-person in-branch> Spend the night in a KLM MD-11 aircraft apartment I’d like to think I would have handled a similar situation nearly this well. How to cancel gogo inflight internet’s recurring billing. Personally I like not having to re-opt in every month (it’s changed my life), but I do use it every month and multiple times a month. In general I don’t think recurring billing is a great idea, it’s too easy to sign up for things and become complacent and not cancel the things you…

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United Increases Revenue Requirements for Elite Status

United has updated their elite qualification critieria at united.com to show that next year the minimum spending requirement to earn elite status will go up for each status level by 20%. That’s the exact percentage that Delta is raising their requirement. So United isn’t looking at their elite ranks and figuring out at what spend level they’ll have a manageable number of elites for which they can deliver consistent benefits. They’re cribbing what Delta is doing, assuming that Delta is smarter than they are and must know what they’re doing. (Of course Delta’s business is materially different than United’s, from their customer base to their corporate contracts to load factor to cities served, so United management may find that “your mileage may vary.”) In 2015 you will have to fly and spend: 25,000 miles or…

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Please Cast Your Ironic Vote for View from the Wing!

Chrstopher Elliott is running a poll about the best travel blog. Somewhat surprisingly, I’m nominated. Now, I can’t imagine actually winning a best blog award voted on by his readers. Goodness knows he and I have had our disagreements in the past, and our audiences – who our writings are likely to appeal to – probably differ greatly. (Although it should be said, despite those differences I do think he does a good job advocating for consumers trapped inside of travel provider bureaucracies.) The top vote getters have about 10 times the number of votes that this blog has so far. But I’d love to at least come out ahead of Peter Greenberg. So please consider voting for View from the Wing! If only because it would be deliciously ironic. You can join the 40,000+…

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Why Uber Will Win Its Political Fights: Data on Congressional Use of the App

Readers know that I’m a big fan of Uber, the on-demand car service. You download an app to your phone, request a pickup with the press of a button. You watch your vehicle on a map as it drives to you and shows you how many minutes away the car is. You can stay inside at home or at a restaurant until it shows up. Your payment details are on file, so when the trip is over you just get out and you’re emailed a receipt. There are several options in different markets — like black cars, UberX which is individuals with their own cars that drive you, and in some cities even UberTaxi where you’re just requesting a cab through the app. New customers get a free ride up to $30 in value when…

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United Visa Lounges, Prepaid Reloadables at Target, and $150 Off $150 Spend With AT&T

News and notes from around the interweb: I didn’t even know what this was or that it was a thing. American Express has its Centurion lounges now in several airports. The United Visa has its pop up lounges in suburban malls in key markets. The United cardholders lounges will be back at Westfield San Francisco Centre and The Mall at Short Hills, New Jersey this holiday season. Ten tips for a perfect family vacation in Paris Reloadable debit cards spotted at Target Pilot’s eye view landing through a thick cloud in Queenstown, New Zealand. Remarkable. $150 off $150 spend at AT&T. I know which of my cards I’ll be using for my next AT&T bill! You can join the 40,000+ people who see these deals and analysis every day — sign up to receive posts…

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United 20% Off Europe Award Sale

United is offering a 20% off discount on Europe economy award tickets for specific destinations. Book by December 4 for travel between January 12 and March 12 on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and you’ll save 20% on awards to Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva, Hamburg, London, Munich, Paris and Zurich. Only United flights are eligible, and travel must originate in the U.S. (excluding Hawaii) or Canada. Open jaws are permitted but stopovers are not allowed. This sale makes a 60,000 mile roundtrip award just 48,000 miles. You can also combine a saver award with a standard award, taking the savings one-way and paying extra miles the other, though I don’t generally recommend this approach. There are fewer date restrictions than a similar Delta offering but also fewer destinations. Not something to get excited over,…

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The Surprising Honesty Behind the US Airways Chef’s Philosophy of Food

Update: (November 12 7:15pm This post was based on an interview published in the Phoenix New Times with an individual identified as in charge of designing onboard premium cabin menus for US Airways. I’ve since learned that he is not currently an employee there. As a result, it’s not fair to assign weight to his comments as indicative of current thinking at the airline. In a surprisingly honest piece, we get “Nathan Brown, Menu Designer for US Airways, on What It Takes to Make Airplane Food” After culinary school, Nathan Brown worked at The Phoenician, at a golf course, and at Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak as their executive sous chef. He creates US Airways premium cabin inflight menus: The job entails crafting four lunch and four dinner menus for the airline; the different menus are…

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